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Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
“Father of the Turks”. Turkish general during WWI, revolted against the Turkish government and became the president. Reformed Turkish society.
Treaty of Lausanne
Renegotiation of Turkish borders after WWI.
Where Ataturk moved the Turkish capital to.
Six Arrows
Ataturk’s principles of republicanism, nationalism, populism, secularism, and reformisms.
Reza Shah Pahlavi
Started as an Iranian police officer. Was part of the Iranian revolution and became the leader of Iran. Wanted to be like Ataturk and reformed Iran to be more nationalist.
Capital of Iran
Term for an educated person who learned Islamic law.
Religious authority for Islam.
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
Big oil company in Iran that was originally British.
Belief that Jews should have a homeland, preferably in the Holy Land
Peel sCommission
Group led by Lord Peel to go to Palestine and find a solution. Recommended a two-state solution.
UN Partition Plan
UN plan to create a two-state system in Palestine. No one liked it.
Arab Nationalism
Concept of unity for all Arab people
David Ben-Gurion
First Israeli prime minister. Declared Israel as a free nation after the British mandate expired
1948 War
First Israeli-Arab war. Israel wins and takes most of the Palestinian land except for the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Situation when many Palestinian refugees have no where to go after the 1948 war.
King Abdullah of Jordan
Leader of Jordan. Wanted to annex Syria but other Arab nations opposed this plan. Led to divisions in the 1948 War.
Greater Syria
The new nation that would be created in Jordan’s plan to annex Syria
King Hussein
Grandson of Abdullah. Realized that peace with Israel would be hard.
National Pact
Gentleman’s agreement in Lebanon that the Christians wouldn’t try to ally with France while the Arabs wouldn’t ally with any pan-Arab state.
Israeli parliament
Tel Aviv
 Israeli city on the Mediterranean.
Wahhabi Sect
Devout Muslim group that revolted against the Ottomans in the 1700s.
Ibn Saud
Leader of the Wahhabi Sect after World War One. United Arab tribes and moved to the Arabian Desert.
Arabian-American Oil Conglomerate. Found oil in Ibn Saud’s land.
Gamal Abdul Nasser
Egypt’s leader. Instituted land reform and nationalized the Suez Canal Company from the British in 1956.
Suez Canal
Vital canal through Egypt from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea.
Suez Canal Crisis
Britain and France were mad that Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal Company so they funded Israel to attack Egypt. The US mediated peace. Israel takes Gaza, the UN holds the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt keeps the Suez Canal.
Ba’ath Party
Political party in Syria that supported Arab nationalism.
United Arab Republic
Alliance between Syria and Egypt with Nasser at the head. Other Arab nations didn’t join because they didn’t want to share oil revenue.
Terrorist branch of the PLO.
Yasir Arafat
Leader of Al-Fatah
Six Day War
In 1967, Israel launched strikes on its neighbors’ airbases and took the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, and Golan Heights.
Khartoum Resolution
Agreement by eight Arab states to have no peace, recognition, or negotiations with Israel.
Anwar Sadat
Nasser’s successor in Egypt. More pragmatic, abolished the UAR, and favored free trade. Led the Yom Kippur attacks
Yom Kippur War
 Israel’s neighbors launch an attack on Yom Kippur, one of the most important religious holidays. The US and UN force a ceasefire. Israel kept its land.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Boycotted allies of Israel after the Yom Kippur War.
Settler Colonialism
Name for when Israel started building settlements in Palestinian territory.
Camp David Accords
Agreements between Israel and Egypt. Egypt agreed to recognize Israel, the West Bank became autonomous, Egypt regained the Sinai Peninsula, and Israel promised not to build anymore settlements. These agreements fall apart after a few years. Egypt also lost prominence in the Arab world.
Menachem Begin
Israeli prime minister during the Camp David Accords
“shaking off”. From 1987-1993, Palestinians boycotted Israeli goods, refused to pay taxes, and conducted terrorist attacks.
“excitement”. Palestinian terrorist group that wanted to eradicate Israel. Started as a competitor to the PLO.
Oslo I
 In 1991, the USSR started a conference with Arab nations in Madrid. Secretly, Arafat, who became the leader of the PLO, and Yitzak Rabin, the Israeli premier, are meeting in Oslo, Norway.
Both sides agreed that the PLO recognized Israel and denounced terrorism, the Palestinian Authority was created, and Israel would give autonomy to Gaza and Parts of the West Bank.
Yitzak Rabin
Israeli primier to the Oslo I Accords
Bill Clinton
Invited Arafat and Rabin to the White House.
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
Leader of Iran. Son of Reza Khan. Allowed others in government to gain power. Very lavish.
Mohammad Mosaddiq
Wanted to nationalize the AIOC, but the US and Britain lead a coup (He was sort of a communist) and bring back Reza Pahlavi.
White Revolution
Shah Reza Pahlavi wanted to lessen landowners’ power. Redistributed land, built railways and roads, gave food to mothers in need, prioritized industry, created the literacy corps, gave women the right to vote, and gave equal rights to married women.
1979 Revolution
Iranians revolted against Shah Reza Pahhlavi.
Mohammad Khomeini
Was a cleric who spoke out against Shah Reza Pahlavi. Got exiled and went to Paris. During the revolution, he comes back.
Hostage Crisis
Iranians storm the US embassy and take many hostage for 444 days. Jimmy Carter tries to bring them back, but fails, leading to Reagan becoming president. Carter did prevent Iran from selling oil, leading to inflation, unemployment, and hatred of the US.
Mohammad Khatami
Elected president of Iran in 1997. Wanted to mend US relations.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Elected president in 2005. Hated Israel and wanted nuclear energy.
Iranian-backed militia in Lebanon.
Saddam Hussein
Became the Iranian president in 1979 with US backing. Wanted to make Iran the biggest Arab nation. Terrorized his people and committed war crimes.
Iraq-Iran War
1980-1988. Started over the Shatt-al-Arab Waterway, and was very slow and brutal. Iraq ended up being heavily in debt.
Anfal Campaign
Iraqi genocide of Kurds during the Iraq-Iran war.
Shatt-al-Arab Waterway
Waterway where the Euphrates and Tigris meet and ends in the Persian Gulf.