Unit 1 & 2 Vocab Quiz

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Encomienda System

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Encomienda System

A system used by Spaniards in which Indians were given to colonists to use for laborIn exchange, the Spaniards made attempts to convert them to Christianity

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Treaty of Tordesillas

An agreement between Portugal and Spain that created an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean. Everything discovered west of it was Spain's, east was Portugal's

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Spanish explorer in the New World. Wanted to conquer natives, dominate lands, use natural resources, and get gold

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Columbian Exchange

Trade relationship that connected the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Food, people, materials, disease

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Roanoke Island

first English settlement in the New World. the settlement failed; mysteriously disappeared

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Joint-Stock Company

created to make money to fund colonization in lieu of government funding

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Royal Colony

Colonies under the direct authority and rule of the king's government

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Act of Toleration

The first colonial statue granting religious freedom to all Christians. It was created to provide a safe haven for Catholics

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Halfway covenant

people could take part in church services and activities without making a formal commitment to Christ. Created because the next generation of colonists were less committed to religious faith, but churches still needed members

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Great Awakening

religious movement characterized by fervent expressions of religious feeling among masses of people

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economic policy in which the colonies were to provide raw materials to the parent country of growth and profit of the parent country.

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Navigation Acts

Series of acts establishing rules for colonial trade. Trade to/from colonies could be carried only by English or colonial-built ships. All goods imported to colonies, had to pass through the ports in England. Specified goods from the colonies could be exported only to England.

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Dominion of New England

Increase royal control in the colonies, combined them into larger units and abolished their representative assemblies.

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indentured servants

Young people under contract with a master who paid for their passage. Worked for a specified period for room and board, then they were free.

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Middle Passage

Voyage from West Africa to the West Indies. Horrific journey for slaves and many died

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Bartolome de Las Casas

A Spanish missionary who was disgusted and outraged by the poor treatment of Native Americans especially the encomienda system

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Roger Williams

Puritan minister who believed that the individual's conscience was beyond the control of any civil or church authority. He was banished from the Bay colony for his beliefs

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Sir William Berkeley

Royal Governor of Virginia who favored large plantation owners and did not support or protect smaller farms from Indian raids

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John Winthrop

governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, instrumental in forming the colony's government and shaping its legislative policy. Envisioned colony, as a "city upon a hill" from which Puritans would spread religious righteousness

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George Whitefield

attracted crowds of 10,000 people. His sermons stressed that God was all powerful and would save only those who openly professed belief in Jesus Christ. He taught that ordinary people could understand scripture without depending on ministers to lead them.

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