A Supreme Court case that established the right of the Court to review the constitutionality of laws. The decision involved judicial appointments made during the last hours of the administration of President John Adams (1797-1801). Some commissions, including that of William Marbury, had not yet been delivered when President Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) took office. Infuriated by the last minute nature of Adams's Federalist appointments, Jefferson refused to send the undelivered commissions out, and Marbury decided to sue. The Supreme Court ruled that although Marbury's commission was valid and the new president should have delivered it, the Court could not compel him to do so. The Court based its reasoning on a finding that the grounds of Marbury's suit, resting in the Judiciary Act of 1789, were in conflict with the Constitution,. This ruling established the concept of judicial review, the right of the courts to judge the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress and the state legislatures.