All notes taken from:
Who is impacted by linguistic differences?
Differences between social classes
Minority ethnic groups
Over 1 million students in the UK were not native speakers in 2013
Increase in non-native speakers after an increase in EU membership
How does language differ from social class?
Bernstein (1971)- Two distinct language codes- elaborated and restricted
What are the features of elaborated code?
Universal meanings
Grammatically complex, broad vocabulary
Formal context
Middle class
What are the features of restricted code?
Particularistic meanings
Grammatically simple, narrow selection of words
Simple, informal language
Working class
How does language impact on education?
Teachers speak in elaborated code
Textbooks and resources written in elaborated code
External examinations are written in elaborated code
What are the evaluations of Bernstein?
Class is more complex than middle and working-class
Students learn the elaborated code throughout their schooling
Restricted code and elaborated code can be interchangeable in social situations
Is the restricted code inferior?
What are the differences between ethnicity and linguistics?
The intersection of class and ethnicity
Bereiter and Engelmann (1966) state that some minority ethnic groups lack skills in English as not practised at home
The colloquial language of some ethnic minority subculture groups sets them out as different to other students
What are the evaluations of educational achievement and linguistic differences?
Swann Report (1985) non-native speakers acquire skills in a second language by the time they leave school
Language is an attribute of habitus- if this clashes with the habitus of school could lead to negative perceptions by teachers
Educational performance of Chinese and Indian students