________ tried to modernize the southern economy, but lagged behind in industrialization.
Andrew Johnson
With Lincoln's assassination, ________ assumed the presidency and developed the Reconstruction Plan which required a loyalty oath but barred many former Confederate elite from taking it.
Wilmot Proviso
________: Congressional bill to prohibit extension of slavery in territories gained from Mexico.
Definition of popular sovereignty
________ was vague and different interpretations by Northerners and Southerners.
Fugitive slave law
________ made it easier to retrieve escaped enslaved people, but required cooperation from citizens of free states and seen as immoral.
Robert Smalls
________ founded Republican Party of South Carolina and served in U.S. House of Representatives in the 1880s.
________ argued for gradual emancipation, compensation to slaveholders, and colonization of freed enslaved people.
mid 20th century
Sharecropping existed until ________, included more whites than Blacks.
Abraham Lincoln
________) questioned Polk's claim of Mexican first fire.
Hiram Revels
________ and Blanche K. Bruce became first Black senators in 1870 and 1875.
John Wilkes Booth
________ assassinated Lincoln five days later.
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln issued the ________ in September 1862 after the Union victory at Antietam.
________: saw future where slavery was confined to southeast quarter and outvoted by free- soil advocates.
________ refers to the period of 1865- 1877 and the process of readmitting southern states, rebuilding physical damage, and integrating newly freed Blacks into society.
Illinois Senate
The 1858 ________ race between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas was nationally watched, with Lincoln delivering his "House Divided "speech and Douglas damaging his political career with his ambiguous stance on popular sovereignty.
Civil War
The ________ impacted not only the battlefields, but also the political, economic, and social realms.
central issue
Slavery was the ________, but not the only or explicitly stated reason for the Civil War.
Compromise of 1877 was reached to resolve the election, ________ won and ended military reconstruction, federal troops pulled out of Southern states.
Democratic convention
The 1860 ________ split between Northern Democrats supporting Douglas and Southerners supporting Breckinridge.
James Buchanan
________ was US president from 1857- 1861 and worked to maintain the status quo by enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act and opposing abolitionist activism.
War Democrats
________: war necessary to preserve Union.
Jefferson Davis
________ took control of southern economy and imposed taxes.
Mexican War
________: successful for American forces, resulted in Mexican Cession (Southwest land) for $ 15 million.
________ supported complete emancipation and the Thirteenth Amendment before his reelection campaign.
Emancipation Proclamation
The ________ stated that the government would liberate all slaves in states "in rebellion "on January 1, 1863.
Copperheads: accused ________ of national social revolution.
Wilmot Proviso
Congressional bill to prohibit extension of slavery in territories gained from Mexico
Mexican War
successful for American forces, resulted in Mexican Cession (Southwest land) for $15 million
Gadsden Purchase ($10 million)
southern regions of modern Arizona and New Mexico for transcontinental railroad
Printed national currency C. Treasury Secretary
Salmon P. Chase
accused Lincoln of national social revolu