Quiz 2 - Nutrition & Diet Therapy

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Which of the following carbohydrates is an end product of photosynthesis?

A) glycogen

B) chlorophyll

C) carbon dioxide

D) glucose

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Which of the following carbohydrates is an end product of photosynthesis?

A) glycogen

B) chlorophyll

C) carbon dioxide

D) glucose


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Carbohydrates contain

A) carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

B) carbon, sulfur, and potassium.

C) carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

D) carbon, helium, and sodium.

carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

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A disaccharide is formed by the chemical bonding of

A) two monosaccharides.

B) two polysaccharides.

C) one monosaccharide and one polysaccharide.

D) two oligosaccharides.

two monosaccharides.

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What is the major monosaccharide found in the body?

A) glucose

B) fructose

C) galactose

D) glycogen


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Which of the following would be the BEST choice for someone trying to reduce added sugar intake?

A) cranberry juice

B) half a cup of sliced strawberries

C) caramel apple yogurt

D) canned pears in heavy syrup

half a cup of sliced strawberries

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Which of the following is a simple carbohydrate?

A) glycogen

B) pectin

C) galactose

D) cellulose


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When fructose and glucose are bonded together, they form

A) sucrose.

B) maltose.

C) galactose.

D) lactose.


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The term complex carbohydrates refers to

A) monosaccharides.

B) disaccharides.

C) polysaccharides.

D) glucose.


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The storage form of glucose in animals is

A) galactose.

B) starch.

C) glycogen.

D) raffinose.


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In the body, the major storage sites for glycogen are the muscles and

A) liver.

B) kidneys.

C) gallbladder.

D) pancreas.


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Which of the following enzymes is found in the mouth?

A) lactase

B) maltase

C) pancreatic amylase

D) salivary amylase

salivary amylase

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A technique employed by some endurance athletes to increase their storage of muscle glycogen is

A) ketosis.

B) carbohydrate loading.

C) glycogen building.

D) gluconeogenesis.

carbohydrate loading.

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Gluconeogenesis is the

A) synthesis of new glucose from amino acids.

B) release of stored glycogen from the liver.

C) process by which plants use sunlight to synthesize glucose.

D) uptake of glucose by the body's cells.

synthesis of new glucose from amino acids.

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Which of the following are the preferred fuels for MOST body functions?

A) protein and fat

B) carbohydrate and protein

C) carbohydrate and fat

D) fat and ketones

carbohydrate and fat

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Insulin is synthesized and released by the

A) brain.

B) liver.

C) pancreas.

D) gallbladder.


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Which of the following hormones is released when your blood sugar rises?

A) insulin

B) estrogen


D) glucagon


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After a meal, which hormone is responsible for moving glucose into the body's cells?

A) glucagon

B) estrogen


D) insulin


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Which of the following BEST describes the glycemic index?

A) an individual's glucose/insulin ratio in a fasted state

B) the amount of insulin required to metabolize 100 grams of glucose

C) the glucose content of a given food

D) the extent to which a given food raises blood glucose and insulin

the extent to which a given food raises blood glucose and insulin

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Which of the following is an example of a soluble fiber?

A) lignins

B) cellulose

C) hemicelluloses

D) pectins


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When we don't consume enough carbohydrate, what substances does the body produce as an alternative fuel?

A) amyloses

B) amylases

C) ketones

D) glucagon


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Which of the following is associated with the development of ketosis?

A) a diet that contains too much fat

B) a diet that contains insufficient fat

C) a diet that contains too much carbohydrate

D) a diet that contains insufficient carbohydrate

a diet that contains insufficient carbohydrate

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During sleep, the body provides fuel to the brain

A) by breaking down body proteins.

B) by engaging in ketosis.

C) by converting glucose to glycogen.

D) The body does not provide fuel to the brain during sleep.

by engaging in ketosis.

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A diet low in fiber is associated with an increased risk of developing

A) kidney stones.

B) dental caries.

C) Crohn's disease.

D) diverticulosis.


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A high-fiber diet may

A) disturb the GI flora.

B) increase the body's production of bile.

