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Can you rely on self assessments for personality disorders?
What is personality disorder?
Psychological disorder that negatively affects a person’s life (pervasive pattern of maladaptive behavior)
How many areas must be affected in a maladaptive way on a regular basis for personality disorder?
2 out of 4
What are the four areas assessed for personality disorder?
Interpersonal relationships
Impulse control
How many clusters are there for personality disorder?
What type of cluster for personality disorder is disturbed perceptions and have odd or eccentric personality characteristics such as schizotypal, schizoid, and/or paranoid?
Cluster A
What type of cluster A is discomfort with and reduced capacity for close relationships and cognitive and perceptual distortions that are actually within a realm of possibility?
What are characteristics associated with schizotypal?
Odd beliefs, magical thinking
Body image distortion
Paranoid ideation, suspiciousness
Odd behavior/appearance
Persistent social anxiety
Odd thought processing, speech
What type of cluster A is detachment from social relationships and restricted range of expression and emotion?
What characteristics make up schizoid?
Lack of desire for close relationships
Chooses solitary experiences
Little interest in sexual experiences, employment, hobbies
Appears indifferent to praise/disapproval
Appears detached, flat affect
What type of cluster A is distrust and suspiciousness and believes motives of others are malicious?
What characteristics make up paranoid?
Preoccupied with doubts of others loyalty
Reluctant to confide for risk of it being used against them
Reads hidden meaning in benign remarks
Holds grudges
Readily perceives attacks on his/her character and responds angirly
For patients with cluster 1 disorders,
A) Do you expect the patient to trust you?
B) Do you expect to challenge beliefs, restate reality as you see it?
C) Should you be simple and calm?
D) Should you acknowledge the information you are receiving?
A) No
B) No
C) Yes
D) Yes
What are cluster B disorders?
Inability to recognize or care about effect on others
Dramatic, emotional, or impulsive personality characteristics
For cluster B, what are the dramatic, emotional, or impulsive personality characteristics?
What type of cluster B personality disorder is excessive emotionality and attention seeking behavior such as:
Unhappy unless they are the center of attention
Often sexually inappropriate or seductive in dress or behavior
Displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions
Consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self
Has a dramatic style of speech that is excessively based on personal impressions and not on fact
Dramatic emotional laden behavior
Susceptible to influence of others
Histrionic Personality Disorder
What type of cluster B personality disorder is displaying grandiosity, need for admiration and lack of empathy in a variety of contexts such as:
Grandiose sense of self-importance, exaggerates achievement and talents, and expects to be recognized as superior
Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or being loved and adored
Believes that he/she is “special” and can only be adequately understood or appreciated by other high status people
Requires excessive admiration
Extreme sense of entitlement – expects and deserves to be treated differently than others are treated
Exploitative in interpersonal relationships
Unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings or needs or others
Often envious of others or thinks others are envious of him/her
Demonstrates arrogant behaviors and attitudes
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
What cluster B personality disorder is disregarding for and violation of the rights of others such as:
Failure to obey laws that are meant to protect others
Deceitfulness, lying, conning for personal gain
Impulsivity and failure to consider consequences
Irritability and physical aggressiveness
Reckless disregard for the safety of others
Consistent personal irresponsibility related to work and financial obligations
Antisocial Personality Disorder
What are your considerations when working with a patient with cluster 2(B) disorders?
Focus on how intervention will be of benefit
Minimize issue of consequences of not participating or complying
Reinforce positive behaviors and their positive effects on the person
Ignore provocative statements or state clearly that you won’t respond if provoked
Do not become personally involved - lending money, socially, emotionally, ect…
What are 5 things NOT to say to someone with borderline personality disorder?
Other people have it worse
You need to grow up. Stop acting like a child
You’re too sensitive/over dramatic/ you exaggerate
Stop playing the victim/ take more responsibility for yourself
Self harm is disgusting / stupid / attention seeking
What is a Cluster C personality disorder?
Difficulty in developing healthy / positive relationships with others. Anxious, uptight, or avoidant personality traits
What are the types of cluster C personality disorders?
Obsessive - Compulsive PD
Avoidant PD
Dependent PD
What type of cluster C personality disorder is preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal conduct such as:
Details, rules, lists, organization, schedules – lose the overall purpose of activity
Perfectionism interferes with task completion
Excessive devotion to work to the exclusion of leisure activity and relationships
Overly conscientious, scrupulous, inflexible about morality, ethics, values that are not consistent with cultural or religious identity
Unable to discard worthless objects – not because of sentimental value
Reluctant or refuses to delegate tasks
Money may be hoarded against future catastrophes
Rigidity and stubbornness
Obsessive-Compulsive PD
What type of cluster C personality disorder is social inhibition, feelings or inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation by others indicated by:
Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact, due to fears of criticism, disapproval or rejection
Unwillingness to get involved with people due to fear of not being liked (“ if only “fantasy)
Shows restraint about intimate relationships due to fear of being ridiculed
Unusually unwilling to take personal risks or try new activities due to fear of embarrassment
Preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations
View self as socially inept, personally unappealing or inferior to others
Avoidant PD
What Cluster C personality disorder is excessive need to be taken care of - leads to submissive / clinging behavior, fear of separation as indicated by:
Difficulty making everyday decisions without excessive advice and reassurance
Needs others to assume responsibility for most parts of his/her life
Difficulty in expressing disagreement with others because of fear of loss of support or approval
Difficulty initiating projects or doing things on his/her own due to fear that they will fail, lack of self-confidence
Going to excessive lengths to get nurturing and support
Feeling helpless and uncomfortable being alone
Urgently seeks another relationship when one ends
Preoccupation with being left to take care of himself/herself
Dependent PD
What should you consider working with Cluster 3 (C) patients?
Protect yourself from emotional burnout
Not useful to try and build self-esteem but avoid creating plans that may result in failure or inability to carry out tasks
Plan on short-term interaction, any session may be the last
Keep communication to the point