Person Perception
How we form impressions of people
How we explain the causes of events
Attribution Theory
Proposed by Frit Heider
Explain behavior by crediting situation (Situational) or a person’s traits (Dispositional)
Fundamental Attribution Error
When observers analyze a person’s behavior, they underestimate how the situation affects how that person acts
ex. In class, I might see quiet but during a tennis match I’m perceived as loud
Actor-Observer Bias
Tendency to attribute our behavior on external causes and other’s behavior on internal causes
ex. when you trip, you blame the sidewalk. When someone else trips you blame their clumsiness
Unjustifiable and usually negative attitude towards a group
Generalized belief about a group of people
Often overgeneralized / overexaggerated
To act in negative and unjustifiable ways
Just-World Phenomenon
The world is fair and people get what they deserve
Good is rewarded and evil is punished
People who we share a common identity with
People who are perceived as different or apart from our ingroup
Ingroup Bias
Tendency to favor our own group
Scapegoat Theory
When things go wrong, finding someone / a group of people to blame provides a target for our negative emotions
ex. China during the pandemic
Other-Race Effect
Recall someone’s face from our own race more accurately
Feelings that are influences by our beliefs and predisposes us to respond a certain way
Foot-in-the-Door Phenomenon
When people agree to do a small task, it’s easier to convince them to comply with a bigger task
Door-in-the-Face Phenomenon
Asking something unreasonable, then something reasonable so that person is more likely to agree
Set of expectations (norms) about a social position
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Proposed by Leon Festinger
We try to reduce the discomfort when our thoughts aren’t consistent (aka when out attitudes and actions clash - reduce by changing attitude)
Attitude Follows Behavior Principle
If you act a certain wat, you’ll start to change your attitude to match
Peripheral Route Persuasion
When people are influenced by incidental cues
ex. Speaker’s attractiveness or celebrity influence / popularity
Central Route Persuasion
Influence using evidence and scientific based arguments