AP Comparative Government and Politics: Argumentative Essay - Role of Civil Society in Democratization

5 points
Answer the following AP Government and Politics Argumentative Essay Question
Part A
Civil society plays a pivotal role in the democratization process of a country. Take a position on the extent to which civil society is crucial for democratization. Use at least one piece of evidence from one of the following course concepts:

- Factors that contribute to democratization
- Challenges to democratization
- Democracy: Advancements and Regression

In your response, you should respond to the prompt with a thesis that establishes a line of reasoning. You should support your claim with at least two pieces of evidence, one from the listed course concepts and one from your knowledge of the course. You should also respond to a counterargument in your essay.

Your Response:

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  • Unit 2: Political Institutions (20)
  • Unit 3: Political Culture and Participation (20)
  • Unit 4: Party and Electoral Systems and Citizen Organizations (20)
  • Unit 5: Political and Economic Changes and Development (17)
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