Center: mean, if skewed —> median
Unusual Features- "potential outliers"
Shape- skew, modal, normal, symmetrical, uniform
Spread- SD w/ mean, IQR w/ median
value that falls more than 1.5IQR above Q3 or Q1
Lower Outlier < Q1 - 1.5IQR
Upper Outlier > Q1 + 1.5IQR
Mean follows the tails, median at the peak
Skewed Left: Mean < median
Roughly Symmetric: mean ~ median
Skewed Right: Mean > median
Direction- positive/negative
Unusual features- outliers, influential observations
Form- linear or curved
Strength- weak --> strong
Use comparison words: "similar to" "less/greater than"
Enter data in List 1
Stat -->Calc
1-Var Stats
Leave "FreqList" blank. Select Calculate.
Enter the x-values in L1 and the y-values in L2
Stat -->Calc
8: LinReg (a+bx)
Leave "FreqList" blank. Select Calculate.
What is the IQR?
The Interquartile range (IQR) is defined as the difference between the third and first quartiles: Q3 - Q1
Q1 and Q3 form the boundaries for the middle 50% of values in an ordered data set
-Order the date (little Lexi to the left)
-Count the # of values that are less than or equal to the value of interest
-Count the # of values in the data set
Percentile= #of values less than or equal to the value of interest/ # of values in the data set (Express the decimal as a percentile)
Properties of correlation (r)
-'r' is unitless
-'r' is always between -1 and 1
-'r' is greatly affected by regression outliers
-If direction is negative, then 'r' < 0
-If the direction positive, then 'r' > 0
-The closer 'r' is to -1 or 1, the stronger the relationship
-The closer that 'r' is to 0, the WEAKER the relationship
High-Leverage Point
A high-leverage point in regression has a substantially larger or smaller x-value than other observations have
An influential point in regression is any point that, is removed changes the relationship substantially (creates big changes to slope and/or intercept)
Outliers and high-leverage points are often influential
A categorical variable takes on values that are category names or group labels
A quantitative variable is one that takes on numerical values for a measured or counted quantity
A discrete variable can take on a countable number of values. The number of values may be finite or infinite. (THINK: Discrete = countable, ex: # of ppl)
A continuous variable can take on infinitely many values, but those values cannot be counted (THINK: Continuous = Must be measured, ex: height)