Chapters 24 & 25 - American Pageant 17th Edition

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Who was Louis Sullivan?

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Who was Louis Sullivan?

He contributed to the development of the skyscraper.

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Why did people like big cities?

Because they had amenities like electricity, indoor plumbing, and telephones.

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What was a big negative in cities?

Trash became a large problem due to throwaway bottles, boxes, bags, and cans.

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Where did many immigrants come from during the 1880s?

southern and eastern Europe. They also came from countries with little history of democratic government.

this was called “New Immigrants”

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Why did immigration scare Americans?

Some Americans thought the immigrants would not assimilate into their cultures.

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Why did people leave Europe for the United States?

Europe was running out of room

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What did many immigrants do in America?

Most of them tried to make money then leave. There weren’t many that intended to stay forever.

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What was a Settlement House?

A house located in a poor urban area where people would live and take care of the local community (immigrants) by providing services like healthcare and daycare.

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What was Political Machines?

When political organizations helped immigrants by promising them jobs, housing, and social services. In return, immigrants would vote for that political leader.

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What is the Hull House?

Created by Jane Addams, these houses offered instruction in English, counselling to help immigrants deal with American big-city life, childcare services for working mothers, and cultural activities for neighborhood residents.

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Who was Florence Kelly?

A lifelong supporter for the welfare of women, children, blacks, and consumers.

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What was the Phonograph? Why was it created?

Created by Thomas Edison, it enabled the reproduction of music by mechanical means. It was created because music popularity was on the rise.

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What were Dime Novels? Why were they created?

Short books about the wilds of the West. It was created because literacy and reading was on the rise.

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What is realism?

When authors wrote about coarse human comedy and drama of the world.

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Who was the father of American realism?

William Dean Howells who wrote about ordinary people and contemporary social themes.

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What was Naturalism?

When writers applied detached scientific objectivity to the study of human beings.

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What was Regionalism?

When authors wrote about local ways of life before industrialization

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Who was Paul Laurence Dunbar?

He was a black writer who used black dialect and folklore to discuss southern black culture.

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What was The National Prohibition Party?

It was created in 1869 because of high liquor consumption and the horrible effects it had on people.

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What was The Woman's Christian Temperance Union?

Created in 1874 in response to high alcohol consumption, it was ran by Woman who protested against alcohol consumption.

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What was the Anti-Saloon League?

A group that convinced states to ban the sale of alcohol. Eventually in 1919, the 18th Amendment banned alcohol in America.

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What was Antiforeignism/nativism?

People born in a region who did not like new people impeding on their land (EX: the Indians). This was popular in America because people worried immigrants would outvote them and replace their cultures.

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What is the American Protective Association?

An antiforeigner organization in 1887 that urged people to vote against Roman Catholic candidates for office.

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What did Congress do regarding the hatred to immigrants?

In 1882, Congress passed a restrictive law against immigrants, forcing them back to their original country. In 1885, Congress banned the importation of foreign workers under contract. They also made the Chinese Exclusion Act

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What is the Moody Bible Institute?

Founded regarding Dwight Lyman Moody’s ideas about kindness and forgiveness, this institute transformed religion to the facts of city life in 1889.

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What two religions gained huge support following the New Immigration?

Roman Catholic and Jewish faith.

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Possible Quiz Questions…

Something regarding the effects of New Immigration (political-wise), Education, or Native-Americans

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What is On the Origin of the Species? How did this affect religions?

Published in 1859 by Charles Darwin, this book stated that humans had slowly evolved from lower forms of life. This caused Conservatives to stand by their beliefs of God and religion, while Modernists flatly refused to accept the Bible in its entirety.

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What was education like this time?

It gained a lot of support with Congress passing land grants, scientific inventions making people richer.

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What were Normal Schools?

Teacher training schools that got a ton of support after the Civil War.

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How did large cities affect schools?

They generally provided better educational facilities than the old one-room rural schoolhouses.

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Who suffered the most regarding education?


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Who was Booker T. Washington?

Created an educational institution for the African Americans (Tuskegee Institute) and wanted Blacks to work themselves up, therefore, whites would accept them.

He wanted people to accept Jim Crow until they worked themselves up.

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What is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)?

Created by Dr. WEB Du Bois, it was a civil rights organization in 1909 to advance justice for African Americans.

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Who was Charlotte Perkins Gilman?

