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Acute care
AC, provides short term care to pt who have immediate illness/injury. can also be called hospitals.
acute care price
typically most expensive, usually accredited/surveyed by JOINT COMMISSION. surveyed at least once every 3 years
acute care goal
address patients immediate healthcare needs, stabilize conditions, discharge ASAP
acute care CNA responsibilities
vital signs, ambulation, measuring intake/output, caring for patients before/after surgery, bathing, repositioning
sub acute care facility
designed to treat residents who require 24hr care, medically stable
sub acute care goal
focus on pt education to prevent future hospitalization, return to prior level of function
sub acute care governed by who
Joint commission if unit located in hospital, state regulators if unit is HOUSED within LTC facility
sub acute care also know as?
sub acute care funding?
Medicare, private insurance, or private pay
CNA responsibilities in rehab
depends on focus of unit, don’t vary as much as hospital, personal needs, ambulation, strength training, support/encourage independence
long term care facilities
LTC, known as nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities (SNF)
LTC governed by?
Federal legislation: OBRA of 1987, surveyed at least once a year
State regulation: enforces federal laws governing themand sets additional requirements for facilities.
LTC goals?
provide nursing care for extended period of timeand promote residents' quality of life and independence.
residents have access to what
OMBUDSMAN: helps protect resident rights
LTC funded how?
Medicaid, insurance, private funds
volunteer that works for state agency, advocates residents’ rights, field complaints.
doesnt work for SNF, works collaboratively with facility
doesnt need to be a nurse/have credentials
low income, state/federal pays for care once all other funds are exhausted
federal program: 65+ or disability
assisted living facilities (non medical)
bridge gap between living independently and living in healthcare facility (nursing home)
AL facilities regulated by
AL facilities help how
basic bathing, cooking, dressing, cleaning
doesnt have 24hr nursing care
scope of practice
responsibilites, skills, actions that CNA is expected to follow
programs regulated by?
state and federal codes
CNA responsible for?
knowing scope of practices
scope of practice includes
basic personal care, offer emotion support, dementia care, assited in ADLs, restorative care
scope of practice doesnt include
delivering meds, insertion of catheters/IVs, changing care plans, teaching, delegation
chain of command
hierarchical route of communication, must always be followed
delegated tasks
action that supervisor asks you to complete, can be communicated verbally/care plan
not within CNA scope of practice, can reinforce what was originally taught
beliefs/laws that determine CNA freedom
what hold us accountable for choices/actions
occupational safety and health administration
what is OSHA
ensures employees have safe/healthy work conditions
who/when was OSHA created
occupational safety and health Act of 1970
Family and Medical Leave Act - allows employees to take leave of absence for 12 weeks out of any 12 month period
FMLA can be used for?
birth/care of newborn, placement of child for adoption, care for family member with serious medical condition, inability to work due to medical conditions
Title 22
set of laws that govern in state of CA for: healthcare facilities, CNA programs, standards of care for long term care
AKA health insurance portability and accountability act
why is HIPAA important
protects healthcare information linking to individuals, includes info that is spoken/read/heard/written
can only share pt info to those that “need to know”
what is PHI
protected health information: any paper, oral reporting, electronic
informed consent
right to know treatments available/risks associated with treatments, nurse/physician informs resident
invasion of privacy
not respecting person’s right to keep certain items personal/private
misappropriation of funds
intentionally using another persons money without person’s permission
when caregiver doesnt follow standards of job/role he/she works in
when caregiver walks away from assignment before shift ends/before replacement; leaving resident alone at risk
false imprisonment
limiting resident’s ability to freely move throughout their environment
when care/treatment/service isnt provided = resident is harmed as a result
threatening a resident physically/mentally/emotionally
physically touching a resident when you don’t have permission to do so
single/repeated action thats purposefully meant to inflict harm
can be mental/emotional/sexual/repetitively withholding care