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Cancer is the
Second leading cause of death in the United States
Abnormal growth of new tissue
Abnormal development of cells
Spread of cancer from one organ to another
Because of cancer is
Not known but it is thought to be hereditary viruses environmental carcinogens it may be emotional stress may contribute to it
Cancel it's not
Merited but some family seem to have a genetic predisposition for it
Cancer causing substances such as x-rays or nuclear waste
There are four main types of cancer which are
Carcinomas sarcomas lymphomas leukemias
Carcinomas involve
The epithelial cells these includes the outer layer of the skin membrane line in digestive tract bladder wall any doctor tube that goes through organs in the body
Sarcoma is a cancer of the soft tissues in the body such as
Muscle fat nervous tendons blood lymph valves
Sarcoma can also occur
In the bone rather than the soft tissue and primarily in the legs
Lymphoma is already cancer of the
Lymphatic tissue these includes the lymph nodes bone marrow Splaine in thymus gland
Leukemias develop from
White blood cells and also affect the bone marrow and spleen
Skin cancer is becoming
More prevalent
There are three types of skin cancer
Basal cell, squamous cell, and melanoma
Basal cell carcinoma is
The most common
Those with fair skin light hair blue green or gray eyes and spend a lot of time in the sun have
A high likelihood of getting basal cell
Most causes of squamous cell or from
Chronic exposure to sunlight and enjoy the skin such as burns scars or long-standing sores
Melanoma is the most serious and
Deadliest form
Melanoma is it almost 100% curable and
Really exam by dermatologist is recommended for early diagnosis of our skin cancers
The following viruses have been linked to cancer
Epstein barr, hepatitis B, human papilloma virus (HPE)
The vaccine is available to prevent
Liver cancer from hepatitis B and cervical cancer from HPV
Diet high in fiber help
Event against colorectal cancer
That is containing sufficient amount of vitamin C may protect against
Cancers of the stomach and esophagus
I just containing sufficient carotine in vitamin a rich foods me protect against
Answers of the long bladder and larynx
Substances occur naturally and plant foods
One of the first indications of cancer maybe
Weight loss
Abnormally low amounts of protein in the blood
The sense of smell and taste may be
Affected because of the cancer
After chemo therapy clients may experience
Their food tasting metallic
The cancer clients complain about
Their food tasting too sweet
Insulin production may be abnormal so
Hyper glycemia can delay the stomach emptying and dull the appetite
Some cancer is cause hypocalcemia if it is chronic
Renal stones in impaired kidney functions can occur
Severe Malnutrition and body wasting caused by chronic illness
Medical treatment of cancer can include
Surgical removal radiation and/or chemotherapy
It's treatments have side effects and
They undermine the nutritional status of the client
Sore dry mouth caused by a reduction of Salvatori secretions may be caused by radiation treatment for cancer
Chemotherapy reduces the
Ability of the small intestines to regenerate absorptive cells and it can also cause hemorrhage it colitis
Both radiation and chemo
Suppress appetite
Other symptoms may be
Nausea vomiting diarrhea
The nutrients in caloric needs of the cancer clients are
Greater than they were before the onset of the disease
Clients on high protein high calorie diet's tolerate the side effects of therapy And higher doses of drugs
Better than those who eat normally
Anorexia is a
Major problem in cancer clients
Cancer clients tend to have
Strong add versions because of chemo
It is preferable that chemotherapy be with held for
2 to 3 hours before an after meals
The appetite and absorption usually improve after chemo so the client can improve
Nutritional status between chemo treatments
Calorie needs will vary from client to client but
40 to 50 cal per kilogram of body weight may be recommended
Carbs and fat will need to provide energy to spare
Protein for tissue building an immune system
Clients with God and nutritional status will need from
1.0 to 1.2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight
Malnourished clients will need
1.3 to 2.0 Grams of protein per kilogram of body weight
During chemo and radiation it is good to eliminate
Vitamin C and A in supplemental form and in a diet because they work against the cancer treatment
Several small meals a day may be tolerated better than
Three large meals a day
It is better to say nutritionally rich meals for early in the day because
Clients are less tired and may have better appetites
Enternal or TPN may become necessary if
Cachexmia is extreme