AP GOV - Unit 2: Executive Branch

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What is the minimum age for a president?

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What is the minimum age for a president?


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What kind of a citizen does the president have to be?

Natural Born

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What is the residency requirement to become president?

14 years

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Policy agenda

Set of laws and policies a president comes into office with the goal to put them in place

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Is the power to veto a formal or informal power?


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Within how many days does the president need to sign a veto that arrives at his desk?

10 days

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Pocket Veto

If a bill shows up at the presidents desk with less than 10 days left in the congressional session, he can ignore it and it will automatically be vetoed

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If there are more than 10 days left in a congressional session and the president does not sign a bill what happens?

it is automatically approved and becomes law

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Is pocket vetoing a formal or informal power?


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Commander in Chief

Presidents responsibility as the head of the military, involves the nuclear football.

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Executive Agreement

Agreement/Contract between president and a foreign head of state. Does not need to be approved by Congress!(unlike a bill)

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Executive Order

Order issued by the president. Like a bill that does not need congressional confirmation.

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Are Executive Agreements and Orders formal or informal powers?


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Bargaining and Persuasion

A president has the attention of the nation like no other politician, the president can use that attention to persuade the people to advance his policy agenda. INFORMAL.

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Signing Statement

When signing a bill into law, the president can attach a statement to it that essentially tells the nation how he interprets that law and how he intends to execute it.

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Presidential advisors who are all of the heads of the executive agencies.

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Twelfth Amendment

Joined the election of the president and the vice president so both now run together.

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Twentieth Amendment

Changed calendar dates of election from March to January

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Twenty-Second Amendment

Set an official 2 term limit for the presidency

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Twenty-Third Amendment

Included Washington D.C. in the general election as its own district

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Bully Pulpit

Comes from Teddy Roosevelt. The president is the only official that has the eyes and ears of the people and the Bully Pulpit is the way they communicate to citizens.

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State of the Union Address

Presidential Address about the state of the nation given every year to Congress and the people. Medium it is given through has evolved with technology.

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Twenty-Fifth Amendment

Officially stated the order of succession in the case of a presidents death.

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Nuclear Football

President carries it with him at all times(Commander in Chief). Its essentially a kit with all the supplies necessary to launch a nuclear attack in the case of emergency.

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Chief Legislator

Presidents role and responsibility in controlling/influencing Congress

  • State of the Union Address

  • Vetoing and Pocket Vetoing

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Chief Executive

Most basic presidential role. Presidents job in enforcing the law of the nation.

  • Acting as the head of the Federal Bureaucracy

  • Appointments

  • Making treaties

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Party Leader

Presidents role and responsibility to his party members that helped him get elected. Biggest part of this is presidential pardons.

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Chief Diplomat

Presidents role in foreign relations and interacting with foreign head of states.

  • Executive Agreements

  • Treaties

  • Appointment of Foreign Ambassadors

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War Powers Resolution

Law passed in 1973 which restricts the power of the president to maintain troops in active combat.

President may only introduce armed forces if…

  • Congress declares war

  • Congress gives special authorization

  • There is a national emergency/attack

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Executive Privilege

Right claimed by the president to keep certain conversations, records and documents out of the eyes and scrutiny of other branches.

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Presidential Pardon

Presidential authority to release individuals convicted of a crime from legal consequences and punishment(Party Leader)

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Presidential Reprieve

Temporary release due to extenuating circumstances like health.

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