AP GOV - Teacher Made Final

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What do Congressional Committees do?

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What do Congressional Committees do?

  • Decide policies suitable for Legislative Review

  • Gather and evaluate information

  • Effectively consider proposed bills

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Which type of Congressional Committees are permanent and consider broader areas of policy?

Standing Committees

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Which type of Congressional Committees are temporary and consist of both House and Senate members, with the common goal of making a compromise bill in the case of differences within Congress?

Conference Committees

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Which type of Congressional Committees consist of both House and Senate members and can be temporary or permanent?

Joint Committees

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Which type of Congressional Committees are temporary and set up for a specific purpose?

Select Committees

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What is the job of the House Rules Committee?

Decide what bills get to go on the floor and how long they get to be debated.

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Which chamber of Congress generally has less rules?


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What is it called when a senate member exploits the unlimited debate rule and attempts to stall a session by yapping too much?


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How is committee member and leadership assigned in Congress?

Each party assigns its own members to committees, the majority party gets the first pick

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What is the first step of a bill being signed in both the House and Senate?


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What is the second step of a bill being signed in both the House and Senate?

Going to a committee

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What is the third step of a bill being signed in both the House and Senate?

Voted on and debated in the floor

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What happens if a bill gets rejected by either one of the Congressional chambers?

The bill is either dropped or goes through the entire process again

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What is Congressional oversight?

Supervision of the Federal Bureaucracy and the Executive Branch by Congress.

  • Part of the “Iron Triangle” System, Congress can control the money that goes to the Bureaucracy through the “power of the purse”

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Which political role involves aligning with something your party believes in to make your party members happy?


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Which political role involves using your logic to decide what is best for the people?


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Which political role involves aligning with what the majority of your constituency wants?


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Who draws district lines for selecting representatives?

State Legislatures

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What is a signing statement from the president?

A statement on a bill that says how exactly he wants it to be implemented.

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Which Congressional House approves presidential appointments to the cabinet?


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What was the 25th amendment?

Outlined the specific rules of presidential succession

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What types of cases is the Supreme Court most likely to hear?

  • Cases involving states as parties

  • Cases involving ambassadors and government officials

  • Cases that are a common issue/have other cases like them in a different state

  • Cases relating to the fundamentals of the Constitution/BOR

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What are the 5 first amendment rights?

  • Speech

  • Religion

  • Press

  • Assembly

  • Petition

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What was the main purpose of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Desegregating all public places

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What clause did Congress use to justify the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Commerce Clause

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Fourteenth Amendment

Gave every person born or naturalized in the US the right to a citizenship

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Main points of The Letter From a Birmingham Jail

  • There are just and unjust laws

  • Peaceful protest that is unheard will turn into violent protest

  • Comparison of Civil Rights Movement to American Revolution

  • If you are willing to break a law, no matter the law, you should accept the consequences

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Which amendment supports the Letter From a Birmingham Jail?

14 amendment

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What are the 5 core American values?

  • Equality of Opportunity

  • Rule of law

  • Limited Government

  • Free Enterprise

  • Individualism

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Factors that make a poll credible

  • Random sampling(public poll)

  • Expressed margin of error and sample size

  • Non bias questioning

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Sampling Error

Margin of error in a polls findings, typically + or - 3

  • Done through running the poll with multiple groups and comparing the average

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Who typically votes the most(demographic of people)?

Older people with more education and money

  • More likely to have policy in their favor

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15th Amendment

Allowed black people(men) the right to vote).

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24th Amendment

Abolishment of poll taxes

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26th Amendment

Lowered voting age from 21 to 18

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4 Linkage Institutions

  • Media

  • Interest Groups

  • Political Parties

  • Elections

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What are reserved powers?

Powers given to the states only

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What are concurrent powers?

Powers given to both the states and national government

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What are enumerated powers?

Powers only given to the national government

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