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The space in the chest between the lungs is called the: a. pleural cavity. b. diaphragm. c. alveolus. d. sinus cavity. e. mediastinum.

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The space in the chest between the lungs is called the: a. pleural cavity. b. diaphragm. c. alveolus. d. sinus cavity. e. mediastinum.

E. mediastinum

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The structure that covers the larynx is called the: a. cilia. b. uvula. c. hypopharynx. d. epiglottis. e. laryngopharynx.

D. epiglottis

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The mediastinum contains the: a. aorta, heart, stomach, and diaphragm. b. heart, stomach, lungs, and diaphragm. c. esophagus, stomach, lungs, and heart. d. heart, aorta, esophagus, and bronchi. e. heart, esophagus, oropharynx, and lungs.

D. heart, aorta, esophagus, and bronchi

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The exchange of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in body cells is called: a. inhalation. b. metabolism. c. external respiration. d. internal respiration. e. catabolism.

D. internal respiration

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The adenoids are located in the: a. laryngopharynx. b. nasopharynx. c. larynx. d. oropharynx. e. nasal cavity.

B. nasopharynx

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The lining of the thoracic cavity is called the: a. diaphragm. b. parietal pleura. c. thoracic membrane. d. visceral pleura. e. mediastinum.

B. parietal pleura

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Diffusion of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) occurs in the: a. pulmonary capillaries. b. pulmonary vein. c. bronchioles. d. cilia. e. pulmonary artery.

A. pulmonary capillaries

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Nares are divided by the: a. epiglottis. b. adenoids. c. alveoli. d. septum. e. turbinates.

D. septum

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Expelling of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the lungs is called: a. exhalation. b. inspiration. c. cellular respiration. d. internal respiration. e. anabolism.

A. exhalation

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Hairlike structures that move particles upward to the pharynx for coughing or swallowing are called: a. alveoli. b. bronchioles. c. cilia. d. cartilage rings. e. neurons.

C. cilia

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Tiny air sacs found at the end of the bronchioles are called: a. pulmonary capillaries. b. pulmonary venules. c. pulmonary arterioles. d. alveoli. e. cilia.

D. alveoli

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Pulmonary ventilation is more commonly called: a. breathing. b. inspiring. c. expiring. d. gasping. e. wheezing.

A. breathing

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The parietal pleura glides smoothly over the visceral pleura because the pleural cavity normally contains a small amount of: a. pus. b. blood. c. air. d. sputum. e. lubricating fluid.

E. lubricating fluid

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Olfactory neurons are located deep within the: a. nasal cavity. b. mediastinum. c. oropharynx. d. alveoli. e. bronchioles.

A. nasal cavity

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When the diaphragm contracts, it partially: a. descends into the abdominal cavity. b. ascends into the thoracic cavity. c. fills the pleural cavity with air. d. fills the pleural cavity with serous fluid. e. forces air from the lungs.

A. descends into the abdominal cavity

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The CF thorac/o means: a. lung. b. chest. c. respiration. d. diaphragm. e. pleura.

B. chest

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The CF atel/o means: a. respiration b. pleura c. diaphragm d. mediastinum e. incomplete; imperfect

E. incomplete; imperfect

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The CF coni/o means: a. dust. b. blue. c. cone. d. diaphragm. e. pleura.

A. dust

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The CF spir/o means: a. spirit. b. breathe. c. expansion. d. contraction. e. incomplete.

B. breathe

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The CF cyan/o means: a. lung. b. mucus. c. blue. d. pale. e. carbon dioxide.

C. blue

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The CF rhin/o means: a. nose. b. throat. c. ring. d. chest. e. sinus.

A. nose

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The CF pleur/o means: a. lung. b. lobe. c. membrane. d. pleura. e. pleurisy.

D. pleura

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The CF alveol/o means: a. air. b. oxygen. c. alveolus; air sac. d. air, lung. e. larynx (voice box).

C. alveolus; air sac

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The CF pneum/o or pneumon/o means: a. pleura. b. air; lung. c. breathing. d. breathe. e. lobe.

