apartheid laws

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Prohibitation of mixed marriages act (1949)

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Prohibitation of mixed marriages act (1949)

banned marriages between white and non white south africans

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popualation registration act (1950)

categorised people based on race (e.g. white, black, coloured)

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immorality ammendement act (1950)

banned sex between whites and non whites

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group areas act (1950)

seperated urban areas by race

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suppression of communsim act (1950)

essentially banned any government opposition by categorising it as communism

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bantu authorities act (1951)

appointed tribal chiefs to the reserves

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abolition of the passes act (1952)

meant all black people had to carry passes/reference books at all times

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native law ammendment act (1952)

policy of influx control- restricted rights of black people in urban areas

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criminal law amendment act (1952)

banned protestors from breaking the law

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bantu education act (1953)

seperated education by race, essentially preparing black children for unskilled, manual jobs

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seperate ammenities act (1953)

formed petty aparteid by segregating all public facilities

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native labour act (1953)

banned black people from striking

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native resettlement act (1954)

allowed the removal of black people out of white areas (e.g. district 6, sophiatown)

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bantu self government act (1959)

formed the bantustans/ tribal ‘homelands’

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extension of university education act (1959)

created separate universities for black africans, colourds and indians

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