ecosystems - topic 9

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outline the levels of organisation in an ecosystem

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outline the levels of organisation in an ecosystem

  • individual

  • population

  • community

  • ecosystem

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define population

all organisms of the same species living with one another in a habitat

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define community

all of the populations of different species living together in a habitat

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define ecosystem

the community of biotic and abiotic components of an area and their interactions

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organisms with a community are described as being ‘interdependent’. What does this mean?

  • organisms are dependent upon each other

  • a change in the population of one species can affect other populations within a community

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give some examples of interdependence in a community

  • plants depend on pollinators e.g. bees

  • herbivores are dependent on plants

  • animals are dependent on mates

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describe mutualism

the interaction between two organisms where both benefit as a result of their relationship

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describe parasitism

the interaction between two organisms where only one organism, the parasite, benefits whilst the host does not

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what are abiotic factors? give some examples

the non- living aspects of an ecosystem e.g. light intensity temperature, moisture levels, carbon dioxide levels

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describe how communities are affected by environmental conditions

  • environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, light intesity, carbon dioxide levels) affect the abundance and distribution of organisms within communities

  • e.g. light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis in producers which serve as a source of food and shelter for other organisms

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describe how communities are affected by pollutants

  • toxic chemicals (e.g. pesticides) bioaccumulate in food chains to deadly concentrations at higher trophich levels, killing tertiary and quaternary consumers

  • fertilisers that contaminate water sources can cause eutrophication, killing multiple populations within a community

  • air pollution can affect the ability of some plant species to survive

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what are biotic factors? give some examples

the living components of an ecosystem e.g. competiton, predation

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describe how competition affects communities

  • the presence of competittors affects population distribution and size

  • if one species is better adapted to survive in a certain environment, it will outcompete other species, causing their populations to decline

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describe how predation affects communities

  • predation affects prey populations within a community

  • e.g. if the number of predators decreases, the number of prey will increase as fewer are killed

  • populations of all other organisms within the food chain will also be affected

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what piece of apparatus is used to measure the abundance and distribution of organisms in an area?


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what piece of apparatus is used to study the distribution of organisms across a gradient

belt transect

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what does a food chain show

it describes the feeding relationships between organisms and the resultant stages of biomass transfer

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define biomass

the total mass of living material

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what are trophic levels

the stages in a food chain

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what do arrows in a food chain represent

the direction of biomass transfer

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describe a simple food chain

producer —> primary consumer —> secondary consumer —> tertiary consumer

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why are the producers the first trophic level

  • producers provide all biomass for the food chain (via photosynthesis)

  • the rest of the food chain involves the transfer of this biomass

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what does a pyramid of biomass represent

it represents the dry mass of living material at each trophic level of a food chain

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why is a pyramid of biomass almost always pyramid-shaped

  • producers (at the bottom of the pyramid) have the greatest biomass so have the longest bar

  • as you move along the food chain (and up the pyramid) biomass is lost so the bars decrease in length

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why is biomass lost between each trophic level in a food chain

  • glucose is immediately used for respiration in plants

  • respiration to generate heat energy, energy for metabollic processes

  • some parts of organisms are indigestible

  • egestion, excretion

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why are there rarely more than four or five trophic levels in a food chain

above this, there is insufficient energy to support another breeding population

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what is the equation for calculating the efficiency of biomass transfer between trophic levels

efficiency = biomass available after transfer / biomass available before transfer X 100

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