B. air; lung

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The suffix -ptysis means: a. breathing. b. coughing. c. spitting. d. smell. e. carbon dioxide.

C. spitting

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The suffix -phonia means: a. speaking. b. voice. c. spitting. d. smell. e. carbon dioxide.

B. voice

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The suffix -capnia means: a. oxygen. b. smell. c. chest. d. diaphragm. e. carbon dioxide (CO2).

E. carbon dioxide (CO2)

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The prefix tachy- means: a. straight. b. rapid. c. many. d. breathing. e. slow.

B. rapid

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The prefix eu- means: a. good, normal. b. imperfect. c. usual. d. poor. e. slow.

A. good, normal

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Prefix brady- means a. rapid b. imperfect c. usual d. poor e. slow

E. slow

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The disease that produces focal lesions encased in small pockets called granulomas is: a. cystic fibrosis. b. tuberculosis. c. pneumonia. d. empyema. e. pneumoconiosis.

B. tuberculosis

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Absence of the sense of smell is called: a. epistaxis. b. siderosis. c. anosmia. d. ascites. e. anoxia.

C. anosmia

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The presence of pus in the pleural cavity is called: a. empyema. b. pyosis. c. pyemia. d. pyothoracosis. e. empyosis.

A. empyema

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What is the disease characterized by bronchial dilation that usually leads to secondary infection? a. Pleural effusion b. Ascites c. Heart failure d. Hemoptysis e. Bronchiectasis

E. bronchiectasis

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Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal and thoracic cavities is called: a. ascites. b. thoracentesis. c. hemoptysis. d. emphysema. e. hydrorrhea.

A. ascites

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Which is a characteristic of influenza? a. Chronic cough b. Bacterial origin c. Productive cough d. Myalgia e. Hemoptysis

D. myalgia

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The inability of alveoli to contract because of a loss of alveolar elasticity is a characteristic of: a. emphysema. b. empyema. c. atelectasis. d. bronchiectasis. e. asthma.

A. emphysema

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The clinical term for a head cold is: a. epistaxis. b. coryza. c. cephalodynia. d. ascites. e. empyema.

B. coryza

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Which is a hereditary disorder that commonly affects the lungs? a. Respiratory distress syndrome b. Cystic fibrosis c. Tuberculosis d. Pneumocystis pneumonia e. Hyaline membrane disease

B. cystic fibrosis

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Which term refers to any inflammatory condition of the lungs? a. Pneumoconiosis b. Lobar pneumonia c. Pneumonopathy d. Bronchitis e. Pneumonia

E. pneumonia

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Which is an abnormal respiratory sound heard on auscultation? a. Rale b. Coryza c. Anosmia d. Paroxysm e. Epistaxis

A. rale

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The term epistaxis means: a. coughing. b. an abnormal respiratory sound. c. shallow breathing. d. a nosebleed. e. an insufficiency of blood oxygen.

D. a nosebleed

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Solidification of the lungs is called: a. sclerosis. b. pneumoconiosis. c. consolidation. d. hemoptysis. e. thoracostenosis.

C. consolidation

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Which is an accumulation of extravascular fluid in lung tissues and alveoli, commonly caused by heart failure? a. Pulmonary edema b. Pulmonary embolus c. Pulmonary thrombosis d. Pneumoconiosis e. Pneumonitis

A. pulmonary edema

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Reye syndrome is associated with: a. antihistamines. b. antitussives. c. aspirin. d. decongestants. e. expectorants.

C. aspirin

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Excess of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood is called: a. hypoxia. b. hypoxemia. c. hypercapnia. d. hyperoxia. e. hypocapnia.

C. hypercapnia

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A high-pitched, harsh, adventitious breath sound caused by a spasm or swelling of the larynx or an obstruction in the upper airway is called: a. stridor. b. Cheyne-Stokes. c. coryza. d. empyema. e. ascites.

A. stridor

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The ease with which lungs expand and fill with air is called: a. expectancy. b. aeration. c. compliance. d. surfactant. e. ventilation.

