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4 Terms


What is phobia?

An excessive, extreme, irrational fear or panic reaction about a situation, living creature, place or object.

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How does classical conditioning explain phobias?

  • We learn via association

  • Repeated pairing of the UCS and NS lead to the NS becoming a CS which causes a CR of fear.

  • For example if someone was bitten by a dog:

  • UCS (pain) → UCR (fear)

  • UCS (pain) + NS (dog) → UCR (fear)

  • CS (dog) → CR (fear)

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How does Social Learning theory explain phobias?

  • We learn via observation and imitation of a role model

  • We imitate the role model’s fear of the phobic stimuli/we see someone respond in a fearful way so we do too

  • Pay attention to the fear behaviour

  • We will identify with the role model (similar, status, significant)

  • We are motivated to repeat these behaviours by the actual or perceived reward they bring (e.g attention)

  • Vicarious reinforcement occurs when role models are gaining the reward desired, e.g if they gain attention it makes you more likely to copy

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How does operant conditioning explain phobias?

  • When you run away from the phobic stimuli, you gain the feeling of relief (positive reinforcement).

  • Or when you run away from the phobic stimuli, your fear is reduced (negative reinforcement).

  • When you try to face your fear and panic (positive punishment), this is a punishment for ‘facing your fear’ so you never do.

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