C) increase the risk of obesity.

D) reduce the risk of colon cancer.

reduce the risk of colon cancer.

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Which of the following substances in a ripe peach is NOT absorbed by the body?

A) vitamin C

B) fructose

C) dietary fiber

D) water

dietary fiber

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Starch, glycogen, and dietary fiber are examples of

A) monosaccharides.

B) disaccharides.

C) simple carbohydrates.

D) complex carbohydrates.

complex carbohydrates.

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How many grams of carbohydrate per day are recommended for adults 19 years of age and older?

A) 75 grams

B) 100 grams

C) 130 grams

D) 160 grams

130 grams

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Which of the following is NOT a health problem related to eating too much sugar?

A) unexplained weight loss

B) tooth decay

C) increased risk for cardiovascular disease

D) increased risk for diabetes

unexplained weight loss

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Which of the following has the highest glycemic index value?

A) white rice

B) apples

C) instant mashed potatoes

D) ice cream

instant mashed potatoes

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The glycemic load is

A) the amount of carbohydrate in a food.

B) the amount of carbohydrate in a food multiplied by the food's glycemic index.

C) the amount of carbohydrate in a food divided by the food's glycemic index.

D) the amount of carbohydrate in a food multiplied by the food's glycemic index, divided by 100.

the amount of carbohydrate in a food multiplied by the food's glycemic index, divided by 100.

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Meat is NOT a good dietary source of glycogen. Why?

A) Glycogen is resistant to intestinal enzymes and cannot be broken down by the human digestive tract.

B) Most of the glycogen found in meat is broken down when the animal is slaughtered.

C) The highly branched structure of glycogen is difficult for human digestive enzymes to break apart.

D) The form of glycogen found in meat cannot be absorbed in the small intestine.

Most of the glycogen found in meat is broken down when the animal is slaughtered.

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The insoluble fiber that provides the main structural component of plant cell walls is

A) lignin.

B) pectin.

C) mucilage.

D) cellulose.


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Which of the following hormones is NOT involved in maintaining blood glucose levels?

A) insulin

B) thyroxin

C) glucagon

D) epinephrine


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Up to what percentage of a person's total energy intake should carbohydrates provide, based on the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR)?

A) 15%

B) 30%

C) 65%

D) 70%


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The term "enriched" on a food label signifies that

A) the nutrients in the food were lost during processing and then added back in.

B) nutrients were added to the food that did not originally exist in it.

C) nutrients were added to the food that have additional health benefits beyond those naturally found in it.

D) the food was processed without any artificial additives.

the nutrients in the food were lost during processing and then added back in.

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Mikayla's doctor has suggested that she increase the fiber content of her diet. Which of the following would NOT be good advice for Mikayla?

A) Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day.

B) Purchase bread and grain products in which the first ingredient listed is "whole grain."

C) Increase fiber intake by taking a fiber supplement each day.

D) Eat legumes every day, if possible.

Increase fiber intake by taking a fiber supplement each day.

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Which of the following alternative sweeteners is made from sucrose?

A) aspartame

B) sucralose

C) acesulfame-K

D) saccharine


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When blood glucose levels drop, which hormone brings glucose out of storage to raise blood glucose levels?

A) insulin

B) glucagon

C) glycogen

D) adrenaline


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The hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine regulate blood glucose levels by

A) assisting transport of glucose into cells.

B) stimulating the liver to store glycogen.

C) triggering glycogen breakdown in the liver.

D) inhibiting gluconeogenesis.

triggering glycogen breakdown in the liver.

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Which of the following statements about glycemic load is TRUE?

A) The glycemic load is the potential of a food to raise blood glucose levels.

B) The glycemic load of an individual food item is more significant than the glycemic load of the entire meal.

C) Researchers agree that the evidence supporting the health benefits of a low glycemic-load diet is very strong.

D) The lower the glycemic load of a meal, the lower the post-meal rise in blood glucose.

The lower the glycemic load of a meal, the lower the post-meal rise in blood glucose.

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Foods in which nutrients are added that did not originally exist in that food are known as

A) enriched.

