AP GOV - Unit 2: Federal Bureaucracy

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Who is the highest level of authority in the Bureaucracy?

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Who is the highest level of authority in the Bureaucracy?

Cabinet Secretaries

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Who are the Cabinet Secretaries?

Leaders of the 15 executive departments, work closely with the president in his cabinet

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Executive Departments

Departments in the Federal Bureaucracy handling different areas of policy, help the president enforce laws(ex. Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security)

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Work together to accomplish the goals of the department(under an executive department)

  • ex. IRS(Internal Revenue Service)

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Regulatory groups who operate somewhat independently of the authority of the president, but still fall under the executive authority. Run by a board of individuals and created for specific purposes.

  • ex. Federal Communications Commission(FCC)

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Government Corporations

Hybrid of a business and a government agency. Government acquires businesses when they want to offer a public good but the free market is the best way to do so. (ex. PBS, Public Broadcasting Service)

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Delegated Discretionary Authority

Power of the bureaucracy to elaborate on laws Congress has already made and makes them more specific in the way they should be executed and enforced

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Compliance Monitoring

Bureaucracy establishes rules for certain industries and has to make sure those industries are following the rules correctly.

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Iron Triangle

Relationship between Bureaucratic Agencies, Congressional Committees and Interest Groups in policy making

<p>Relationship between Bureaucratic Agencies, Congressional Committees and Interest Groups in policy making</p>
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What do Bureaucratic Agencies do for Congressional Committees in the iron triangle system?

Offer expertise to Committees

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What do Congressional Committees do for Bureaucratic Agencies in the iron triangle system?

Approve funding for the legislation that Bureaucratic agencies must carry out.

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What do Interest Groups do for Congressional Committees in the iron triangle system?

can provide funding for congressional races

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What do Congressional Committees do for Interest Groups in the iron triangle system?

can provide expertise through policy experts on the impact of legislation

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Department of Homeland Security

Protects the U.S. from terrorism and maintains and controls national borders

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Department of Transportation

Manages transportation of all kinds like highway and air travel

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Department of Veterans Affairs

Manages veterans hospitals and general welfare of Americas veterans

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Department of Education

Oversees states and their implementation of federal education standards

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Environmental Protection Agency

Works to protect the environment and human health through industrial regulations

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Federal Elections Commission

Administers and enforces campaign finance laws(Citizens United v FEC, 2010)

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Securities and Exchange Commission

Regulates the stock market and prevents fraud

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Civil Service System/Merit System

System of bureaucracy appointment based on qualifications and professional ability.

  • Used for general employees of the bureaucracy/lower level employees

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Power of the Purse

Congress’s biggest check on the Bureaucracy. Congress decides where the money goes and how it is allocated.

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Patronage System

Original system of appointment to the bureaucracy. A way to the president to repay those who had been loyal to him.

  • Still used for high ranking members and the presidents cabinet.

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What did the Pendleton Civil Service Act(1883) do for the bureaucracy?

Changed the system of hiring for most bureaucracy members to be on the merit system instead of patronage.

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Why was the Pendleton Civil Service Act put into place(historical event)?

Assassination of President Andrew Garfield because he did not give a job to one of his supporters.

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Issue Networks

Similar to iron triangles but more temporary. Webs of influence between interest groups, policy makers(congress) and policy advocates(bureaucratic agencies).

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What is level 1(smallest level) of the Pyramid of Authority of the Federal Bureaucracy?

Executive Political Appointees. Cabinet and deputy secretaries that are the only level appointed through patronage. Often have very short terms.

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What is the second level(middle) of the Pyramid of Authority of the Federal Bureaucracy?

Senior Executive Service. Paid and treated more like CEO’s of businesses.

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What is the third(lowest) level of the Pyramid of Authority of the Federal Bureaucracy?

Civil Service/General Service. Purely merit based application(Pendleton Civil Service Act, 1883!!), regular citizens. Have the most job security out of all

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