Unit 4: Cell Communication & Cell Cycle

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cell communication in multicellular vs. unicellular organisms

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cell communication in multicellular vs. unicellular organisms

multicellular: used to maintain homeostasis and survival of organism

unicellular: organisms communicate with each other and change behavior based on pop. density (quorum sensing)

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signaling molecules that bind to receptors to alter activities of cell

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protein on cell membrane that the ligand binds to

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signal transduction pathway

sequence of molecular events within a cell that leads to cell’s response to signal

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3 steps in signaling

  1. reception: signal binds to ligand

  2. transduction: receptor is activated by signal binding + amplifies signal

  3. response

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increasing the response to a signal, done through secondary messengers that distribute signal

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autocrine signaling

cell signals itself and makes signal that binds to its own receptors

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paracrine signaling

signals diffuse to and affect nearby cells (local signaling)

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juxtacrine signaling

requires direct cell contact between signaling and responding cells, uses gap junctions (animal cells) and plasmodesmata (plant cells)

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endocrine signaling

hormones travel to distant cells through bloodstream (long-distance)

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intracellular vs. intercellular receptors

intracellular: receptor is inside the cell so ligand diffuses across membrane

intercellular: ligand binds to receptor on cell membrane

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ligand gated ion channel

intercellular receptor; helps ions move in when a ligand binds to receptor and opens channel

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protein kinase receptor

intercellular receptor

  1. receptor binds to signal

  2. receptor changes shape, which transmits signal to cytoplasm

  3. signal activates receptor’s protein kinase domain in the cytoplasm

  4. pk domain adds phosphate groups to targets, triggering response

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G protein linked receptors

intercellular receptor

  1. hormone binds to receptor and activates G protein, and GTP replaces GDP

  2. part of activated G protein activates an effector protein that converts reactants to products, amplifying response

  3. GTP on G protein becomes GDP but remains bound to G protein

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protein phosphatases

remove phosphate from target proteins to stop response

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fight or flight response

epinephrine (ligand) binds to:

  • heart cells- activates uptake in glucose for muscle contractions

  • digestive cells- inhibits so energy can be used for fight/flight instead

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regulation of blood glucose levels

when you eat, blood glucose rises, so insulin binds to protein kinase receptor to initiate insertion of glucose transport proteins into cells

if glucose low, insulin binds to liver cells and cells break down glycogen into glucose

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regulation of blood calcium levels

if calcium low, parathyroid hormone acts on kidneys to increase calcium reabsorption

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positive vs. negative feedback

positive- signals become amplified after signaling system is activated

negative- responds to a change in a system by returning system to set point

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receive signals

<p>receive signals</p>
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axon hillock

where action potential starts

<p>where action potential starts</p>
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axon terminals

transmit signal to the next neuron

<p>transmit signal to the next neuron</p>
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cell body

contains nucleus and organelles

<p>contains nucleus and organelles</p>
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nodes of Ranvier

gaps where action potential jumps along

<p>gaps where action potential jumps along</p>
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schwann cell

make myelin

<p>make myelin</p>
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carries the action potential to the end of the neuron

<p>carries the action potential to the end of the neuron</p>
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myelin sheath

covering along the axon, helps transmit signal faster

<p>covering along the axon, helps transmit signal faster</p>
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synapse process

  1. action potential arrives at the axon terminal

  2. calcium channels open + calcium enters

  3. calcium triggers a synaptic vesicle to surround acetylcholine (ligand)

  4. vesicle fuses to membrane + acetylcholine is released

  5. acetylcholine binds to receptors on dendrites of next neuron

  6. transduction begins, another action potential is started

  7. extra acetylcholine reabsorbed/broken down by enzymes

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function of cell cycle for unicellular vs. multicellular organisms

unicellular- reproduction

multicellular- growth/replacing dead or injured cells

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how bacterial cells divide

binary fission; duplicates its genetic material and then divides into two parts

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why DNA replicates before mitosis

ensures that each daughter cell gets a copy of the genome

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three parts of interphase

  1. G1- cell grows and duplicates organelles

  2. S- cell synthesizes copy of DNA

  3. G2- cell grows, makes organelles, reorganizes DNA

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DNA condenses, chromosomes become visible, centrioles move towards opposite sides of cell

<p>DNA condenses, chromosomes become visible, centrioles move towards opposite sides of cell</p>
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nuclear envelope dissolves, chromosomes line up at metaphase plate, spindle fibers connect centromeres to centrioles

<p>nuclear envelope dissolves, chromosomes line up at metaphase plate, spindle fibers connect centromeres to centrioles</p>
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chromosomes move along spindles to opposite ends of cell, cell develops cleavage furrow

<p>chromosomes move along spindles to opposite ends of cell, cell develops cleavage furrow</p>
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chromosomes spread out into chromatin, nuclear envelope reforms, spindle fibers break down

<p>chromosomes spread out into chromatin, nuclear envelope reforms, spindle fibers break down</p>
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cytokinesis in plant vs. animal cells

plant- cell plate becomes 2 cell membranes, cell wall forms between two membranes

animal- membrane draws inwards, cytoplasm pinched

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G1, S, G2 checkpoints

G1- checks for cell size, nutrients, growth factors

S- checks for proper replication of DNA

G2- checks for DNA damage

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protooncogene vs. tumor suppressor gene

protooncogene- codes for proteins that stimulate forward movement of cell cycle (MPF, cyclins)

tumor suppressor gene- codes for proteins that stop forward movement of cell cycle (P53, RB)

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cyclin-dependent kinase

protein enzyme that controls cell cycle, always present but not active until connected to cyclin

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cyclin-CDK complex that allows cells to pass G2 and go to M phase

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disorder in which cells lose ability to control growth by not responding to regulation, causes tumors (benign/malignant) and metastasis (movement of cancer cells)

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