B) fortified.

C) genetically modified.

D) processed.


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The condition in which infected pockets form on the wall of the large intestine is known as

A) celiac disease.

B) Crohn's disease.

C) colon cancer.

D) diverticulosis.


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Ketoacidosis can result in

A) muscle growth.

B) coma and death.

C) increased storage of glycogen in muscles.

D) an increase in appetite.

coma and death.

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In the diet, the nondigestible parts of plants that form the support structures of leaves, stems, and seeds are known as

A) functional fiber.

B) dietary fiber.

C) total fiber.

D) starches.

dietary fiber.

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A high-fiber diet might help decrease blood cholesterol levels by

A) preventing ketosis.

B) keeping stools soft.

C) trapping cholesterol in pockets in the large intestine.

D) causing more cholesterol-containing bile to be excreted in feces.

causing more cholesterol-containing bile to be excreted in feces.

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The primary energy source used by the body during intense exercise is

A) carbohydrate.

B) protein.

C) fat.

D) cholesterol.


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A condition marked by blood glucose levels that are below normal levels is

A) hypoglycemia.

B) type 1 diabetes.

C) type 2 diabetes.

D) ketoacidosis.


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The label on a box of granola indicates that it contains 13 grams of added sugars, and 240 Calories per serving. What percent of Calories in a serving comes from added sugars?

A) 12%

B) 22%

C) 45%

D) 67%


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Which of the following provides about one-third of the daily Adequate Intake (AI) of fiber for women?

A) 1 cup of iceberg lettuce

B) 1 slice of enriched wheat bread

C) 1 cup of fresh strawberries

D) 1/2 cup of cooked lentils

1/2 cup of cooked lentils

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Which of the following types of bread contains the most fiber?

A) 1 slice of pumpernickel bread

B) 1 slice of whole-wheat bread

C) 1 slice of white bread

D) 1 buttermilk biscuit

1 slice of pumpernickel bread

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Which of the following fruit servings contains the highest level of fiber-rich carbohydrates?

A) 1 medium banana

B) 1 cup of fresh strawberries

C) 1 cup of blackberries

D) 1/2 cup of canned fruit cocktail

1 cup of blackberries

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Ana takes her grandparents out to eat every Sunday at their favorite buffet-style restaurant, which offers only a limited selection of vegetables. Which of the following would be the most fiber-rich vegetable option for the diners?

A) 1 cup of cooked broccoli

B) 2 cups of iceberg lettuce

C) 6 spears of steamed asparagus

D) 1/2 cup of creamed corn

1 cup of cooked broccoli

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Whole-grain flours are rich sources of fiber because they retain the grain's

A) husk.

B) hull.

C) stem.

D) bran.


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Which of the following is thought to be a health benefit of eating meals that have a low glycemic load?

A) higher fiber intake

B) dramatic fluctuations in blood glucose

C) higher blood cholesterol levels

D) reduced risk for breast cancer

higher fiber intake

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Which of the following describes lipids?

A) organic substances that are insoluble in water

B) inorganic substances that are insoluble in water

C) organic substances that are insoluble in fat

D) inorganic substances that are insoluble in fat

organic substances that are insoluble in water

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Which of the following are NOT major classes of dietary lipids?

A) glycogens

B) triglycerides

C) sterols

D) phospholipids


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What is the primary form of fat in the diet?

A) sterols

B) triglycerides

C) phospholipids

D) glycerols


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A triglyceride is composed of

A) three fatty acids and one glycerol.

B) three glycerols and one fatty acid.

C) three atoms of carbon and one glycerol.

D) three glycerols and one atom of carbon.

three fatty acids and one glycerol.

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Medium-chain fatty acids are how many carbon atoms in length?

A) 2

B) 4

C) at least 6

D) at least 14

at least 6

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A fatty acid that contains a chain of ten carbons and one double carbon bond is a

A) saturated, medium-chain fatty acid.

B) saturated, long-chain fatty acid.

C) monounsaturated, medium-chain fatty acid.

