A Latin name with two parts is given.
The first part is the genus name, with a capital letter.
The second part is the species name with a lowercase letter.
Names are in italics, or underlined when hand written
Carried out by organisms with the aim of attracting a mate of the correct species
This may involve: Secreting chemicals A dance Colour changing
Synchronize mating;where there is maxim probability of the sperm and egg meeting.
Stimulates the release of gametes
Recognition of a mate; attract opposite sex that is capable of breeding
Indicates sexual maturity/fertility
Can form a pair bond so the pair can reproduce several times
live in a similar environment
have a similar selection pressures
similar alleles will have the selective advantage
produces similar proteins and therefore similar characteristics
division of organisms \n based on obvious differences (colour, size etc.)
These are described as analogous characteristics where they have the same function but do not have the same evolutionary orgins.
division of organisms based on evolutionary relationships.
based on shared characteristics that have been taken from ancestors \n
hierarchy of groups formed
relationships in a phylogentic classification are based on homologous characteristics (similar evolutionary origin)
smaller groups arranged with larger groups
No overlap between groups
Do keep pond clean or froggy gets sick
Each group is called a taxa
70S ribosomes
Murein Cell Walls
No membrane-bound organelles
Single loop of DNA, but no histones
genes / proteins similar to - eukaryotes
no murein in cell walls
more complex RNA polymerase
70S ribosomes
CSM - fatty acids attached to glycerol by ether linkages
mainly multicellular cells
contain membrane-bound organelles
membranes contain fatty acids linked to glycerol via ester bonds
80S ribosomes
cell walls chitin / cellulose
5 kingdoms
phylogenetic classification arranges species into groups according to their evolutionary origins and relationships
Phylogeny gives insight into relations of organisms(whos related to who)
All organisms have evolved from shared common ancestor.this is shown on a phylogenetic tree
understand relationships between organisms and keep track of changes
The system used need to be universal
Orginally based on visible simailarties
More modern and accurate classification methods are
dna sequence base)
mRNA sequence base
Amino acid sequence
Immunological (comparing in self antibody shape)