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Martin Luther
German monk and professor of theology; leader of the Reformation
Protestant Reformation
Movement to reform the Catholic church, led by Luther
95 Theses
Luther’s argument against the Catholic Church, nailed in 1517
Payments for forgiveness of sins, criticized by Luther
Expulsion from the Catholic church
Charles V
Suppressed Luther’s writings
Act of Supremecy
Declared Henry VIII as Supreme Head of the Church of England
Reformation Parliament
Gathering that removed England from Papal control
Johann Tetzel
Expert salesman of indulgences, opposed by Luther
Diet of Worms
Assembly where Luther refused to recant his writings
Luther’s belief in real presence of Christ at communion
Priesthood of all believers
Luther‘s idea that all Christians can access God
Frederick of Saxony
Protected Luther from persecution after Worms
Fringe Protestant idea, advocating adult baptism
Papal Infallibility
Doctrine denied by Luther, asserting no human authority