Egalitarian (adj.)
Asserting, resulting, from; or characterized by the belief in the equality of all people
Agrarian (adj.)
Relating to agriculture, farmland, or a rural way of life
Redress (v.)
To remedy, set right, or compensate for a wrong, grievance, or unfair situation
Anarchy (n.)
Political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental control
Primogeniture (n.)
Legal requirement that, in the absence of a will to the contrary, only the eldest son inherits all of a families property or estate
Precedent (n.)
An earlier event or action that is seen as an example, guide, or rule to follow in similar future circumstances
Apportionment (n.)
Act of determining the number of representatives, a legislature (such as the U.S. House of Representatives) according to the proportion of the population of each state to the total
Faction (n.)
Group or clique w/in a larger group, party, organization, or government concerned only w/ its own narrow self-interest
Compromise (n.)
An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions to one another
Ratify (v.)
To sign, approve, or give formal consent to a treaty, contract, or agreement
Interstate Commerce (n.)
Exchange of goods or commodities connecting or involving different states
Intrastate Commerce (n.)
Exchange of goods/commodities existing or occurring within the boundaries of a state, esp. w/in the U.S.
Federalism (n.)
System of government in which power is divided or shared between a national (i.e. federal) government and various regional or smaller governments (such as individual states)
Assumption (n.)
The action of taking, or beginning to take, power or responsibility
Deism (n.)
Enlightenment belief, based on notions of reasons, in a God often likened to a ‘clockmaker’ who created the universe according to natural law, and then abandoned it, leaving no room for supernatural forces. (like miracles) or revelations
Demagogue (n.)
Political leader who appeals to the people’s fears, prejudices, and emotions, rather than using rational agruments.
Domestic (adj.)
Relating to the running of a home or household or to a family relations; existing or occurring inside a particular country; not foreign or international
Squatter (n.)
Person who settles on land or occupies property w/out legal title or payment of rent
Impressment (n.)
Act or policy of seizing people or property for public service or use; forcing men to become sailors
Isolationism (n.)
National policy of abstaining from political or economic relations w/ other nations
Quasi (adj.)
To some degree; in some manner; resembling
Sedition (n.)
Incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government
Cabal (n.)
Small group of secret plotters, as against a government or person in authority
Nullify (v.)
To cancel out, render, or declare legally void or inoperative
Judicial Review (n.)
Power of a court (esp. the US Supreme Court) to Constitutionality of government laws or the acts of government officals
Writ (n.)
In law, any formal document, in letter form, under seal, and in the sovereign’s name