Unit 4 Key Terms

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Marbury v. Madison (1803)

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Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Marshall (Federalist) Supreme Court case that stated they have no authority to force Madison to give Marbury a job. Established the idea of judiciary review by finding parts of the Judiciary Act (1789) unconstitutional. First time Supreme Court used authority to overrule other branches, showing central gov. strength (PCon. Af → TJ/1800 Rev)

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Louisiana Purchase (1803)

Purchase of French territory west of the Mississippi River from Gulf of Mexico to Canada, doubling US territory. Made Jefferson use powers not explicitly granted in constitution. (PCon. Af → TJ/1800 Rev)

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Embargo Act (1807)

Congress act that stopped US ships from traveling to foreign ports to stop French and British attacks of US ships during the Napoleonic Wars. Overestimation of their economic power led to grave hardships. (EC → 1812)

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Battle of Tippecanoe

William Henry Harrison led attacks on Shawnee Indians. Hard fought battle, ending with US destroying their holy village. British trading guns to Shawnee (despite Jay’s treaty agreements) angered US, leading to War of 1812

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Hartford Convention

New England Federalists, who were against the War of 1812, met up in CT to revise constitution so that war would be harder to declare in an attempt to avoid another war in the future. Seen as a sign of treason, leading to end of Federalist, and FPS (PE → 1812)

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Treaty of Ghent (1814)

Treaty ending the War of 1812 that let the United States retain its own territory

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McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Supreme Court case that denied right to tax 2nd Bank of the United States. Asserted Dominance of national over states (PCon. af → TJ/1800 Rev)

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Monroe Doctorine

President James Monroe’s declaration that asserted that the Western Hemisphere was closed to further European colonization. In exchange, the United States will stay out of European struggle. Increased American pride by asserting dominance.

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A political party meeting to choose candidates, make policies, and enforce party discipline (PCh. af → AJ)

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Republican Motherhood

The idea that the political role of the American women was to instill patriotism into their sons and husbands to make thhem exemplary citizens

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American Colonization Society (1817)

Henry Clay’s society that argued that slaves should be freed and resettled in Africa)

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Missouri Compromise

Henry Clay-made agreement where Maine became a free state, and Missouri became a slave state. Set the northern boundary of slavery at the southern boundary of Missouri for future states (PC → EGF)

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Henry Clay’s American System

Mercantilist system of economic development by H. Clay, adopted by JQA; created a national bank to manage national finances, installed protective tariffs to encourage industrial development, and internal improvement. Fostered economic growth in 1800s US. (EC → EGF)

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Internal Improvements

Government-funded public works, like canals and roads

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Corrupt Bargain

Andrew Jackson’s claims on the election of 1824, stating that Speaker of the House Henry Clay used his influence to select JQA as president, who then appointed Clay has his secretary of state.

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Tariff of Abominations (1828)

JQA tariff that raised duties significantly on imported raw materials, textiles, and iron goods in order to foster American companies. This made the South mad, due to the favoritism of the North. Led to Jackson presidency

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Spoils system

Andrew Jackson’s system that awarded national government jobs to his supporters after a electoral victory.

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John C. Calhoun constitutional argument that claimed that state legislature could void a law passed by Congress. Was in response to Tariff of Abominations, and eventually ended tariff despite AJ forcing SC to comply

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Second Bank of the United States

National bank with multiple branches. Its renewal became a major issue in the AJ reelection campaign

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Indian Removal Act (1830)

Jackson’s act that forced eastern Natives to relocate to the west of the Mississippi, mainly Oklahoma and Texas.

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Trail of Tears

The forced westward journey of Cherokees from their lands in GA to present-day OK, where a quarter of Cherokees died.

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Classical Liberalism

Political ideology of individual liberty, private property, free trade, and a limited government, in order to boost economy. Many states changed their constitution to reflect these ideas.

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Whig Party

A political party that opposed Andrew Jackson’s policies and conduct. They identified with pre-Revolutionary Americans and British parties that opposed monarchies

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Panic of 1837

The second major economic crisis of the United States between 1837 to 1843 that took place due to a sharp reduction in English capital and credit flowing in the United States. AJ + Van Buren were blamed for this, leading to W. Henry Harrison

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Specie Circular

A Jackson executive order that required the Treasury Department to accept only gold and silver to pay for lands

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Second Great Awakening

A series of evangelical Protestant revivals (1790s to 1830s) that prompted 1000s of conversations and widespread optimism about American progress and reform

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American Renaissance

A literary explosion during the 1840s inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson’s ideas on liberation of the individual

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European philosophy that rejected order Enlightenment rationality for human passion, spiritual quest, and self-knowledge. Heavily inspired American transcendentalism

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19th century American movement that pushed the importance the ideal world of mystical knowledge and harmony beyond the close grasp of the senses. Called for the examination of American society, emphasizing individuality, self-reliance.

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Mormons/Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Joseph Smith’s religious group of Christian, plural marriage believers in human perfection. They moved from Oneida to Utah.

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Minstrel Shows

Popular theatrical entertainments in the 1830s where white actors used blackface comical routines that combine racism + social criticism

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Penny Press

Popular urban newspaper that built large circulations by reporting crime and scandals.

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Free African Societies/African Methodist Episcopal Church

Organizations/African American church that helped black communities work against racial discrimination, inequality, and slavery

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David Walker’s Appeal (1829)

Free African American David Walker’s pamphlet where he protested against slavery and racial oppression, calling for solidarity among people of African descent.

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Social reform movement to end slavery immediately that began in the 1830s

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American Anti-Slavery Society

The first interracial social justice movement in the United States, which advocated for the end of slavery due to human rights, without compensation to slave masters.

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Underground Railroad

Informal network of whites and free blacks in the South that helped Southern slaves reach the North.

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Female Moral Reform Society

A middle-class Christian women organization that viewed prostitutes as victims of male lust who sought to expose men for exploiting women

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Married Women’s Property Laws

Laws enacted in NY and other states that permitted married women to own, inherit, and bequeath property.

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Seneca Falls Convention

The 1st women’s right convention held in Seneca Falls, NY that attempted to expand women’s rights with ideas in the Declaration of Indepndence.

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Market Revolution

The 1820-1850 increase in the exchange of goods, due to increased output of farms and factories, trades and merchants, and creation of more roads, canals, and railroads.

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Erie Canal

A 364-mile waterway connecting the Hudson River and Lake Erie. Brought NY economy and prosperity to the entire Great Lakes region. Led to other canals being developed. (EE → EGF)

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Industrial Revolution

A bunch of major inventions and economic expansions based on water and steam power. The use of machine technology transformed cotton textiles and iron industries between 1790 to 1860.

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Cotton Complex

The economic system that developed between the first half of the 19th century, linking southern cotton production with northern clothmaking, shipping, and capital.

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Organizations of workers that began during the Industrial Revolution to bargain with employees over wages, hours, benefits, and workplace control

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Middle Class

Economic group of prosperous farmers, artisans, traders that emerged in the early 19th century. It reflected a dramatic increase in prosperity, and a unique culture.

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Cult of domesticity

Idea that women’s sense of purpose revolved around childbearing and making her home for her husband, who were outside of the home working, usually in middle or higher class households

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McCullouch V. Maryland

Declared that the National Bank branches cannot be taxed by MD. Showed importance national over state gov.

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Fletcher v. Peck (1810)

GA has no right to inflict upon in. land contracts with state laws, accepted by Jefferson. Property rights > state laws

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Worchester v. Georgia (1832)

Indians have separate territorial boundaries as separate nations, and laws cannot be enforced there. Jackson went against this and Indian Removal Act

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