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William H Seward
An influential secretary of state who failed to convince Congress to annex Hawaii and to purchase the Danish West indies
Monroe Doctrine
A powerful statement by John Quincy Adams that led other countries know the US’s Powers
Queen Liliuokalani
The queen of Hawaii that the US was eager to overthrow
Pan-American Conferences
Where representatives from various nations of the western hemisphere decided to create a permanent organization to promote cooperation on trade and other issues
“new Imperialism”
The late 19th century drive by European countries to create vast political empires abroad
Alfred Thayer Mahan
this man believed that the US needed to complete with other imperialist nations, he shaped this belief over his book, “the influence of sea power upon history”
This belief of “survival of the fittest” supported expansionist belief to acquire more territories
Person who favors expanding the territory of influence of a country
Josiah Strong
This man believed that protestant Americans had a religious duty to colonize other lands in order to spread Christianity
An intense form of nationalism calling for an aggressive foreign policy
Cuban Revolt
When cuban nationalist fought but failed to overthrow Spanish colonial rule
Yellow Journalism
Sensationalistic reporting that featured bold and lurid headlines of crime, disaster, and scandal
Sinking of the Maine
when a US battleship suddenly exploded in Cuba, and the yellow press accused Spain of deliberately blowing up the ship
Teller amendment
Declared that the US had no intention of taking political control of Cuba
“ A splendid little war”
When John Hay called the spanish American war due to it being so swift
The Philippines
Territory that the US claimed after the spanish American war
George Dewey
The commander that led troops into the Philippines
Rough Riders
A regiment of volunteers led by teddy Roosevelt that defeated the Spanish in san Juan hill
Puerto Rico and Guam
Territories the US claimed from the peace treaty that ended the Spanish American war
Treaty of Paris
The treaty that ended the spanish american war and gave the US Puerto Rico and Guam, was disliked by anti-imperialist and was almost not passed
Emilio Aguinaldo
Filipino nationalist leader who fought alongside US troops during the Spanish American war but later on fought against the US to gain freedom in the philippines
Anti-imperialist league
This organization was led by William Jennings Bryan and rallied opposition to further acts of expansion in the Pacific
Insular cases
A series of Supreme Court cases dealing with the issue of whether new US annexations should be granted constitutional rights, they decided that they shouldn’t
Platt Amendment 1901
An Amendment that Cuba had to sign in order to remove US troops, allowed a lot of control to the US over cuba
Spheres of influence
Russia, Japan, Britain, France and Germany all established this, it meant they could dominate trade and investment within their sphere and shut out competitors
Open door policy
A Rebuttal to the spheres of influence, where all nations would have equal trading privileges in China
Boxer Rebellion
When a secret society of Chinese nationalist attacked foreign settlements and murdered dozen of christian missionaries
Big Stick Diplomacy
The name for roosevelt’s aggressive foreign policy
Theodore Roosevelt
The President that was a major expansionist
Panama Canal
The area that Roosevelt was eager to obtain to connect the Atlantic and Pacific ocean
Roosevelt Corollary
This declared that the US would intervene if Europeans tried to take latin American land
Russo-Japanese War
Imperialist rivalry between Russia and JApan led to this war Roosevelt ended the conflict
Gentlemen’s Agreement
When the Japanese gov agreed to restrict the emigration of Japanese workers to the US in return for Roosevelt persuading california to repeal its discriminatory laws
Great White Fleet
When to demonstrate US naval power to Japan, Roosevelt sent battleships on around the world cruse
William Howard Taft
the president after Roosevelt who was more anti-imperialist
Dollar Diplomacy
tafts policy of promoting US trade by supporting American enterprises abroad
Woodrow Wilson
The democratic nominee for 1912, promised a new freedom for the country, part of which was a moral approach to foreign affairs
Pancho Villa
A mexican rebellion leader, challenged the new democratic regime in Mexico
Expeditionary Force
This military group was ordered to pursue Pancho villa into northern Mexico
Lincoln Steffens
The author of muckraking articles tweed days in St Louis
Ida Tarbell
Author of the muckraking articles “The history of the standard oil company
Jacob Riis
One of the first photojournalist who would publish photos of the horrible conditions in tenement apartments
Secret Ballot
When voters would mark their choices secretly within a private booth
Robert Lafollete
This progressive governor introduced the idea of the direct primary
17th Amendment
Direct election of the US senators
Initiative, referendum, recall
Three amendments that would force state legislators to act
Wisconsin Idea
A series of progressive measures that included a direct primary law, tax reform, and states regulating railroads businesses
Temperance and prohibition
a progressive idea that many people that was making the country more violent and dangerous
National child Labor committee
this organization proposed model state child Labor laws that were passed by 2/3 of the states
Triangle shirtwaist fire
When NYC high rise caught of fire and 146 died
square deal
Roosevelts domestic policy that focused on a balance between business,labor, and the public