Environmental wisdom worldview
We are all part of the community of life and the ecological processes that sustain all life.
Voluntary simplicity
Learn to live with less.
Planetary management worldview
We can and should manage the earth for our own benefit.
Environmental worldviews
How people think the world works and what they think their role should be
Environmental ethics
Beliefs about what behavior is right and what behavior is wrong with regard to the environment
Planetary management worldview
We can and should manage the earth for our own benefit
Stewardship worldview
We have an ethical responsibility to be caring stewards
Environmental wisdom worldview
We are all part of the community of life and the ecological processes that sustain all life
Ecological and climate tipping points
irreversible and should never be crossed
Basic principles of ecology
food webs, nutrient cycling, biodiversity, ecological succession
human made or centered
Life-centered. Compare anthropocentric.
Principal of Enoughness
The earth provides enough to satisfy every person's need but not every person's greed.
The No-Problem School
We can solve any environmental, population, or resource problem with more economic growth and development, better management and better technology.
The free-market School
The best way to manage the planet is through minimal government interference and regulation. Everything should be privatized and through competition the free market chooses what to do with it.
Sense of Place
feeling that an area has a distinct and meaningful character
Voluntary Simplicity
a way of life that rejects the high-consumption, materialistic lifestyles of consumer cultures and affirms - minimalism