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Ventricular fibrillation
A life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia characterized by rapid and chaotic electrical activity in the ventricles of the heart.
Respiratory depression
A decrease in the rate and depth of breathing leading to inadequate oxygen intake.
Cardiac tamponade
A medical emergency where fluid accumulates in the pericardial sac, exerting pressure on the heart.
Oxygen deprivation leading to inadequate supply to tissues and organs.
Excessive bleeding resulting in severe loss of blood volume.
Cardiac Arrest
Sudden cessation of heart function leading to the stoppage of blood circulation.
Neurological injury
Severe injury or damage to the brain affecting vital functions.
Poisoning or overdose of a toxic substance resulting in organ dysfunction.
Systemic infection causing severe inflammatory response and organ failure.
Inadequate perfusion of organs and tissues due to low blood pressure or decreased blood volume.
Organ Failure
Failure of multiple organs leading to a cascading decline in physiological function.
Metabolic Disturbances
Severe disruptions in metabolic processes affecting vital functions.
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Heat Stroke
Extreme temperature causing the body to overheat, leading to organ failure.
Rigor mortis
The stiffening of muscles that occurs following death, lasting 36-48 hours postmortem.
Livor mortis
Discoloration of the body due to the settling of deoxygenated blood after death.
Algor mortis
Cooling of the body that occurs after death.
Mechanical trauma
Injuries caused by physical force, including blunt and sharp force trauma.
Chemical trauma
Injuries caused by exposure to hazardous or toxic substances.
Electrical trauma
Injuries caused by exposure to electric current.
Antemortem injuries
Injuries sustained before death that show inflammation.
Postmortem injuries
Injuries occurring after death which do not show signs of bleeding.
Biological profile
Information including sex, age, stature, ancestry/race used in forensic anthropology.
Deciduous dentition
The set of baby teeth that will be replaced by adult teeth.
Permanent dentition
The adult set of teeth that includes 28-32 teeth.
Blunt force trauma
Injuries caused by non-sharpened, dull objects.
Sharp force trauma
Injuries caused by sharp implements that penetrate the body.
Penetrating gunshot wound
When the object enters the body and remains inside.
Perforating gunshot wound
When the object passes through the body, creating both entrance and exit wounds.
A clean, straight cut made by a sharp-edged object.
A jagged or irregular wound caused by tearing or stretching.
The complete removal or separation of a body part.
A superficial wound caused by scraping against a rough surface.
A wound caused by a sharp, pointed object penetrating the skin.
A wound where a portion of skin or tissue is forcibly torn away.
A bruise caused by blunt force trauma leading to blood vessel rupture.
A large scale contusion caused by damage to larger blood vessels.
Forensic anthropology
The application of anthropology in a legal context, often involving the identification of skeletal remains.
Postmortem interval (PMI)
The time elapsed since death, estimated using entomology.
Blow flies
Insects whose development stages are used to estimate time of death.
Maggot debridement therapy (MDT)
A medical treatment using sterile maggots to remove necrotic tissues from wounds.