Creating Variables
Example: $number = 10;
Printing Variables
Use echo
to display the value: echo $number;
outputs 10
Addition of Variables
$anotherNumber = 5;
echo $number + $anotherNumber; // Outputs 15
Incrementing and Decrementing
Increment: $number++;
(Increases value by 1)
Decrement: $number--;
(Decreases value by 1)
Shorthand Operations
Addition: num += 25;
(Equivalent to num = num + 25;
Other operations: num -= 25;
, num *= 25;
, num /= 25;
Using Built-in Functions
Absolute Value: abs(-100);
returns 100
Power: pow(2, 4);
returns 16
Square Root: sqrt(144);
returns 12
Maximum and Minimum:
max(2, 10);
returns 10
min(2, 10);
returns 2
Rounding Functions:
returns 3
returns 4
returns 3
Setting Up Forms
Forms allow user interaction and data submission.
Basic HTML form structure:
<form action="site.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="student">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
Accessing User Input
Use $_POST
to retrieve submitted data:
echo grades[$_POST['student']];
Key-Value Pairs
Store data in pairs, e.g., student names and grades.
$grades = array("Jim" => "A+", "Pam" => "B-", "Oscar" => "C+");
Using Keys to Access Values
Example: echo $grades["Jim"];
outputs A+
Updating Values
Example: $grades["Jim"] = "F";
changes Jim's grade.
Purpose of Functions
Group related code for specific tasks.
Example of a simple function:
function sayHi() {
echo "Hi!";
Defining a Function
Use the function
Calling a Function
Simply use the function name followed by parentheses.
Purpose of Constructors
Automatically initialize object properties when an object is created.
Defining a Constructor
Use the __construct
function __construct($title, $author, $pages) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->author = $author;
$this->pages = $pages;
Example of Object Creation
Create a new book object:
$book1 = new Book("Harry Potter", "JK Rowling", 400);
Simplifies Object Creation
Reduces lines of code and potential errors.
Example of Accessing Object Properties
echo $book1->title;
outputs Harry Potter
Understanding variables, math operations, user input, associative arrays, functions, and constructors is crucial for effective PHP programming.
These concepts form the foundation for building dynamic and interactive web applications.
PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course
Creating Variables
Example: $number = 10;
Printing Variables
Use echo
to display the value: echo $number;
outputs 10
Addition of Variables
$anotherNumber = 5;
echo $number + $anotherNumber; // Outputs 15
Incrementing and Decrementing
Increment: $number++;
(Increases value by 1)
Decrement: $number--;
(Decreases value by 1)
Shorthand Operations
Addition: num += 25;
(Equivalent to num = num + 25;
Other operations: num -= 25;
, num *= 25;
, num /= 25;
Using Built-in Functions
Absolute Value: abs(-100);
returns 100
Power: pow(2, 4);
returns 16
Square Root: sqrt(144);
returns 12
Maximum and Minimum:
max(2, 10);
returns 10
min(2, 10);
returns 2
Rounding Functions:
returns 3
returns 4
returns 3
Setting Up Forms
Forms allow user interaction and data submission.
Basic HTML form structure:
<form action="site.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="student">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
Accessing User Input
Use $_POST
to retrieve submitted data:
echo grades[$_POST['student']];
Key-Value Pairs
Store data in pairs, e.g., student names and grades.
$grades = array("Jim" => "A+", "Pam" => "B-", "Oscar" => "C+");
Using Keys to Access Values
Example: echo $grades["Jim"];
outputs A+
Updating Values
Example: $grades["Jim"] = "F";
changes Jim's grade.
Purpose of Functions
Group related code for specific tasks.
Example of a simple function:
function sayHi() {
echo "Hi!";
Defining a Function
Use the function
Calling a Function
Simply use the function name followed by parentheses.
Purpose of Constructors
Automatically initialize object properties when an object is created.
Defining a Constructor
Use the __construct
function __construct($title, $author, $pages) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->author = $author;
$this->pages = $pages;
Example of Object Creation
Create a new book object:
$book1 = new Book("Harry Potter", "JK Rowling", 400);
Simplifies Object Creation
Reduces lines of code and potential errors.
Example of Accessing Object Properties
echo $book1->title;
outputs Harry Potter
Understanding variables, math operations, user input, associative arrays, functions, and constructors is crucial for effective PHP programming.
These concepts form the foundation for building dynamic and interactive web applications.