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PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course

PHP Basics: Variables and Math Operations

Storing Numbers in Variables

  • Creating Variables

    • Example: $number = 10;

  • Printing Variables

    • Use echo to display the value: echo $number; outputs 10.

Performing Operations with Variables

  • Addition of Variables

    • Example:

      $anotherNumber = 5;
      echo $number + $anotherNumber; // Outputs 15
  • Incrementing and Decrementing

    • Increment: $number++; (Increases value by 1)

    • Decrement: $number--; (Decreases value by 1)

Arithmetic Operations

  • Shorthand Operations

    • Addition: num += 25; (Equivalent to num = num + 25;)

    • Other operations: num -= 25;, num *= 25;, num /= 25;

Advanced Math Functions in PHP

  • Using Built-in Functions

    • Absolute Value: abs(-100); returns 100.

    • Power: pow(2, 4); returns 16.

    • Square Root: sqrt(144); returns 12.

    • Maximum and Minimum:

      • max(2, 10); returns 10.

      • min(2, 10); returns 2.

    • Rounding Functions:

      • round(2.5); returns 3.

      • ceil(3.3); returns 4.

      • floor(3.9); returns 3.

User Input in PHP

  • Setting Up Forms

    • Forms allow user interaction and data submission.

    • Basic HTML form structure:

      <form action="site.php" method="POST">
      <input type="text" name="student">
      <input type="submit" value="Submit">
  • Accessing User Input

    • Use $_POST to retrieve submitted data:

      echo grades[$_POST['student']];

Associative Arrays in PHP

Introduction to Associative Arrays

  • Key-Value Pairs

    • Store data in pairs, e.g., student names and grades.

    • Example:

      $grades = array("Jim" => "A+", "Pam" => "B-", "Oscar" => "C+");

Accessing Associative Array Elements

  • Using Keys to Access Values

    • Example: echo $grades["Jim"]; outputs A+.

Modifying Associative Arrays

  • Updating Values

    • Example: $grades["Jim"] = "F"; changes Jim's grade.

Functions in PHP

Introduction to Functions

  • Purpose of Functions

    • Group related code for specific tasks.

    • Example of a simple function:

      function sayHi() {
      echo "Hi!";

Creating and Using Functions

  • Defining a Function

    • Use the function keyword.

  • Calling a Function

    • Simply use the function name followed by parentheses.

Constructors in PHP

Understanding Constructors

  • Purpose of Constructors

    • Automatically initialize object properties when an object is created.

  • Defining a Constructor

    • Use the __construct method:

      function __construct($title, $author, $pages) {
      $this->title = $title;
      $this->author = $author;
      $this->pages = $pages;

Creating Objects with Constructors

  • Example of Object Creation

    • Create a new book object:

      $book1 = new Book("Harry Potter", "JK Rowling", 400);

Benefits of Using Constructors

  • Simplifies Object Creation

    • Reduces lines of code and potential errors.

  • Example of Accessing Object Properties

    • echo $book1->title; outputs Harry Potter.


  • Understanding variables, math operations, user input, associative arrays, functions, and constructors is crucial for effective PHP programming.

  • These concepts form the foundation for building dynamic and interactive web applications.

PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course

PHP Basics: Variables and Math Operations

Storing Numbers in Variables

  • Creating Variables

    • Example: $number = 10;

  • Printing Variables

    • Use echo to display the value: echo $number; outputs 10.

Performing Operations with Variables

  • Addition of Variables

    • Example:

      $anotherNumber = 5;
      echo $number + $anotherNumber; // Outputs 15
  • Incrementing and Decrementing

    • Increment: $number++; (Increases value by 1)

    • Decrement: $number--; (Decreases value by 1)

Arithmetic Operations

  • Shorthand Operations

    • Addition: num += 25; (Equivalent to num = num + 25;)

    • Other operations: num -= 25;, num *= 25;, num /= 25;

Advanced Math Functions in PHP

  • Using Built-in Functions

    • Absolute Value: abs(-100); returns 100.

    • Power: pow(2, 4); returns 16.

    • Square Root: sqrt(144); returns 12.

    • Maximum and Minimum:

      • max(2, 10); returns 10.

      • min(2, 10); returns 2.

    • Rounding Functions:

      • round(2.5); returns 3.

      • ceil(3.3); returns 4.

      • floor(3.9); returns 3.

User Input in PHP

  • Setting Up Forms

    • Forms allow user interaction and data submission.

    • Basic HTML form structure:

      <form action="site.php" method="POST">
      <input type="text" name="student">
      <input type="submit" value="Submit">
  • Accessing User Input

    • Use $_POST to retrieve submitted data:

      echo grades[$_POST['student']];

Associative Arrays in PHP

Introduction to Associative Arrays

  • Key-Value Pairs

    • Store data in pairs, e.g., student names and grades.

    • Example:

      $grades = array("Jim" => "A+", "Pam" => "B-", "Oscar" => "C+");

Accessing Associative Array Elements

  • Using Keys to Access Values

    • Example: echo $grades["Jim"]; outputs A+.

Modifying Associative Arrays

  • Updating Values

    • Example: $grades["Jim"] = "F"; changes Jim's grade.

Functions in PHP

Introduction to Functions

  • Purpose of Functions

    • Group related code for specific tasks.

    • Example of a simple function:

      function sayHi() {
      echo "Hi!";

Creating and Using Functions

  • Defining a Function

    • Use the function keyword.

  • Calling a Function

    • Simply use the function name followed by parentheses.

Constructors in PHP

Understanding Constructors

  • Purpose of Constructors

    • Automatically initialize object properties when an object is created.

  • Defining a Constructor

    • Use the __construct method:

      function __construct($title, $author, $pages) {
      $this->title = $title;
      $this->author = $author;
      $this->pages = $pages;

Creating Objects with Constructors

  • Example of Object Creation

    • Create a new book object:

      $book1 = new Book("Harry Potter", "JK Rowling", 400);

Benefits of Using Constructors

  • Simplifies Object Creation

    • Reduces lines of code and potential errors.

  • Example of Accessing Object Properties

    • echo $book1->title; outputs Harry Potter.


  • Understanding variables, math operations, user input, associative arrays, functions, and constructors is crucial for effective PHP programming.

  • These concepts form the foundation for building dynamic and interactive web applications.