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physical distribution channel
method and means by which a product is phisically transferred, or distributed from point of production to available to customer
trading channel
non-physical aspects of the transfer (negociation, buying and selling)
types of distribution channels
indirect (manufacturer to retail) and direct (manufacturer tu consumer)
selling product to end consumer (low quantities, display & merchandising, customer experience)
selling products to company (high volume or bulk, no merchandising, few customer relationships)
individual or firm that acts as intermediary between an investor and a securities exchange (promote, comissions and fees, presence in unknown markets)
manufacturer direct to retail store
own vehicles, don’t subcontract, full loads are being delivered
manufacturer via manufacturer’s warehouse
finished goods warehouse stored, broken down in individual orders and delivered
manufacturer via retailer’s warehouse
supplying products to retailers distribution or consolidation centre
manufacturer to wholesaler
as intermediaries between manufacturer and small retailers, price advantage by buying in bulk,
manufacturer to cash and carry wholesaler
small independent shops collecting their orders from regional wholesalers, small quantities, not delivered
manufacturer via thrid party distribution service
specialist service for one type of product or for one client company
manufacturer via small parcel carrier
specialist distribution service where the product is any parcel, home deliveries
manufacturer via broker
trading channel not physical distribution channel, marketing
mail order
ordered by catalogue, deliveried to home by post or parcels carrier, bypassing retail store
factory direct to home
direct selling methods (newspaper/magazine advertising), one-off products specially made, no need to be stocked
internet shopping from home
additional specialist home delivery distribution operations, run by 3pl companies, computer to computer
factory to factory/business to business
all of the movements of industrial products
differences in physical and trading channel structures
types of intermediaries, number of levels of intermediaries, intensity of ditribution at each level
physical channel structure
production warehouse, manufacturer trunk vehicle, distribution centre, 3pl carrier, regional depot, local delivery, shop/store, consumer
trading channel structure
central sales, district sales, wholesaler, retailer, consumer
channel objectives
make the product readily available to the market consumers aimed
enhance the prospect of sales being made
achieve cooperation with regard to any relevant distribution factors
achieve a given level of service
minimize logistics and total costs
receive fast and accurate feedback of information
market characteristics
size, spread and density; long channel (several points, spread area), short channel (few steps, limited area)
product characteristics
high value items (short channel)
complex product (direct selling)
new products (3pl channel)
time-sensitive (fast or short channel)
products w/handling constrian (specialist physical distribution channel)
competitive characteristics
activities of competitors, similar products, using similar or different channels, avoid risk of substitution
designing a channel structure
set and coordinate distribution objectives
specify the distribution tasks
develop alternative channel structures
evalueate the relevant variables
choose the best channel structure
select channel members
opportunities for outsourcing
partnership approach
incentivized contracts
integrated global contractors
more rigorous selection of contractors
better mettrics
environmental issues