A feminist who called upon women to abandon their dependent status and contribute to the community economically.

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What is the National American Woman Suffrage Association?

An organization that advocated for women's voting rights in the United States that started in 1890.

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What is the National Association of Colored Women?

Created by Ida B. Wells in 1896, it advocated for women's rights as well as improving the status of African Americans.

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What is the Morrill Act of 1862?

It granted public lands to the states to support education. Land-grant colleges formed out of these grants.

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What was The Hatch Act of 1887?

It extended federal funds for the establishment of agricultural experiment stations in connection with the land-grant colleges.

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Who was George Washington Carver?

An internationally famous agricultural chemist in the Tuskegee Institute.

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What was the New York Nation?

A magazine by Edwin Godkin that pushed for civil-service reform, honesty in government, and a moderate tariff.

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What is Progress and Poverty?

Written by Henry George, it addressed the association of progress with poverty. He proposed a 100 percent tax on profits due to increased land value.

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What is the Library of Congress?

Founded in 1897, it involved the mass printing of newspapers by the invention of the Linotype in 1885.

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Why was the conquest of the West a bad thing for Indians?

In the West, soldiers spread cholera, typhoid, and smallpox to the Indians and reduced the bison population through hunting.

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What did the government do to please the Indians?

They signed treaties with the "chiefs" of various "tribes" at Fort Laramie in 1851 and at Fort Atkinson in 1853. The treaties marked the beginning of the reservation system in the West.

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What was the reservation system?

A system that gave land with boundaries to Native American tribes in the West. The US encouraged and sometimes used violence to keep Natives on the reservations.

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What was the Sand Creek Massacre?

In 1864, John Chivington’s militia assaulted a native village in the Colorado Territory and killed over one hundred woman and children.

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What was the Battle of Little Bighorn?

In 1876, warfare between whites and Natives broke out because of the demands the US had to keep Indians in their reservations and Indians were able to defeat US forces killing more than 250 US soldiers including Colonel George Custer.

Eventually, the US fought back and won.

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Give an example of the decreasing Bison population…

Post Civil War, over 15 million bison grazed the western plains. By 1885, fewer than 1000 were left.

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What was the Peace Policy?

In 1869, President Grant announced this which peacefully encouraged Indians to assimilate to white culture. The policy tried to limit military engagements on Indian reservations.

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What did Congress do in 1871 regarding their support for Native American tribes?

Congress declared that the U.S. would no longer recognize the sovereignty of Indian tribes or negotiate treaties.

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Who was Helen Hunt Jackson?

She published A Century of Dishonor in 1881 which told of the record of government ruthlessness in dealing with the Indians.

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What was The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887?

It wiped out tribal ownership of land and set up individual Indian family heads with 160 free acres. If the Indians behaved then they would get full title to their holdings as well as citizenship. This act attempted to assimilate the Indians with white men.

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What is the Battle of Wounded Knee?

Battle between US army and Indian tribe over two major issues: the Indian practice of the Ghost Dance (outlaws by US) and the dispute over their land because of the Dawes Act.

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What prompted many "fifty-niners" or "Pike's Peakers" to rush to the mountains?

In 1858, minerals including gold and silver were discovered in the Rockies.

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What helped the West gain wealth?

Frontier mining.

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What did cattle and the railroads have in common? What did this result in?

Transcontinental railroads enabled live cattle to be transported to the East from Texas where they were then butchered.

Cattle-raisers organized the Wyoming Stock-Growers' Association to make the cattle-raising business profitable.

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What was the Homestead Act of 1862?

It allowed a settler to acquire 160 acres of land by living on it for 5 years, improving it, and paying a nominal fee of about $30. This was done to encourage settlement of empty spaces.

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What was the negative to the Homestead Act of 1862?

Much of the land had terrible soil, so many people just gave it back to the government.

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What was the 100th Meridian?

An imaginary line running from the Dakotas to Texas that separated the wet East from the dry West.

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What was Dry Farming?

The practice of using shallow cultivation to grow crops in the dry western environment.

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How was Colorado accepted as a state?

After the Pike's Peak gold rush.

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Where did most New immigrants settle?

They settled in ethnic communities. Most were christian and jewish.

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Why was barbed wire created?

It was because farmers would always have their land ruined by cowboys. It was cheaply strung and stopped the cowboys from doing cattle-drives.

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