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When closed-gloving, the glove should lay in your palm with the thumb _____ and fingers _______
down, towards you
When self-gowning, hand the paper tag/long tie to an ________, leaving a good _______
unsterile team member, margin of safety
After handing off the paper tag/long tie, turn to the ______ so your gown flap covers your back
Open-gloving technique is considered _____ for the person establishing the initial sterile field, with the exception of cases that do not require a sterile gown or in certain instances of glove contamination
open-gloving technique follows the _______ principle, meaning skin may not contact the sterile _______ of the glove
“glove-to glove, skin-to-skin”, exterior surface
assisted open-gloving requires that a ______ gowned and gloved individual is already present
Make sure that the towels, gloves, and gowns used during assisted open-gloving come from a _______ and are not contaminated by blood or bodily fluids from the patient
separate surface
During assisted open-gloving technique, the _______ of the gown should be facing toward you and the ______ should be facing the person to be gowned
sterile outside, unsterile inside
during assisted open-gloving, always offer the ___ glove first and stretch it with the ______ phalanges of both hands
right, second and fifth
do not allow the glove cuff to ______ during release
double-gloving is recommended for _______ procedures
when double-gloving, the inner pair should be a _______ than your normal size, and _____ if possible
half size bigger, colored
______ may not be worn on their own during invasive surgical procedures
colored inner gloves/liners
double gloving is not necessary when wearing ______ gloves
all sterile team members should remove the ______ prior to performing assisted open-gloving for additional team members
outer gloves
at the end of a procedure, the gown is always removed ____ the gloves