What is ecological succession?
The process of ecological change in an ecosystem where one community is replaced by another community over time
Primary succession
Formation of a new ecosystem
Secondary succession
Recovery of an old ecosystem
Where does primary succession occur
In an area that has not been previously occupied
Pioneer species
The first organisms to grow in a new environment
Primary succession pioneers
Lichens and mosses,
What happens to pioneer species over time
Organisms decompose and release nutrients to form a layer of soil that larger complex plants can grow in
What happens once enough soil has been generated
It can retain nutrients, small plants, flowers, ferns, and shrubs
What is a climax community
A mature and stable community of plants and animals
what is secondary succession
When an area that was previously occupied by a living organism immunity was destroyed by a disturbance and begins to success
secondary succession cont
And establish community is destroyed by soil is still intact. Therefore, it takes less time than primary succession
What are the pioneer species for secondary succession?
Weed and grass
Why does secondary succession tend to occur more quickly than primary
Because you don’t have to make soil from scratch and secondary succession like in primary
Building a brand new ecosystem in scratch no soil
Primary succession definition
Baking cookies from scratch with flour, butter, sugar, etc.
Primary succession analogy
Volcano erupts or glacier melts
Primary succession example
Mosses and lichens because they can make soil
Primary succession pioneer species
Mature and stable climax community
Primary succession results
Recovering a previously existing ecosystem after disturbance soil intact
Secondary succession, definition
Baking cookies with premade dough
Secondary succession analogy
Forest fire, hurricane farming
Secondary succession sample
Weeds and grasses maybe some awesome lichens but soil is there
Pioneer species secondary succession
Mature and stable, climax, community
Secondary succession results