Group of extinct omnivorous bipedal hominins. Includes A. anamensis, afarensis, africanus and some others.
Biological evolution
any transfer of genetic material (DNA, chromosomes) that leads to physical change
Characteristics of Biological evolution
slow physical changes over time, limited by genetic change and natural selection
Cultural evolution
anything that is learned, not passed through DNA
Characteristics of Cultural evolution
inheritance in any direction, and is relatively faster than biological evolution
all humans in history, including common apes
bipedal apes and their ancestors
Walking on 2 legs. Only Australopithecus, Paranthropus and Homo genuses.
Swinging by arms as apes do.
living in trees (forest)
Broca's area
Area of brain that produces speech.
Wernicke's area
Area of brain that processes speech
Occipital Condyle
area of brain that articulates with the first vertebra
Brow ridge
Bony projection protecting eyes and reducing stress in skull and lower jaw. Prominent in early hominins.
Tool used for making holes in skins, etc.
Condyle of knee
Buttress of bone on the base of the femur. Humans have this on the outer base and apes on the inner. It prevents collapse of the knee inwards.
Raised back of skull holding brain. bigger in humans allowing for a bigger brain
Gap between incisors and canines to allow for space for the large canines. Humans have no diastema due to small canines.
Early form of ape ancestral to both apes and humans.
Foramen magnum
hole at back of skull where the spinal cord passes through
Middle Stone Age, characterized by fishing and foraging for wild grains.
tool culture of H.neanderthalensis, 240k-30k YA.
Mousterian tool characteristics
~150 blows to make fine stone and flint tools. rope used to attach tools to handles. sharp sophisticated weaponry could punch in animal hides.
Advantage of mousterian tools to H.neanderthalensis
Improved weaponry, could make simple clothing allowing them to move and survive in colder climates (Europe)
New Stone Age — age of agriculture.
Nuchal crest
where neck muscles attach. larger in apes than in humans due to quadrapedalism, so needed large neck muscles to support head and prevent drooping
tool culture of H.habilis 2.4M-1.6M YA.
Oldowan tool characterisitic
5-6 blows to simple stone tools used to scavenge and process meat to get bone marrow
Adavantage of Oldowan tools to H.habilis
has access to bone marrow (new food), increasing protein in diet allowing for brain growth
Old Stone Age.
Upper Palaeolithic tools
tool culture of H.sapiens
Upper Palaeolithic tool characteristics
~250 blows to make from variety of materials (bone, stone, wood, antler) -composite tools. much more sophisticated, specialised and increased range of use
Advantages of upper palaeolithic to h.sapiens
Were able to move into new environments and increase their range of diet (fish hooks in coastal environments)
Trends in tool cultures over time
tools became more refined (more blows), more specialised and sophisticated, require more materials, require improved fine motor skills
Genus of vegetarian hominins includes P. aethiopicus, robustus and boisei.
Subfamily that contains orangutans.
Order that includes prosimians, monkeys, apes and humans.
having a protruding jaw. humans don't show prognanthism
Primitive monkey, eg lemur, loris, tarsier. Small, often solitary, nocturnal.
Quern stone
Rounded stone used for grinding grains into flour.
Sagittal crest
Bony projection on top of the cranium for attachment of chewing muscles.
Selection pressures
The environmental factors that favour certain phenotypes over others. (See the chapter on Evolution for more on this.)
Sexual dimorphism
Where the male is larger and has structural differences from the female.
Upper Palaeolithic
Culture of Homo sapiens.
Valgus angle
Carrying angle; the angle, less than 180°, between the femur and tibia. It indicates bipedalism.
Wernicke's area
Area in the brain concerned with recognition of speech.
Zygomatic arch
Bone structure on side of cheek through which the chewing muscles go.
Tool culture of Homo erectus and archaic H. sapiens. Pear-shaped hand axes.
Includes gorilla, orangutan, gibbon and chimpanzee. No tail, large brain; brachiating knuckle walkers.
Bipedalisim Advantages
Thermoregulation, Carrying Objects, Height, Energy Efficient
Biological Evolution
(transmission of factors inherited from parents)
Cultural Evolution
(transmission of beliefs, ideas, knowledge by learning from other members of group) Tools, Fire, Shelter, Clothing, Food-Gathering, Abstract thought, Domestication of plants and animals.