D) monounsaturated, long-chain fatty acid.

monounsaturated, medium-chain fatty acid.

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Which of the following fatty acids is generally solid at room temperature?

A) short-chain

B) monounsaturated

C) polyunsaturated

D) saturated


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Which of the following foods are the BEST sources of monounsaturated fatty acids?

A) coconut and palm oils

B) olive oil and cashew nuts

C) chicken and whole milk

D) butter and beef

olive oil and cashew nuts

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Which of the following foods are HIGHEST in saturated fatty acids?

A) tuna and walnuts

B) salmon and canola oils

C) peanut oil and peppers

D) butter and palm kernel oil

butter and palm kernel oil

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Which of the following is the BEST source of polyunsaturated fatty acids?

A) corn oil

B) coconut oil

C) beef fat

D) butter

corn oil

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Saturated fats are

A) not found in foods derived from plants.

B) found primarily in foods derived from plants.

C) found in salmon and eggs.

D) liquid at room temperature

found in salmon and eggs.

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The process of straightening an unsaturated fatty acid to create a more solid fat that resists rancidity is called

A) emulsification.

B) pressurization.

C) hydrogenation.

D) deamination.


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Which of the following statements is TRUE about trans fatty acids?

A) They are made by the body in large quantities.

B) They are found only in processed foods.

C) They are less harmful to health than saturated fatty acids.

D) Foods with a Nutrition Facts panel claiming "zero" trans fats per serving may actually contain trans fats.

Foods with a Nutrition Facts panel claiming "zero" trans fats per serving may actually contain trans fats.

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Which of the following ingredients on the label of a box of cookies would alert you to the presence of trans fatty acids?

A) partially hydrogenated vegetable oil

B) high-fructose corn syrup

C) all natural liquid corn oil

D) vitamin E

partially hydrogenated vegetable oil

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Which of the following is a rich source of linoleic acid?

A) a baked potato

B) flaxseeds

C) peanut oil

D) salmon

peanut oil

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Which of the following is TRUE about essential fatty acids?

A) The body produces essential fatty acids.

B) We need to obtain essential fatty acids from food.

C) No vegetables contain essential fatty acids.

D) Consumption of essential fatty acids reduces the production of eicosanoids, which can promote cardiovascular disease.

We need to obtain essential fatty acids from food.

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Why are phospholipids NOT classified as essential nutrients?

A) Our bodies manufacture phospholipids.

B) Phospholipids are not naturally found in the healthy body.

C) The GI flora produce phospholipids.

D) Phospholipids serve no useful function in the human body.

Our bodies manufacture phospholipids.

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Which of the following statements is FALSE about sterols?

A) Sterols are found in both plant and animal foods.

B) Cholesterol is the most common sterol found in the human diet.

C) The human body produces sterols.

D) Sterols contain a glycerol backbone and one fatty acid.

Sterols contain a glycerol backbone and one fatty acid.

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A key component(s) of the cell membrane is/are

A) lecithin.

B) progesterone.

C) phospholipids.

D) triglycerides.


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Sex hormones and adrenal hormones are derived from which class of lipid?

A) fatty acids

B) triglycerides

C) phospholipids

D) sterols


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Which of the following food items would contain the highest amount of saturated fat?

A) a cup of raw baby spinach

B) a tablespoon of canola oil

C) a cup of skim milk

D) a tablespoon of melted butter

a tablespoon of melted butter

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Which of the following is NOT a function of fat in the human body?

A) Fat assists in the transport of fat-soluble vitamins.

B) Fat maintains the integrity of cell membranes.

C) Fat provides insulation to help retain body heat.

D) Consumption of fat helps stimulate our appetite.

Consumption of fat helps stimulate our appetite.

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Which of the following organs does NOT assist in the digestion of lipids?

A) liver

B) esophagus

C) gallbladder

D) tongue


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The vast majority of fat digestion and absorption occurs in the

A) stomach.

B) liver.

C) small intestine.

D) large intestine.

small intestine.

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To facilitate the digestion of dietary fats, the gallbladder stores and releases a substance known as

A) lipase.

B) bile.

