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What is the difference between physical and chemical change (DOE)
Physical change is a change that doesn’t affect the chemical propertieis and chemical does it affects the chemical composition of the substance
What are the five signs of chemical change (DOE)
gas producion
What is the relationship between atomic mass and the number of protons and neutrons
protons + neutrons = atomics mass
What is a cation and a anion
Cation is a positively charged ion while an anion is a negatively charged one
How do elements form a negative or positive charge?
If the element loses an electron then it’s postively charged if it gains than it’s negatively charged
What is an ionic bond (DOE) What is a molecular bond
Metal and non metal
non-metal and non-metal
What are polyatomic ions
They are ions composed of more than one atom (whole atom has a charge)
How many atoms are in this prefix: tetra
Formula for Diphosphorus pentoxide (shit like this DOE)
Write chemical name of BO3 (DOE)
boron oxide
Law of conservation of mass (DOE)
The law states that matter cannot be created or destroyed and that the mass of the reactants = mass of products
Balance the equation (DOE)
C + H2 = C3H8
3C + 4H2 = 1C3H8
Synthesis (all reactions DOE)
2 or more reactants come together and create one product (A+B= AB)
A compound breaks down into 2 or more substances (AB = A+B)
Single deplacement
One element displaces another in a compound (AB + X = AX + B)
double displacement
Both switch partners (AB + XY = AX + BY)
complete combustion
Rapid reaction of hydrocarbon and oxygen gas (A + O2 = H2O + CO2)
When products have a neutral pH (acid + base = salt + water)
What is an acid
What is a base (DOE)
An aqueous solution that conducts electricity, sour, turn blue litmus red, and neutralizes base.
An aqueous solution that conducts electricity and turns red litmus blue, they feel slippery and taste biter
What is a pure substance
a substance where all the particles that make it up are the same
which of the following would be the best conductor of electricity
pure water
sea water
tapa water
sea water because it has sodium making it ionic bond which re elctroylytes
Name this compound F2O3
difluorine trioxide
What might balance bleach
an acidic compound (lemon juice)
An element that exists as two atom molecules are…
What are the 7 diatomic molecules in nature
H O F Br I N Cl
What group is most stable on the periodic table
What group is most reactive
noble gases (argon/krypton/etc)
Halogens such as fluroine/bromine/etc
What is an element
Pure substance which can’t be broken down further
What is a period and what is a group on the periodic table
A period refers to the row while a group refers to the columns
Properties of ionic compounds (DOE)
high melting point
Properties of molecular compounds (DOE)
low meltingpoint
Examples of polyatomic ions in everyday life
Food additives
What happens in a covalent bond
The outer electrons are being shared
What are reactants and products
Reactants are used up and products are produced ina chemical reaction
What is a skeleton equation
A reaction where products and reactants aren’t balanced
Metals rarely appear naturally as pure elements they usually bond with others to form rock deposits called ores
What is incomplete combustion
a combustion reaction of hydrocarbons that may produce carbon monoxide, carbon, carbon dioxide, soot, water, and energy; occurs when the oxygen supply is limited
What is galvanized steel
steel that has been coated with protective layer of zinc, which forms a hard, insoluble oxide
What is corrosion (DOE)
Breakdown of a metal resulting from reactions with chemicals in its environment
What is rust?
When iron or steel corrodes however it doesn’t become a protective oxide rather it begins to chip away
Combustion reactions happen faster than corrosion reactions
acid leaching
removing heavy metals from containated soils by adding an acid solution to the soil and catching the solution hat drains through
Dry deposition
Acid-forming pollutants fall directly to earth in the dry state
Eukaroyte (potentially on exam or POE)
single celled life forms that don’t contain a nucleus or other membrane bound organelles
Cells that contain a nucleus and other organelles (multi-cellular organisms)
Difference between plant an animal cells (DOE)
Plants have a cell wall
Plants have chloroplasts
Plants don’t have centrioles or lysosomes
Plants have one large vacuole
3 reasons to cell division
Difference between asexual reproduction and sexual
Asexual reproduction involves one parent and the offspring are exact genetic copies while sexual reproduction involves two parents and the offspring has genetic information of each
When chemicals move in and out of a cell from an area of high concentration to low one
The movement of a liquid (typically water) across a membrane towards an area of high solute concentration
What does a vacuole do? (function of organelles DOE)
a fluid filled sac that stores food and water for the cell
golgi apparatus
an organelle involved in packaging proteins and producing lyosomes
Long twisted strands of DNA in the nucleus
Rough ER
Stores, separates, and serves as the cell’s transport system and it’s covered in ribosomes
sac like structure full of digestive enzymes
The 3 stages of the cell cycle (DOE)
Some cells take 30hrs to divide and certain cells don’t divide like adult nerve cells/cardiac cells
Mitosis (all stages DOE)
the stage where the DNA and nucleus is divided
What is biophotomics
