What is justice?
bringing about what is right and fair
What is righteous anger?
anger against injustice
What does the Catholic Church teach about justice?
it’s God’s desire that everyone should be treated fairly
What did prophet Amos teach about justice?
creating justice is more important that ensuring worship is done correctly
What is the quote from Amos 5:23-24?
“… let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”
It teaches that justice should be common in every day life, like the water in a stream.
How did Jesus show righteous anger?
when he drove the sellers out of the temple as they had turned it into a market place in John 2:13-17
What do Christians think about righteous anger?
Many believe it is acceptable because it can be controlled and channelled into a positive action, which can improve a situation.
What are the main consequences of modern warfare?
civilian casualties
environmental damage
What does the Catholic Church teach about civilian casualties?
it’s wrong for civilians (non-combatants) to be attacked or threatened so they should be protected
What does the Catechism teach about civilians?
“Non-combatants … must be respected and treated humanely” CCC 2313- that those who are not involved should be protected and respected
What does the Catholic Church believe about refugees?
Refugees should be welcomed and protected by all countries
What did Pope Francis say about the Syrian refugee crisis?
“May every parish … in Europe host a family”
everyone should take in refugees to protect them from further harm and damage and provide them with support
What do people have a responsibility to do about the environment?
to limit the damage to the environment
What does Genesis 2 instruct people to do?
be stewards of the earth
What are some contrasting views of modern warfare?
it’s acceptable to use powerful destructive weapons to end wars quickly
Britain hasn’t got enough resources to support refugees and asylum seekers
refugees can contribute to the economy
What is terrorism?
the unlawful use of violence, usually against innocent civilians
What are the aims of terrorism?
frighten people
cause fear/ harm
undermine governments
force authorities to give way to certain demands
What did Paul teach about the authorities?
everyone should obey the authorities as they have been put in charge by God
What is the quote for authority?
“… whoever resists authority resists what God has appointed” Romans 13:1-2
What did Paul command about vengeance?
never to take vengeance- violence and terrorism are always wrong
What is the quote for vengeance?
“… leave room for the wrath of God” Romans 12:19
Why did the Jewish Maccabees resort to violence?
the non-Jewish power tried to force them to give up their religious practices and beliefs
Does the Bible support terrorism?
no because it goes against the state of peace that God wants for all people
What did Pope Francis say in CCC 2297?
it’s wrong to carry out acts of terrorism in the name of God
What are some examples of terrorism in Britain?
IRA detonated bombs in Warrington (1993), London (1993), Manchester (1996), Omagh (1998)
Islamist extremists- London (2005), Glasgow (2007), London and Manchester (2017)
What did God encourage people to do in the Old Testament?
go to war to defend themselves (“You shall destroy them!” Deuteronomy 7:2)
What does Exodus teach about retaliation?
it’s appropriate “eye for an eye” Exodus 21:23-24
What does Ecclesiastes teach about war?
it can be the best source of actions at times (“the time for hate, a time for war” Ecclesiastes 3:2-8)
What do the 10 Commandments teach about war?
“Do not kill” war involves killing so it should be avoided