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is a combination of Cheerleading, Jazz and Hip Hop along with the use of poms. This is usually performed by students in half-time events but now has evolve into a competition itself

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Thomas Peebles

In the 1980s at Princeton University, _____ together with other students supported a local American football team with cheers.

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Lawrence Herkimer

cheerleading. …“founding father” of that industry, Lawrence Herkimer, was himself a cheerleader at Southern Methodist University in Dallas

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This is a pose where you have one leg down and your other leg on a 90 degree angle to your back.

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This term refers to how the bases catch the flyer in a reclined position catching both the legs and the back.

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This refers to a longer string of phrases that is yelled and incorporates motions, jumps, stunts, tumbling, and often spirit props.

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Refers to the performers stacking on top of each other making a pyramid.

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This term refers to when a team performs all aspects of a routine during practice, including stunts, jumps, and tumbling.

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Elements of Cheer dance

-Jumps -Dance -Stunt Sequence -Pyramid Sequence -Standing Tumbling -Running Tumbling

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Running Tumblings

It begin with a round-off into a series of one or more tricks. The most basic running tumbling pass is a round-off back handspring. Some squads require a basic tumbling pass, while others may ask for a series of two skills, such as a round-off back handspring into a back layout

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The _____ is the way cheerleaders clap. Start with your arms by your side. Bend your arms at the elbow, cup your hands together and clap.

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High - V

To execute a _____, lift your arms to resemble the letter “V”. Arms should be straight and placed slightly in front of the rest of your body. Your hands should be in tight fists with your fingers turned away from the body.

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T - Motion

Start with your arms by your side. Lift your arms to resemble the letter “T”. Arms should be straight and placed slightly in front of the rest of the body. Your hands should be in tight fists with your fingers facing the floor.

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To execute a _____ motion, lift your arms until they are above your head. Your arms should be straight and your biceps should be touching your ears. Your hands should be in tight fists with your fingers facing each other.

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Toe Touch

From the squat, jump and lift both legs into a straddle position. Hit a sharp T-motion. Make sure your chest is up, legs are straight and toes are pointed. Snap your legs down and bring your arms in tight by your side. Complete the jump by landing with your feet together.

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Begin the jump with the cone-motion approach. From the squat, jump and lift either the left or right leg straight in front of you. The goal is to bring your front leg to your chest, but do not drop your chest to do so. Keep your chest up and your eyes facing forwards. Kick your back leg behind you and bend at the knee. Both legs should hit these positions at the same time.

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Begin the jump with the cone-motion approach. From the squat, jump and lift both legs straight in front of you into a pike position. In this jump, you are allowed to drop your chest to meet your legs at the top of the jump. The motion you will hit is similar to a touchdown motion, but your arms should be extended straight in front of you. Make sure your legs are straight and toes are pointed.

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Side bases

Squat into a deep lunge, with the inside leg bent and the outside leg straight. It is crucial for the bases to get close to one another to create a stable foundation for the flyer to stand on. Ensure the bases’ legs are be lined up from the knee to the foot.

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Start with one foot at the top of the base’s thigh and both hands on the base’s shoulders. Dip, push off the bases, and place the remaining foot on the other base’s thigh. Stand up straight and squeeze. Hit a high-V motion at the top of the stunt.

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Back spot

Start by gripping the flyer by her waist. Guide her up to the top of the thigh stand. Do not release the flyer until she is safely back on the floor.

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Start by placing one leg in front of you Your front leg should be in a lunge position, while you back leg is straight. The leg you place in front can be determined by which hand you write with, but ultimately, you must decide which feels the most comfortable leading you into the handstand. Your arms should remain by your ears until the completion of the skill.

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Back Handspring

Begin the _____ by bending your legs into a sitting position and swinging your arms behind you. Be sure to keep your chest up during this step. As you stand up from the squat, swing your arms up and jump back into the handspring.

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Three main roles in cheerdancing

-Bases -Spotter -Flyer

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Are the athletes that hold the flyer or top girl in the air during the stunt

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usually are the people who call everything during a stunt.

