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Source V
In Cato Manor, police responded brutally to Shebeen owners
Durban Riots Cause
Africans accusing Indian shopkeepers for high prices and Indians often treated Africans as racially inferior
Source W
Africans might’ve had something to gain so they blamed the Indians for prices and pictured them as snobbishly superior over the Africans
Unity under non-violent protest
ANC and DAIC were influenced by Ghandi’s non-violent protest style but ultimately radicalized their methods
May Stay away 1950
APO (African people’s organization) was created as an organization for coloured South Africans opposing apartheid
Suppression of Communism Act 1950
could be used to arrest anyone doing anything the authorities deemed as subversive
Source X
that the political action against communism was praised since that was the “villain” in the story of europeans
Day of Protest 1950
emergency ANC conference in Johannesburg to plan a campaign in response to the suppression of Communism
M Plan
partly a response to the suppression of Communism Act; made a secret method of communication for ANC leaders
Defiance Campaign 1952
proceeded by a letter from ANC to Prime Minister Malan by demanding complete repeal of apartheid laws and Suppression of Communism Act
1st stage of Defiance Campaign
breaking the Native Laws Amendment Act 1952 in hopes of government being overwhelmed by number of arrests
2nd stage of Defiance Campaign
mass defiance of strikes and protests
Source Y
Mandela does not look at numbers but instead, he strives for his best in all situations
Results of Defiance Campaign
-propaganda to limit protest support
-tried to influence anti-apartheid
-blamed violence in Port Elizabeth and East London
Chief Albert Luthuli
-forced to choose between chief or being ANC president and punished by government once he didn’t pick
-published “The Road to Freedom is the Cross”
Source Z
the government has constantly attacked with white supremacy and the ANC openly rejects the government in a non-violent manner
Results of the campaign for ANC
-mass organization led by committed and experienced activists
-maintained policy of non-violence
-could embarrass government through protest but this would never diminish apartheid
1953 Public Safety Act
allowed government to call a state of emergency for up to 12 months
1953 Criminal Law Ammendment Act
anyone accompanying a person found guilty of a crime would automatically be guilty and have to prove innocence
1956 Riotous Assemblies Act
passed as a response to mass meeting at Kliptown; open-air meetings could be banned if they present black/white hostility
Source AA
the people of South Africa have minimal rights and their daily lives are controlled by the ogvernment
Effects of the creation of the Congress Alliance
-begins split in ANC
-ratified Freedom Charter
-crowd broken by police - “treason”
Source BB
Preamble of Freedom Charter
-South Africa belongs to ALL people who live in it
-South Africans have been robbed of their birthrights
-country will not be prosperous until the brotherhood of all races occurs
-only a democratic state can ensure equal birthrights
Source CC
the land and wealth of the land should be shared amongst the people who tend to it
Source DD
Mandela refutes the allegations of Communism against the Freedom Charter by stating that the goal was to integrate Africans into existing national economy
The Treason Trial
authorities arrested 156 in Kliptown Meeting for treason (1956) and in 1957 they were tried and released due to lack of evidence
Pan Africanist Congress (PAC)
Black African organization that set up an Africanish agenda; government tof South Africa should only consist of black Africans
Source EE
the Treason Trial had impact many blacks for fighting for their rights
Treason Trial’s star witness
Professor Andrew Murray
Zeerust Uprising 1957
Men and women from Zenrust chartered buses to join in protests against passes
East Pondoland
Cheif Botha Sigcau and councillors accused of selling mineral rights and violence sprung between police and residents
Promotion of Self-government Act of 1959
turned local cheifs into government agents rather than representatives of the people