Christian Studies- Matthew

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What is the main focus of the Gospel of Matthew?

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Year 9 Christian Studies- Gospel of Matthew

15 Terms


What is the main focus of the Gospel of Matthew?

The life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the long-awaited Messiah and King of the Jews.

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Who are the key people in the Gospel of Matthew?

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, the Twelve Apostles, Pharisees, Sadducees, Pilate, and Judas Iscariot.

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What do you learn about Jesus in the book of Matthew?

Jesus is the Messiah and King of the Jews who fulfills Old Testament prophecies, teaches about the Kingdom of Heaven, performs miracles, and ultimately sacrifices himself for the salvation of humanity.

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What are the main events of Jesus’ life in the book of Matthew?

  • His birth

  • Baptism by John

  • Ministry with teachings and miracles

  • Entry into Jerusalem

  • The Last Supper

  • Crucifixion

  • Resurrection

  • The Great Commission.

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Who is in Jesus’ family tree and what does that say about what Jesus came to do?

Abraham and King David signifying that Jesus fulfils God's promises to Israel and comes to be the Messiah and saviour for all people.

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What happened around Jesus’ birth and what does that mean?

  • The visit of the Magi

  • Herod's decision to kill male infants

  • The family's flight to Egypt

    Fulfilling prophecies and emphasising Jesus' divine mission and protection.

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How did different people respond to Jesus?

  • The disciples followed him

  • The crowds were amazed by his teachings and miracles

  • Religious leaders opposed him

  • Political authorities like Pilate ultimately condemned him

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What miracles did Jesus do and what do they mean?

  • Healing blind men

  • Calming the storm

  • Feeding the 5000

  • Raising Jairus’ daughter

  • Healed a paralysed man

  • Walked on water

  • Exorcising demons from men

  • Healing Canaaite women’s daughter

  • Healing a deaf and mute man

  • Healing a women who was bleeding

Revealed his divine authority over nature, disease, and evil, showcasing his role as the Messiah and Saviour. They symbolised the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies and demonstrated that faith in him brings both physical healing and spiritual salvation.

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What is the meaning of the parable of the sower?

  • A sower scatters seeds on different types of soil, producing varied results.

  • This parable illustrates how different people receive and respond to the message of the Kingdom of Heaven based on the condition of their hearts.

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What do the parables symbolise?

They use everyday situations to reveal deep truths about the Kingdom of Heaven, emphasising faith, preparation, responsibility, and the value of God’s grace.

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What did Jesus teach in the Sermon on the Mount?

  • True & false disciples/ prophets

  • Commitment & discipline

  • Judging others

  • Not worrying

  • Treasures in heaven

  • Giving, prayer, fasting

  • Love for enemies

  • Fulfilment of the law

  • Salt and light

  • The beatitudes

Jesus explained the principles of the Kingdom of Heaven, true righteousness, love, and trust in God are the foundations for living as his disciple.

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What events happened in the lead up to Jesus’ crucifixion?

  • Entry into Jerusalem

  • Cleansing of the temple

  • Teaching parables

  • Speaking of the end times, second coming

  • Judas’s plot to betray Jesus

  • The last supper

  • Jesus’s arrest, trials

    These events set the stage for his sacrificial death and his fulfillment of prophetic scriptures, his obedience to God's will, and the unfolding of God’s plan for humanity.

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What happened and what is the importance of Jesus’ death and resurrection?

His crucifixion provided the atonement for sin, fulfilling prophecy and demonstrating God's justice and love. His resurrection confirmed his divine identity, ensured victory over death, assured believers of their justification, and laid the foundation for the Christian faith, empowering believers to live transformed lives with the hope of eternal life.

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How are people saved?

People are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ, which involves believing in Him, repenting of sins, confessing Him as Lord, being regenerated by the Holy Spirit, and living a transformed life. Salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned, and it results in a new life marked by good works and spiritual renewal.

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"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)

  • Jesus is speaking to His disciples and the crowds during the Sermon on the Mount.

  • Before: Jesus teaches about judging others and the importance of self-awareness.

  • After: Jesus speaks about the Golden Rule and the narrow and wide gates.

  • The passage emphasises the importance of persistence in prayer and seeking God. Jesus assures that God responds to those who earnestly seek Him.

  • Matthew portrays Jesus as a compassionate teacher who encourages His followers to actively seek a relationship with God and trust in His provision.

  • This passage reminds me to be persistent in prayer and to trust that God listens and responds to my efforts to seek Him.

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