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The person who is elevated into the air by the bases; the person that is on top of a pyramid/stunt.

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____ are very strong and are usually assigned together based on height to create a level platform for the flyer to perform an action. Is also considered the hardest position in cheerleading

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______ assist the flyer into the stunt but are not the primary support. They help steady or balance the stunt and catch the flyer, if she falls, to prevent injury. Their role in stunting is huge and should never be taken lightly.Is also the most important role

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The _____ is the one who does the switching, they lift their foot out of the base's hands and replace their other foot in the same spot to be caught by the bases. It may also be referred to as a tic-up.

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Main Base

This base is the left side of the stunt and helps with the stability of the flyer's foot. In a one-leg extension stunt, the main base will lift the toe and heel of the foot to increase stability and prevent the flyer from tilting forward or backward and will be almost directly under the stunt

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Side base

The _____ help lift the flyer up into the air and support the flyer's foot. The side base mainly controls the rotation of the foot. They hold the "ball" of the foot where the flyer's weight should be.

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Back Spot

The _____ is also called a "third" and gets their name by standing behind the stunt. They are not essential but extremely common since in a typical stunt group they are included. They normally will organize a stunt by calling out its name and the necessary counts to ensure group synchronization.

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Front Spot

Similar to the helping role of a back spot, the _____ will support and stabilize the stunt from the front. They are fairly rare, as most stunts are designed to be performed without one, but are sometimes added due to weaker bases or an uneven number of athlete

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Additional Spot

_____ are typically used as a safety precaution, such as when a group is trying new or difficult stunts. Generally, they will only help the stunt if it shows serious signs of falling.

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The UAAP Cheerdance Competition

The _____ is an annual one-day event of the University Athletic Association of the Philippines for cheerdancing.

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Festival dances

_____ are cultural dances performed to the strong beats of percussion instruments by a community of people sharing the same culture usually done in honor of a patron saint or as a thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest

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Why do Filipinos Celebrate Festivals?

-Honor -Unity -Creativity

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Religous Festivals

relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to God

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Art Festivals

denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis

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Seasonal and Harvest Festivals

an annual celebration that occurs around the time of the main harvest of a given region

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Sinulog-Santo Nino Festival

Place of Origin: Cebu city Religious Figure Honored: Sto Niño Month of Celebration: January

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Ati-Atihan Festival

Place of Origin: Kalibo, Aklan Religious Figure Honored: Sto. Niño Month of Celebration: Januar

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Santacruzan Festival

Place of Origin: Malolos, Bulacan Religious Figure Honored: St. Helena Month of Celebration: The last day of May

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Higantes Festival

Place of Origin: Angono, Rizal Religious Figure Honored: Pope St. Clement I Month of Celebration: 4th week of November

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Pahiyas Festival

Place of Origin: Quezon Religious Figure Honored: San Isidro Labrador Month of Celebration: Ma

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Obando Fertility Rites Festival

Place of Origin: Obando, Bulacan Religious Figure Honored: 3 Patron Saints of Obando (Santa Clara, San Pascual, Nuestra Senora de Salambao Month of Celebration: January

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Panagbenga Festival

is an annual flower festival celebrated every February which takes place in Baguio City, Philippines.

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Season of blooming

The term “Panagbenga” comes from a Kankanaey term meaning _____

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Bangus Festival

The _____ is a ten-day celebration taking place in Dagupan City every April. The festivities include an array of sports competitions, fairs, and street parties. And of course, the festival is full of culinary demonstrations, tastings, and contests.

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Kadayawan Festival

The ______ is an annual festival in the city of Davao in the Philippines. The festival is a celebration of life, a thanksgiving for the gifts of nature, the wealth of culture, the bounties of harvest and serenity of living.

