13. american dream booklet year 1
How were black American and white American soldiers treated differently during ww2?
-Red Cross wouldn’t accept blood donations from black people
How were black soldiers treated by the British?
-well- saw them as liberators to the surprise of young black men
What did increased demand for workers in the US during ww2 lead to?
-the Great Migration of black workers to the North- work and good wages
What black newspapers became more popular?
The Chicago Defender ran the Double V campaign- linked victory of Nazis to racism in America
What civil rights groups grew/ were established post-war?
-NAACP grew
-CORE established- focus on racial equality in the North
What negatives for civil rights did ww2 cause?
-tensions -1943 race riot in Detroit caused 34 deaths
-against this the US army released “the Negro Soldier”
Where did most southern African Americans live?
-small towns, working in labour/agriculture under Jim Crow laws
What public facilities were segregated as a result of “Separate but equal” 1896?
-water fountains, waiting rooms, buses, cinemas
Why were many African Americans in the south scared to speak against the racism?
-couldn’t vote
-legacy of lynchings caused anxiety
-could lose their jobs
What were the only black people respected by white southerners?
Black preachers in the Church
What aspects meant there was still prejudice in the North?
-ghettoization, economic segregation and social pressure
What pushed many African Americans to move to the north?
-the KKK
-mechanisation of farming
-the Great Depression
-growing jobs in the North
How many African Americans moved to the North in the 40s and 50s?
-40s-1.4 million
-50s-1.1 million
Where did most Northern African Americans live?
-cramped city centre apartments with high rent and bad landlords
-some areas stopped them from living there so black people often lived in the same areas- De Facto
What did African Americans gaining political power in cities lead to?
the election of black people into the House of Representatives - eg Adam Clayton Powell- Harlem
What did African Americans living so close mean for civil rights groups?
-easier for civil rights groups to organise- increased memebrship
-eg NAACP or Nation of Islam
Which black artists and sportsmen began gaining wealth and recognition?
-Jackie Robinson- first black baseball player awarded most valuable 1949
-Joe Louis- heavyweight boxing champion for 12 years
-Louis Armstrong- musician- wealth and popularity
How were black relations with police in Northern cities?
-police used violence against them
What other system was harsher on black Americans?
the justice system- Malcolm X received a 10 year sentence for burglary, 1946