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This sacrament commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples, as described in the New Testament of the Bible.

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This sacrament commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples, as described in the New Testament of the Bible.


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Eucharist from Gk. Eucharistia means ___.


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Who are the ministers of the Eucharist?

Bishops​ and Priests

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What are the matter in the sacrament of Eucharist?

bread and wine

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The cup of wine in the Eucharist signifies ____ for the Jews.

Blood of Christ

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It refers to the belief that, during the consecration, the substance of the bread and wine is literally transformed into the actual body and blood of Christ

Ans: Transubstantiation - literal

Note: Transignification - represents

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Sacramentum means _______

sign of the sacred

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These are visible and concrete signs of Christ in our world. Unite people from all over the world. Signs of the unity of all humankind. Instruments to bring about Salvation.


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Who insituted the sacraments?


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The institution of the ____ is considered a foundational event in Christian theology, representing the self-offering of Jesus Christ for the redemption of humanity.


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Can the church institute new sacraments?

No. The Catholic Church holds that there are only seven sacraments, and these are considered fundamental and unchangeable.

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Inward grace refers to _____.

A closer relationship with God

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It is associated with the state of grace and is received especially through the sacraments. Mortal sin is understood to deprive the soul of this.

Sanctifying grace

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The Catholic Church, in particular, emphasizes the importance of ______ when receiving the sacraments. This involves various elements, including faith, repentance, openness, and a genuine understanding of the sacrament's significance.

Proper Disposition

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In Catholic theology, three sacraments are believed to leave an indelible mark or character on the soul. What are these?

Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders

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The oil used in the three sacraments which are believed to leave special marks on the soul is called ____, which is a mixture of olive oil and balsam, blessed by a bishop.

sacred chrism or chrism oil

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Baptizo means ____.

dipped or immersed in water

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It is often referred to as the "gateway" or "door" to the other sacraments. It is the first sacrament and marks the beginning of an individual's life as a Christian and a member of the Body of Christ.


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While bishops, priests, and deacons are the ordinary ministers of Baptism, there are situations in which non-ordained individuals may be permitted to baptize. In cases of emergency, when there is a risk of death and no priest or deacon is available, any person—Catholic or non-Catholic—can validly baptize by following the essential form and matter of the sacrament.


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Baptism by desire is the belief that individuals who, through no fault of their own, are not able to receive the sacrament of water baptism but desire to live in accordance with God's will and seek a relationship with God, can still receive the grace of baptism.


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Baptism by Blood is a process where individuals are physically bathed or immersed in actual blood to cleanse their sins directly related to the blood of the lamb mentioned in biblical contexts.

False - Not literally. This form of baptism refers to the belief that individuals who die for their faith, particularly in situations of persecution or martyrdom, receive the grace of baptism through their suffering and death.

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(Communion Rites)
Embolism: Give peace to Neighbors :: The Fraction : ______

Breaking of the bread

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(Communion Rites - True/False)

The Commingling: Host in the wine :: Agnus Dei : Breaking of the bread while singing The Lamb of God.


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It is considered the sacrament through which the gifts of the Holy Spirit are strengthened in individuals.

sacrament of Confirmation

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Baptism initiates a person into the Christian community and the life of grace, while Confirmation is seen as completing this initiation.


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Only they can minister the sacrament of Confirmation.

Bishops and Priests

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The laying on of hands is done by the bishop during the sacrament of Confirmation.


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The sacrament of healing and forgiveness through which Catholics seek God's mercy for sins committed after Baptism.


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These are the three actions on the part of the penitent and the priest’s absolution in conducting the sacrament of Penance.

  1. Repentance/Admission

  2. Confession

  3. Intention to make Reparation

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Refers to sincere sorrow for having offended God, and hatred for the sins we have committed, with a firm purpose of sinning no more.

This involves acknowledging the gravity of the wrongdoing, understanding the offense against God and others, and experiencing genuine regret.


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This is first step taken in re-orienting towards God.


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Who are the ministers of Penance?

Bishops and Priests

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Motivated by love for God : Perfect Contrition :: Motivated by Fear of Judgement : ________

Imperfect Contrition

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This sacrament is also called “Extreme Unction” or “Last Rites”

Anointing of the Sick

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The primary purpose of this sacrament is to provide spiritual healing, strength, and comfort to those who are suffering physically, emotionally, or spiritually due to illness.

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

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While the primary focus of the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is spiritual healing and the strengthening of the individual in the face of illness, there is also a recognition that God's grace may extend to physical healing when it aligns with God's will.


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These two sacraments are often referred to as the "sacraments of service or vocation" because they are directly related to specific forms of service within the Church and society.

Holy Orders and Matrimony

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Who ministers the Sacrament of Matrimony?

The spouses themselves. Priests or deacons are only witnesses to the marriage.

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What is the essential sacramental sign for Matrimony?

Exchange of Vows

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Sacramental marriage was modeled on the relationship between who?

Christ and the Church

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An annulment is not a dissolution of an existing marriage but rather a recognition that, due to specific circumstances, a valid sacramental marriage never came into existence.

It is a declaration of nullity, stating that, from the beginning, the marriage lacked one or more essential elements required for a valid sacramental marriage to exist.


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This sacrament is concerned with the consecration and ordination of individuals to serve in various ministerial roles within the Church's hierarchical structure.

Holy Orders

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What are the degrees of Holy Orders?

(1) Diaconate, (2) Presbyterate, (3) Episcopate

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What are the 4 marks of a True Church?

One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic

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The four marks of the Church is found in the ___

Nicene Creed

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(Which mark of the Church?)
Emphasizes the Church's dedication to God and its call to holiness. The Church is set apart for God's purposes and is sanctified by the Holy Spirit.


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(Which mark of the Church?)

The church is “universal”. The Church is not limited by time, place, or culture. It is intended for all people, and its mission is to bring the Gospel to every corner of the earth.


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(Which mark of the Church?)

Underscores the Church's connection to the apostles and their teachings. The Church sees itself as continuing the mission and ministry that Christ entrusted to the apostles.


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(Which mark of the Church?)

Signifies the unity of the Church. This unity is not merely organizational or visible but extends to the oneness of faith, worship, and communion among the members of the Church.


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(Which Chief attribute of the Church?)

Refers to the legitimate power and governance vested in the Church's leadership, especially the pope and bishops. This authority is understood as having been entrusted by Christ to the apostles and their successors.


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(Which Chief attribute of the Church?)

Refers to the inability of the Church, under certain conditions, to teach error in matters of faith and morals. This attribute is not attributed to individual members of the Church but is believed to operate when the pope, as the supreme authority, speaks ex cathedra (from the chair) on matters of faith and morals.


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(Which Chief attribute of the Church?)

Refers to the assurance that the Church will remain faithful to its mission and teachings until the end of time. The Church, as the Mystical Body of Christ, is believed to be indestructible, despite human weaknesses and challenges.


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This signifies the deep spiritual union between Christ and the members of the Church.

Mystical Body

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How does a baptized person separate himself from full incorporation in the Mystical Body?

Through committing:
Heresy - deliberate rejection or denial of one or more truths of the Catholic faith

Apostasy - total abandonment or renunciation of the Christian faith

Schism - intentionally break communion with the legitimate authority of the Church

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This underscores the Church’s historical continuity with the apostles through the Apostolic Succesion, both in terms of the transmission of authority and the preservation of apostolic teachings and traditions.


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They are objects, actions, or prayers that the Church uses to sanctify daily life and prepare individuals to receive grace.


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