The ________, A is the connection between absorbance, concentration, and the length of the sample cell (cuvette)
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Carbonyl groups
________, like C "C double bonds, can participate in conjugation.
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________ and visible spectral data are displayed as absorbance (A) vs wavelength, where absorbance is determined as the log base 10 of the ratio of (I0 /I), where I0 is the intensity of light irradiating a sample at a specific wavelength and I is the light passed through the sample.
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A(n) ________ is a molecule having a double or triple bond that interacts with a diene, and the cyclic result is commonly referred to as the Diels- Alder adduct.
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Pericyclic reactions
________ take place in a single step and involve a transition state with a closed loop of orbitals.
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Diels Alder reaction
The ________ is aided by the presence of electron- withdrawing groups on one reactant (typically the dienophile) and electron- releasing groups on the other (usually the diene)
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4 Addition
1, ________ to butadiene produces the dominating product at higher temperatures under thermodynamic control, since the double bond of the 1, ________ product is more substituted and hence of lesser quality.
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function of wavelength
The molar absorptivity (extinction coefficient) as a(n) ________ is unique to a molecule and is determined by the functional groups included inside the molecule.
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ultraviolet spectrum
In the near ________, the p S p* transition for unconjugated alkenes is frequently too high in energy (wavelength too short)
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Diels Alder reaction
In the ________, conjugated dienes combine with specific types of molecules that have double or triple bonds to generate two new s bonds and a ring structure, which is an example of a 4 1 2 cycloaddition process.