C. compliance

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Which is an occupational disorder commonly caused by inhaling dust particles? a. Coryza b. Pneumoconiosis c. Alveolitis d. Cystic fibrosis e. Epistaxis

B. pneumoconiosis

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Which type of influenza is associated with worldwide epidemics? a. Virulent b. Bacterial c. Type A d. Type B e. Type C

C. Type A

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Swelling of the nasal sinuses associated with upper respiratory infections commonly causes: a. apnea. b. anosmia. c. acidosis. d. asphyxia. e. atelectasis.

B. anosmia

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Accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity is called: a. pleurisy. b. pertussis. c. hypoxia. d. pulmonary embolism. e. pyothorax.

E. pyothorax

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A collapsed or airless lung is called: a. atelectasis. b. apnea. c. asphyxia. d. anosmia. e. cyanosis.

A. atelectasis

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Which is a lung disease that produces a thick (viscous) mucus that blocks airways? a. Cheyne-Stokes b. Coryza c. Croup d. Cystic fibrosis e. Pertussis

D. cystic fibrosis

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Hyaline membrane disease in preterm infants is commonly caused by: a. pulmonary edema. b. pulmonary effusions. c. insufficient surfactant. d. upper respiratory infections. e. croup.

C. insufficient surfactant

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Which procedure helps evaluate the ability of the lungs to take in and expel air? a. Bronchoscopy b. Pulmonary function studies c. Arterial blood gases d. Sweat test e. Sputum culture

B. pulmonary function studies

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Gently tapping the chest with the fingers to determine the position, size, or consistency of the underlying structures is called: a. palpation. b. auscultation. c. inspection. d. provision. e. percussion.

E. percussion

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Irrigation of the paranasal sinuses to remove mucopurulent material is called: a. decortication. b. consolidation. c. rhinorrhea. d. sinusitis. e. antral lavage.

E. antral lavage

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Which is a noninvasive test that monitors the percentage of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen? a. Pulmonary function studies b. Mantoux test c. Polysomnography d. Spirometry e. Oximetry

E. oximetry

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The sweat test is used to diagnose: a. tuberculosis. b. cystic fibrosis. c. pneumonoconiosis. d. pneumonia. e. strep throat.

B. cystic fibrosis

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Which is an intradermal test used to determine tuberculin sensitivity? a. Oximetry b. Culture and sensitivity c. Pulmonary function studies d. Mantoux test e. PCP test

D. mantoux test

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Visual examination of the heart, trachea, esophagus, bronchus, and thymus is called: a. mediastinoscopy. b. tracheoscopy. c. thoroscopy. d. pneumonoscopy. e. bronchoscopy.

A. mediastinoscopy

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Treatment of lung disorders using medications delivered directly to the lungs is called: a. antral lavage. b. thoracentesis. c. aerosol therapy. d. chemotherapy. e. actinotherapy.

C. aerosol therapy

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Which procedure is a surgical repair of the nose to correct birth defects or for cosmetic purposes? a. Septoplasty b. Rhinoplasty c. Sinusotomy d. Septostomy e. Rhinocephaly

B. rhinoplasty

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Visual examination of the voice box is called: a. laryngoscopy. b. pharyngoscopy. c. mediastinoscopy. d. bronchoscopy. e. enteroscopy.

A. laryngoscopy

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Which procedure is a surgical puncture of the pleural cavity? a. Pneumocentesis b. Empyema c. Pneumotomy d. Thoracotomy e. Thoracentesis

E. throacentesis

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Removal of a lobe of the lung is called: a. pneumonectomy. b. pulmonectomy. c. lobectomy. d. bronchotomy. e. pneumonotomy.

C. lobectomy

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Which method of positioning a patient ensures that gravity aids in clearing bronchi and lungs of secretions? a. Orthopnea b. Decubitus c. Pronation d. Postural drainage e. Supination

D. postural drainage

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Use of a stethoscope to detect abnormal lung sounds is called: a. stethogram. b. percussion. c. stridor. d. aeration. e. auscultation.

E. auscultation

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A surgical opening in the neck for insertion of a breathing tube is called: a. tracheotomy. b. tracheostomy. c. lobotomy. d. lobectomy. e. tracheoplasty.

