Time Periods 1 and 2 review questions for Bryant High School APUSH Cold War battle!
the Iroquois Confederacy
1. What was the most important and powerful Native American political alliance that successfully ended generations of tribal warfare?
Both lived in village communities.
Both shared a strong sense of spirituality.
Both divided labor by gender.
Both depended on agricultural economies.
Native Americans did not share the English concept of private property.
Native American children were often part of their mother’s clan.
2. Give two similarities and two differences between Native Americans and English Settlers.
3. The introduction of what made the British colonies in the Chesapeake region economically viable?
Headright System
4. To encourage the importation of indentured servants, whoever paid the passage of a laborer received the right to acquire 50 acres of land. What is the term to describe this?
Bacon’s Rebellion
5. Name the rebellion that exposed tensions between the former indentured servants, who were poor, and the gentry (the genteel class of planters) who were rich.
Stono Rebellion
6. Name the rebellion that was organized and led by slaves living south of Charleston, South Carolina that tried to flee to Spanish Florida to gain their freedom.
John Winthrop
7. Who was the leader of the Puritans in New England?
Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams
8. Name the two dissenters who were banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
the Half-Way Covenant
9. What was the name for the easing of requirements for church membership by allowing the baptism of the children of baptized but converted Puritans?
1. New Light | 2. Old Light
10. The ___ _____ ministers advocated an emotional approach to religious practice that weakened the authority of traditional ___ _____ ministers and established churches.
11. Quakers opposed _______?
12. What was England’s dominant economic philosophy during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?
Navigation Acts
13. What acts listed colonial products that could be shipped only to England and were part of the British economic policy?
Salutary Neglect
14. Great Britain practiced a policy of ________ _______ where they did not enforce their economically restrictive trade policy.