AP World : Exam Terms

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Marshall Plan

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Marshall Plan

Proposed to rebuild European economies through cooperation and capitalism. The plan provided more than 13 billion to reconstruct Western Europe.

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Lost Generation

Expressed in poetry and fiction pieces. This style characterized the United States and European thought after the war, and the generation lost to men that died in the war.

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3 principles of the people

Policy implemented by Sun Yat-Sen in China. Principle stated the need for political unification to end foreign dominance, Gradual change to democratic government with full right to the people, and to develop economic improvement of industrialization and land distribution.

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Political movement that held the Jewish people had the right to a nation and a national homeland in Palestine. This was because Jews did not inhabit a well defined territory, rather lived in states throughout Europe and beyond.

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Feminist Movement

Movement came from the discrimination that women faced in the workplace. The movement expanded into a movement that criticized all aspects of gender inequality.

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The deliberate and systematic use of violence against civilians in means to advance political, religious, or ideological causes. Terrorists use violent means to magnify power and influence, one example being September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center.

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Artistic and intellectual rebirth that took place from the 14th to the 16th century. This movement reflected the development of a sophisticated urban society.

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Occurs when a community of people is dispersed from their native territory and settles in another geographic location. Jew, Armenian, and African communities were victims of forced migration.

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Bubonic Plague

During the 1340s, Mongols, Merchants, and other travelers spread disease along trade routes. There were large amounts of deaths and demographic decline.

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Caudillos were military leaders who emerged in Latin America in the 1800s. They gained power through military force and ruled with authoritarian methods. Caudillos contributed to political instability, social unrest, and economic challenges in the region.

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During the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors moved west into Mexico and South into Panama and Peru. Those conquests would lay the foundations for colonial regimes that would transform the Americas.

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The policy of giving into demands of an aggressive nation in order to avoid conflict, at the expense of principles or stability. This stradegy was used during WW2 between European leaders.

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Volta da Mar

Portuguese mariners had developed a strategy called Volta da Mar, that used trade winds. European mariners developed variation of the strategy that enabled travel to different coastlines around the world.

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Mali Empire

From the 13th century until the 15th, Mali controlled and taxed almost all trade that passed through West Africa. The rulers of Mali honored Islam and provided for Muslim merchants from the North.

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Autonomous religious communities in the Ottoman Empire that retained civil laws, traditions, and languages. Millet communities assumed social and administrative functions in matters of birth, marriage, death, health, and education.

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Five Pillars

The five pillars of Islam are declaration of faith, prayer, alms-giving, fasting, and pilgrimage. These five pillars constitute the basic norms of Islamic practice, and fundamental belief.

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Kin-based Society

Society based on the authority of kinship groups rather than a central government. This form of government was prevalent in African communities who organized themselves in family and clan groups.

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Chinggis Khan

During the 13th century Chinggis Khan forged the Mongol tribes into a powerful alliance that built a large empire. The mongols imperial venture brought the societies of Eurasia closer together and the policies of Khan strengthened the Mongol people and prevented other Mongol rulers to challenge him.

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Dependency Theory

Dependency theory states that industrial nations dominated international economy and profited off less developed countries. To break this unequal relationship, developing nation needed to protect and diversify domestic trade.

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The National Policy

Program to attract migrants, protect industry through tariffs, and build transportation. As a result, Canada experienced booming Ag, industrial and mineral production in the nineteenth century.

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Triangular Trade

In the early 16th century, the triangular trade was a route that started in Europe and was used to supply enslaved African Americans and other goods to the thirteen colonies. The emergence of the triangular trade route directly resulted from Britain's mercantilist economic policy.

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Putting-out System

The putting-out system, was a popular way of organizing production in Europe from the 17th to the 19th century. This system allowed businesses to subcontract work to individuals and households instead of having their own factories.

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Scientific Revolution

Marked the departure from traditional beliefs to an era with observation, reason, and experimentation. During the 17th and 18th centuries developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology and chemistry transformed the views of society, knowledge systems, and social hierarchies.

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Scientific Racism

Became prominent on the fact that Gobineau took race as an important index of human potential. Throughout later centuries racist thinkers ought to identify racial groups on the basis of skin color.

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Nationalist view that people with the same ethnic origins, language, and political ideas had the right to form sovereign states. Powers of Europe during the 19th century ignored or opposed the principle of self-determination.

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League of Nations

The League for Nations was the first permanent international security organization whose mission was to maintain world peace. Although flawed the league established a permanent international organization and served as a model for the United Nations.

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Agricultural gardens used by the Aztecs. Fertile mulch from the bottoms of lakes were dredged and built up into small plots and provided crop growth.

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Al-Andalus was the prosperity of Islamic Spain during the Abbasid era. Imported crops increased the supply of food and enriched the diets of Al-Andalus, which illustrated the effects of long distance trade.

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The Encomienda was a system where Spanish adventurers and settlers were granted the legal right to extract forced labor from indigenous tribal chiefs in the Americas colonies of the Spanish Empire. Social disruption and physical brought decline to enslaved populations.

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Meiji Restoration

Modernization of Japan in the late 1800s. The Meiji government looked to the industry of the West, returned authority to the emperor, and brought an end to military governments.

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Factory System

The factory system was a method of manufacturing that emerged in the late 18th century and early 19th century. It involved the use of specialized machinery, such as power looms and spinning frames, to produce goods on a large scale in a centralized location

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