B. tracheostomy

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Which laboratory test identifies the disease-causing organisms of the lower respiratory tract? a. Arterial blood gas b. Throat culture c. Sputum culture d. Sweat test e. Throat swab

C. sputum culture

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Which procedure is a surgical correction of a deviated nasal septum? a. Septoplasty b. Septostomy c. Septotomy d. Rhinoplasty e. Nasoplasty

A. septoplasty

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Which imaging test combines computed tomography (CT) and angiography to produce images of pulmonary arteries? a. Magnetic resonance imaging b. Radiography c. Fluoroscopy d. Alveoli-Q scan e. Computed tomography pulmonary angiography

E. computed tomography pulmonary angiography

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Which imaging procedure evaluates airflow and blood flow in the lungs to detect a blood clot? a. Computed tomography pulmonary angiography b. Ventilation-profusion (V-Q) scan c. Chest x-ray d. Chest ultrasonography e. Positron emission tomography

B. ventilation-profusion (V-Q) scan

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Which laboratory test measures dissolved O2 and CO2 in arteries? a. Oximetry b. Oxygen saturation c. Spirometry d. Arterial blood gas e. Blood urea nitrogen

D. arterial blood gas

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Which medication suppresses coughing? a. Expectorant b. Vasoconstrictor c. Mucolytic d. Antitussive e. Antihistamine

D. antitussive

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Which medication treats sneezing, runny nose, itchiness, and rashes? a. Vasoconstrictor b. Expectorant c. Mucolytic d. Antitussive e. Antihistamine

E. antihistamine

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Which medication expands air passages? a. Expectorant b. Bronchodilator c. Mucolytic d. Antitussive e. Antihistamine

B. bronchodilator

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Which test assesses the ability of the lungs to take in and expel air and evaluates gas exchange across the alveolocapillary membrane? a. T&A b. PFT c. ABG d. AFB e. PFT


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Which organism causes tuberculosis? a. AFB b. AFT c. ABG d. PFT e. HMD


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Which medication inhibits the growth of bacteria? a. Antitussive b. Bronchodilator c. Corticosteroid d. Antihistamine e. Antibiotic

E. antibiotic

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Which is a method of delivering medication directly to the lungs? a. AFB b. CXR c. ABG d. DPI e. MRI


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Which medication is used to liquify respiratory secretions so that they are more easily coughed up? a. Expectorant b. Bronchodilator c. Corticosteroid d. Antihistamine e. Antibiotic

A. expectorant

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Which abbreviation stands for imaging of the lungs? a. PFT b. DPI c. C&S d. ABG e. CXR


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Which medication acts on the immune system by blocking production of substances that trigger allergic and inflammatory actions? a. Expectorant b. Bronchodilator c. Corticosteroid d. Antihistamine e. Antibiotic

C. corticosteroid

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T/F: The method of transmitting TB is called droplet nuclei.


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T/F: The organism that causes TB can spread when an infected person coughs, laughs, sneezes.


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T/F: Infant respiratory distress syndrome is also called hyaline membrane disease.


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T/F: Asthma is considered a COPD.


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T/F: Inflammation of pleural membranes is called pleurisy.


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T/F: Empyema is the accumulation of pus in alveoli.


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T/F: An exudate is a noninflammatory fluid that resembles serum but with less protein.


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T/F: Cystic fibrosis is characterized by the presence of granulomas called tubercles.


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T/F: Primary pulmonary cancer is also called bronchogenic carcinoma.


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T/F: Postural drainage involves positioning a patient so gravity aids in the discharge of secretions from the bronchi.


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T/F: Oximetry measures the amount of oxygen in blood using a device usually placed on a finger or earlobe.


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T/F: Pulmonary function studies are imaging procedures associated with the diagnosis of lung malignancies.


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T/F: Polysomnography tests whether a patient has a tendency to sleep walk.


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T/F: Antral lavage is the irrigation of the paranasal sinuses.


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T/F: MDIs deliver a specific amount of medication.


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