H - Feet
Arched (shock absorbing; walk longer distances). Toes face forward, longer big toe (provides thrust). Big heel bone (firm base to push against for walking/running)
A - Feet
Flat feet, big toe separate, facing outwards from foot and opposable (grasping branches and climbing trees)
H - Femur,Knee Joint, Valgus Angle
Femur hangs inward angle from hip (center of gravity between feet) Knee Joint (maintains centre of gravity) Buttresses (creates valgus angle, prevents sideways movemetn of lower leg)
A - Femur,Knee Joint, Valgus Angle
Femur hangs vertically from hip, knee joint, no buttresses or valgus angle (gives better swinging motion in branches)
HvA - Spine
H: S shape (keeps body weight above hip joints) A: Slightly curved (counterbalances downward force of organs and chest)
HvA - Chest
H: Flattened front to back, oval in cross-section (body weight brought close to spine and over centre of gravity. A: Rounded front to back, circular on cross-section (organs supported by rubs and large abdominal muscles)
HvA - Hands
H: Fully opposable thumb, straight fingers (manipulative precision grip). A: Short, opposable thumb and curved fingers (power grip and hooking)
H - Skull External
Foramen magnum at centre of base of skull (skull balances at top of spine). No brow ridges, sagittal crest or nuchal crest.
A - Skull External
Foramen magnum and back of skull, large brow ridges, sagittal crest, nuchal crest.
H - Teeth and Jaws
Smaller teeth and jaws (tools cutting up and fire softening). Enamel thicker and canines small. Jaw and tooth row more parabolic shaped.
A - Teeth and Jaws
Larger teeth and jaws, large canines (display, sexual diapmorphism) distema on upper tooth row, jaw and tooth row U shape.
H - Endocranial
Cranium volume 1400, Speacialised areas: Cerebellum (balance, swelling at back), Cerebrum (thinking skills, top surface expanded and folded), Broca's area (speech production), Wernicke's area (understanding speecha and writing) both swelling left side.
A - Endocranial
Cranium volume 450, atter on top, no specialised areas developed.
HvA - Pharynx and Larynx
H: longer P, lower L (modifies sound and tone of speech). A: shorter P, higher L (modification of tone and sound cannot occur)
HvA - Hair and Skin
H: finer and shorter hair but same number per cm3 and more sweat glands (cooling capacity for higher activity rates). A: thicker hairs, fewer sweat glands (insulation from sun, lower activity rates)
HvA - Pelvis
H: short and wide (reduces stress of upper body weight in hips, supports abdominal organs). A: tall and narrow (large surface area for leg muscle placement)
A genus dating from 4-1million years ago. Also known as the southern ape. Brain size <500cc (cubic centimeters)
Genus to which humans below. Ranging from 2 million years ago (mya) to the present day. Brain size >600cc
Australopithecus afarensis
Southern ape from the afar desert. Earliest fossil 4-2.8 million years ago. Remains found in Ethiopia and Sth Tanzania. Small stature, brain size similar to chimp. Bipedal, ape-like face (elongated, pronounced brow ridges).
Small, ape-like face (elongated, pronounced brow ridges), brain size chimp, free hands, walk upright,
Features of A. afarensis
Australopithecus africanus
Lived from 3-2mya. Similar features to A. afarensis. Stature; bipedal, small brain, flatter face, large molars (plant based diet), brow ridges.
Timeline of A. Afarensis
Australopithecus robustus
2.4-1.4 mya. Larger stature & bones, more muscular. V. large molars. Small brain
Timeline for A. robustus
similar to A. afarensis, brain slightly larger, large molars
features of A. africanus
Large and heavily built, large bones & skull, v. large molars, small brain
features of A. robustus
Homo habilis
The 'handy man', first to use very primitive tools. Approx 2mya. East Africa. Stature; smaller teeth and jaw, human size, dominant brow ridge, sloping skull. Brain size approz 600cc
approx 2mya
Timeline for H. habilis
Smaller teeth and jaw, human size, dominant brow ridge, sloping skull, brain size approx 600cc
features of H. habilis
Homo erectus
The direct ancestors of Homo Sapiens. Approx 1mya. Migrated to other parts of africa. Less hairy, no chin, arches over eyes. Larger brain (1000cc) with more cortex allowing higher functioning. More complex tools. Teeth changed to meat eaters
brain 1000cc, less hairy, no chin, arches over eyes
features of H. erectus
Homo sapiens
Our species. Physical features: Flat high dome forehead, no arches over eyes, 1300cc brain.
Foramen magnum is more anterior/ less robust neck muscles
backward thoracic curve/ forward lumbar curve/ keeps trunk centered about the pelvis
basin shaped to support internal organs/ iliac blades shorter and broader/ stabilizes weight transmission
lower limbs elongated/ thigh 20% humans, 11% gorillas
angled inward/ legs more directly under the body/ modified knee joint helps to extend it fully
enlarged and inwardly placed big toe/ longitudinal arch absorbs shock and spring to step
reduced canine, smaller incisors
opposable thumb
when thumb can touch fore fingers, only primates have these features.
arboreal life
life in the trees, opposable thumb was important in result of this
all apes and humans
early ancestor on human family tree
walking on two feet