C) hydrochloric acid.

D) bicarbonate.


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In the process of emulsification of triglycerides

A) fatty acid chains are removed from the glycerol backbone.

B) micelles transport fatty acids across the enterocytes.

C) bile salts separate large fat droplets into smaller droplets.

D) pancreatic lipase denatures fatty acid chains.

bile salts separate large fat droplets into smaller droplets.

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Where in the body are the majority of triglycerides stored for future energy needs?

A) lipoproteins

B) muscle tissue

C) liver

D) adipose tissue

adipose tissue

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Which lipoprotein is produced in the enterocytes and transports dietary fat into the lymphatic system?

A) chylomicron

B) sterol

C) low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

D) phospholipid


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Fat leaves the chylomicron and moves into adipose cells when the chylomicron comes into contact with

A) pancreatic lipase.

B) lipoprotein lipase.

C) lingual lipase.

D) bile.

lipoprotein lipase.

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How many Calories does 25 grams of fat provide?

A) 100

B) 175

C) 225

D) 250


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Which of the following is an essential fatty acid?

A) cholesterol

B) linoleic acid

C) butyric acid

D) hydrochloric acid

linoleic acid

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The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for fat is what percentage of total energy intake?

A) no more than 15%

B) no more than 25%

C) no more than 35%

D) no more than 45%

no more than 35%

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Which of the following foods contains hidden fats?

A) olive oil

B) zucchini

C) chocolate cake

D) butter

chocolate cake

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Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the process of hydrogenation?

A) Hydrogenation creates trans fatty acids.

B) During hydrogenation, pressurized hydrogen is added to an unsaturated fatty acid chain.

C) Hydrogenation gives the fatty acid chain more kinks.

D) Hydrogenation can produce a partially hydrogenated oil (PHO).

Hydrogenation gives the fatty acid chain more kinks.

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Which of the following is a fat replacer?

A) phosphate

B) saccharin

C) olestra

D) trans fat


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Research has found that replacing your saturated fat intake with added sugars increases your risk for

A) unintended weight loss.

B) insomnia.

C) cardiovascular disease.

D) type 1 diabetes.

cardiovascular disease.

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The major form of fat in both food and the body is

A) phospholipids.

B) triglycerides.

C) glycerols.

D) sterols.


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Partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) are

A) generally recognized as safe.

B) present in small amounts in meats and dairy products.

C) essential fatty acids.

D) not allowed in foods produced in the U.S. after 2018.

not allowed in foods produced in the U.S. after 2018.

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Which of the following are excellent sources of unsaturated fats?

A) nuts and nut butters

B) full-fat dairy products

C) citrus fruits

D) beans and rice

nuts and nut butters

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How much trans fat is recommended in the diet?

A) as little as possible

B) 3% of total energy intake

C) 5% of total energy intake

D) less than 10% of total energy intake

as little as possible

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The front of a box of chocolate cookies claims that they are "low-fat." If Gabriel eats one serving (two cookies), he will likely consume about

A) 0.5 grams or less of fat.

B) 3 grams or less of fat.

C) at least 25% less fat than he would have if he had eaten a serving of regular chocolate cookies.

D) at least 50% less fat than he would have if he had eaten a serving of regular chocolate cookies.

3 grams or less of fat.

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In people who are regularly physically active, extra fat consumed in the diet is stored first in

A) adipose cells.

B) the liver.

C) muscle tissue.

D) lymphatic tissue.

muscle tissue.

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What is the daily recommended intake of saturated fat?

A)less than 10% of total energy intake as little as possible

B) less than 5% of total energy intake

C) less than 10% of total energy intake

D) between 20 and 35% of total energy intake

less than 10% of total energy intake

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The most common sterol in our diet is

A) olestra.

B) cholesterol.

C) phytosterol.

D) stanol.


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Fatty acids released from fat stores travel in the blood attached to the protein

A) fibrin.

B) hemoglobin.

C) albumin.

D) globulin.


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How many double bonds does a saturated fatty acid contain between carbons in the chain?

A) none

B) one

C) two

D) more than two


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