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The action of removing military forces from an area is known as _________________________.
_________________________ is the process through which a political regime follows democratic principles or transitions into a more democratic government.
Douglas MacArthur
____________________________ was a U.S. Five-Star General who served as a prominent leader in the Pacific during World War II and oversaw the Allied Occupation of Japan in the post-World War II period.
Article 9
A section of the Japanese Constitution known as ____________________ reads "the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right."
1947 Constitution
The ________________________________ was the first democratic plan of government for Japan; it was largely influenced by the U.S. political structure.
In Japan, the _________ is a bicameral legislature consisting of a House of Representatives and House of Concillors.
Emperor Hirohito
During the U.S. Occupation of Japan from 1945-1949, _________________________________ was an important ally in creating democracy in Japan; his political power was restructured to include only ceremonial powers.
Japanese Economic Miracle
Japan became the 2nd largest economy after the US by the 1960s
Factors that led to Japan’s economic success:
Hard-working Japanese people
Educated population
Korean War
Rise of new industries supported by capitalismÂ
Hona, Sony, etc.
Guided capitalism
Korean Occupation
Gwangmu Reform (1897-1907)
Emperor Go-Jong (last emperor of Korea)
Realized Korea was behind
Westernized how Koreans dressed
Modernized education and daily life
Ended with the Ruso-Japanese warÂ
Korea was annexed by Japan by the Korea-Japan Treaty (1910)
Occupation lasted from 1910-1945
Korean history, language and culture was nearly wiped out
Ended when armed forces of US & USSR took control on August 15th, 1945
Kim Jong-Un
Assumed role of supreme leader in North Korea in 2011
Known as “The Marshal” or “Dear Respected”
Powerful dictator who controls all media & violates human rights
Kim Yo-Jong (2nd most powerful leader in North Korea)
Park Chung-hee
Assumed power in 1961 after a successful coup d’etat
Former military leader in the South Korean army
Set Korea on course to follow “guided capitalism” similar to Japan
Assassinated on October 26, 1979
Domino Theory
If one nation falls under communism, others will follow
Fear that this can even reach to North America (US)
Ho Chi Minh
Communist who led North Vietnam during the Geneva Accords - “Bringer of Light”
Ngo Dinh Diem
Democratic leader of South Vietnam during the Geneva Accords
Mohandas Gandhi
Indian activist who fought for India’s independence from GB
Nonviolent Civil Disobedience
Gandhi was assassinated in 1948
His birthday October 2nd is a national holiday (in India)Â Known as the International Day of Nonviolence
India National Congress
Challenges of nation-building
Formed in 1886
Mission after WWII was a free & democratic India
After India’s independence in 1947 became the major ruling political party
Religious differences between Hindus & Muslims create major religious cleavage
Religious minority in India
Wanted their own country in 1947
Live in the northern province of Punjab
Muslim League
Founded in 1906
Wanted to protect Indian Muslims
Political group that wanted a separate Muslim nation during the Partition of British India in 1947
One of the most dangerous places in the world today
A disputed province, straddling India and Pakistan’s northern border
Leonid Brezhnev
__________________________ was a military leader in the Soviet Union who defended communism in Eastern Europe; he became president of the Soviet Union in 1977.
Alexander Dubcek
Communist Party Secretary of Czechoslovakia; loosens strict rules; permits criticism of government; assures loyalty to USSR; gets kicked out
Prague Spring
Czechs celebrate new “communism with a human face”
The Soviet Union responds to these reforms with 600,000 Warsaw Pact troops
To avoid bloodshed, the Czech government ordered armed forces not to resist the invasion
Dubcek was taken to Moscow to meet with Brezhnev for a “free comradely discussion”
As a result, Czechoslovakia abandoned its reforms
Czechoslovakia served as a warning to any other Eastern European countriesÂ
“If you try to break away from the Soviet influence, you better be willing to fight or give up.”
French word meaning the “easing of tensions”
Period of improved relations between the Soviet Union & US
Began in 1971
Majorly impacted by President Nixon’s trip to Moscow in 1972
Nixon traveled to Moscow to show earnestness to the Soviet Union
Normalization of relations between the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) & Eastern Germany
Also describes resuming relations of East & West Germany
Took almost two decades to push East Germany to the point of collapse
Agreement between Brezhnev & Nixon in May of 1972
Considered to be the most progressive attempts to control nuclear weapons at the time
Contained 2 Major Provisions:Â
Limited the number of Anti-Ballistic misssiles
Froze the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles (IBM’s) & submarine launched ballistic missiles
Didn’t get rid of missiles, just stopped the production of new ones.
Ronald Reagan
US President elected in 1980
Believed that the end of the Cold War was in sight
Pursued a policy of “Peace Through Strength”
Rejected policies of containment & DĂ©tente
Called the Soviet Union “an evil empire”
Advocated for a space-based missile shield that would intercept an attack by the Soviet Union (nicknamed “Star Wars”)
Helsinki Accords
Major diplomatic agreement reached at the end of the Conference on Security & Co-operation in Europe
To try to restore relations between the USSR and Western nations
To reduce tensions between the US and the USSR
Led to the end of the Cold War
Lech Walesa
Labor activist
Won Nobel Peace Prize in 1983
Became President of Poland
Created (and led) communist Poland’s first independent trade union (Solidarity) in August 1980
Validated the work of the Solidarity Movement over the last decade
Went from:
A union worker ---> labor president ---> the first democratically elected President of Poland
Was greatly supported by Pope John Paul II and other world leaders
a Polish labor union, led by Lech Walesa, that emerged in the early 1980s as a major anti-communist movement within the Soviet-controlled Eastern Bloc, gaining significant support from the Polish populace and Pope John Paul II; essentially representing a united resistance against the communist regime
Willy Brandt
1964-1987: Leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany
1969-1974: Served as Chancellor the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)Â
Followed policy of “rapprochement” with East Germany
Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1971
Lived to see Germany reunited in 1990
Fall of Berlin Wall
Summer 1990:
All former communist nations in the Eastern bloc were replaced by democratic governments
Opposite of the Domino Effect (yay!)
Idk how else to describe this im ngl
Helmut Kohl
West German Chancellor (1982-1998)
Assured world leaders that Germany had learned from its past
Other political leaders gradually came to accept Germany’s unification
Mikhail Gorbachev
General Secretary of the Communist Party in the USSR from (1985-1991)
Served as USSR President from 1990-1991
He encouraged democratic reforms in East Germany
His efforts to democratize & decentralize the economy led to the collapse of communist Soviet Union