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Abaca Festival

_____ showcases the life and resilient spirit of the Catandunganon and its culture, as well as the uniqueness and exoticness of the island and its people. It celebrates the fiber industry and its products, which is Catanduanes’ main materials for its handicrafts. Highlights of the festival include streetdance competition, float parade, trade fair, fashion show among others

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Masskara Festival

People celebrate the ______ to uplift the spirits of locals. They originally celebrated the event because of two main tragedies― a ferry accident and the collapse of sugar prices in the 1980s.

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Hip Hop

_____ is an edgy, fresh and powerful urban dance style also known as Street Dance.

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Hip hop as both a musical genre and a culture was formed during the _____ when block parties became increasingly popular in New York City, particularly among African American youth residing in the Bronx

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_____ started in the 1970s with its trademark innovative breaks and isolation of the percussive sounds.

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____is a forum of poetic and verbal “acrobatics.” It was inspired by ancient African culture and oral tradition and was also known as “rapping”.

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_____ was also a part of MCing, given that it had a vocal element. However, instead of a music track, different sounds were made using the mouth to create a beat and tune that served as the base upon which raps were spoken

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It all started with groups like Shaka Zulu Kings, Zulu Queens, and the Rock Steady Crew. These dancers gave rise to _____, otherwise known as B-boying or B-Girling. Also described as “poetry in motion,” breakdance combines acrobatics, gymnastics, Capoeira, martial arts, and other cultural dances.

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Perhaps the most controversial of all the elements, graffiti has and continues to be considered “vandalism” to many.

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Thought to be one of the very original styles of Hip Hop, _____ is characterized by acrobatic Vigour Movements, upright movements, and footwork.

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Locking and Popping

While technically two styles, _____ usually go hand in hand. Locking requires fast actions, sharp pauses, and extravagant gestures. Popping, on the other hand, is a bouncy style that demands extreme use of counter-tempo.

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_____, which is a coalition of Disco and Soul, uses a blend of fluid and sharp moves and is usually extremely choreographed.

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______ uses a blend of many dance moves to build soulful dances. it is a competitive, soulful street dance. It is performed to the beats of Soul, Rock, and Funk music.

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Liquid dance

As its title implies, ______ is a fluid and delicate dance with a centre on the arms and palms. It may include some forms of pantomime and exceptional dancers will use a range of body moves.

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Another fluid-like style, _____ uses the complete body sliding smoothly like butter, often with the rolling of the hips, head, and knees.

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If you have to pick a Hip Hop style that invokes sensuality, it would be _____ for its Latin influences mixed with more modern Hip Hop moves set to the modern evolution of Reggae music.

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_____ is a unique style of Hip Hop in that it tells a story and is danced to the words of the music instead of the beat. It is usually fluid and more interpretive than other styles of Hip Hop.

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______ is a group dance that includes using body actions to create percussive beats. Synchronized motions and percussive beats are featured in the dances.

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A _____ consists of two steps in approximately the same direction onto the same foot, separated by a joining or uniting step with the other foot.

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The Monastery

Every time you tap a foot on The floor, bend your knees. Once you've got the groove down, start going double time, stepping and bouncing twice as fast.

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Booty Pop

It is an awesome move that strengthens your glutes and legs while giving you an awesome stretch for your hamstrings and lower back.

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The Billy Bounce

What makes it unique is that your knees will come inward on each bounce rather than just up and down. Once you’ve got the funky lil knee bounce down, you’ll add in an upward kick on each side.The best thing about this move is that while the footwork takes a few minutes to learn, you don’t necessarily need to add an arm movement to make it look cool

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The Dougie

The _____ is a hip-hop dance generally performed by moving one's body in a shimmy style and passing a hand through or near the hair on one's own head.

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Scoop Arm Into Hip Sway

For this move, you’re gonna scoop your arm across your chest, then bring it over your head, and finally point it in front of your chest.

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The Humpty

For this bouncy move, you’re gonna circle your hips to one side as your bend your knees. Then, you’ll jump and cross your legs, allowing your feet to tap the floor briefly before you jump back to your original legs apart position. Once you’ve got that down, you can complete the move by adding in a windmill motion with your arms.

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