Using light energy to diagnose, monitor, and treat living cells and organisms
The chromosomes thicken and become visible and the nuclear membrane disappears
The chromosomes line up at the center with the help of spindle fibers
The sister chromatids separate to opposite ends of the cell
The cell starts to separate and a new membrane forms around each cell
Cytoplasm pinches off and there are two new daughter cells
White blood cells (DOE)
fight infection (they make up less than 1% of blood volume)
red blood cells (DOE)
they contain hemoglobin which picks up CO2 and O2 and they make up almost half the body’s blood volume
They are cells which help blood clot they also create less than 1% of blood volume
Protein rich liquid that carries the blood cells along, makes up over half the blood volume
Nerve cells
Conducts electricial impulses to coordinates body activities
Fat cells
large vacuoles that store chemical energy
Skin cells
Tightly packed to reduce water loss
4 types of tissues in human
Protects from dehydration
Friction resistant
Provie sensory sensations
Brain to body communication
Spinal cord cord/ Neurons
Allows the body to move
3 types (skeletal/smooth/cardiac)
Provides support and insulation
Function of large and small intestine
Large absorbs water from the indigestive waste and small breaks down food further and absorbs nutrients
Pancreas (all key organs DOE)
Produces insulin to regulate your glucose levels (digestive system)
The airway to your lungs
Tiny air sacs in the lungs surrounded by capillaries and where gas exchange between air and blood occurs
Spinal cord
short cut for our reflexes
allows oxygen to move into your blood and CO2 to leave
Digestive system (all key systems DOE)
The system takes food and then digests it and excretes the remaining waste. Involves the following
Salivary glands
Small intestine
Large intestine (colon)
Appendix (not sure)
Rectum then anus
Accesosry organs
Label the following parts (just go inorder from top to bottom)
Large intestine (colon)
Cancer (DOE)
Various diseases which occur from uncontrolled cell division
The three points in the cell theory
All living things are made up cells
All cells came from prexisting cells
The cell is the most basic unit of life
Circulatory system
The system that transports oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and carries away waste
Respiratory system
The system which provides ocygen for the body and allows CO2 to leave. The air travels into your mouth or nose then down the trachea, bronchi and into the alveoli where the gas exchange occurs (this is in the lungs) the lungs and ribcage both expand and contract
Musculoskelteal system
It supports the body/protects delicate organs and allows movement
3 types of connective tissue in skeleton
hard and dense
has nerve and blood vessels
tough and elastic
Hold bone together at the joint
strong and flexible
Found in nose and ear
3 types of muscles (POE)
Smooth (involuntary)
skeletal (contrct when signled)
Cardiac (in the heart)
Nervous system
System which senses the environment and coordinates appropriate responses
Central nervous system (CNS)
consists of brain and spinal cord and it carry signlas between the CNS and the PNS
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
it relays info about the internal and external environment to the brain and connects the rest of the body to the CNS
Why is the structure of a neuron important (POE)
They send signals from one area of the body to another (axons are neurons covered in myelin and it acts as insulation on an electrical wire making sure it passes in the right way)
How do the circulatory and urinary system work together (system network DOE)
The urinary system has to get rid of waste the way this happens is if the blood travels there from the circulatory system and absorbs the waste and then transport it back out
What is shoot and root system (DOE)
Shoot system contains the stem ,leaves and flower it is there to conduct photosynthesis and create flowers for sexual reproduction and the root system just contains the various roots which absorbs water and minerals and bring them to the various plant parts
Explain the 3 types of tissue in plants (DOE)
Outer layer
Epidermal is outer layer on non-woody plants and periderm is the opposite
Vascular Tissue
Specialized tissues
Transporting water and minerla s and nutrients throughout the plant
2 types (xylem and phloem)
Makes up everything that the other two don’t
Manufactured nutrients by the process of photosynthesis; in the roots, they store carbohydrates; and in the stems, they provide storage and support
What is xyelm and pholem (DOE)
The two types of vascular tissues. Xylem transport water and dissolved minerals upwards from the root while pholem transports sugar solutions from photosynthesis and hormones
What are meristematic cells
undifferentiated plant cells that can divide and become specalized
Palisade layer and spongy mesophyll
The first is near the top and it is packed cells while the other is loosely packaged cells
Label the leaf diagram (off of test)
vascular bundle
palisade layer/mesophyll
guard cells
Apical meristem and lateral meristem
Apical are undifferentiated cells at the tip of plant roots and shoots and hey allow them to grow longer and lateral are undifferentiated cells in the bark they allow the plant to grow wider
Phsyical substance through which energy can be transferred
a method of energy transfer that does not require a medium
Electromagnetic wave (DOE)
A wave that has both electric and magnetic parts does not require a medium