Results for "pharmacy practice"


flashcards Flashcard (24)
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14 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (20)
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15 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (145)
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flashcards Flashcard (145)
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flashcards Flashcard (54)
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flashcards Flashcard (54)
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flashcards Flashcard (31)
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flashcards Flashcard (48)
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flashcards Flashcard (78)
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flashcards Flashcard (69)
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flashcards Flashcard (16)
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47 days ago
Informatics-study of best practices in information accrual, handling, dissemination and comprehension using technology. Pharmacy informatics: -Deals with subset of informatics relevant to pharmacy practice. -new technologies lead to safer and more effective medication use. Intersects with: 1. Medical Informatics-problem solving and decision making 2. Bioinformatics-started from human genome project -aim of understanding the biologic significance of a variety of data. Information and Technology Skills 1. Drug information 2. Patient information Drug Information Provision -one of the essential roles of pharmacists -DRUG INFORMATION-to convey the management and use of information on medication therapy to: 1. Patient specific, as an integral part of pharmaceutical care 2. Relative to a group of patients such as in the development of a therapeutic guideline, publishing an electronic newsletter or updating a website -Types of information: 1.verbal​​2. written Objects Relevant to Pharmacy subjects: ● Pharmacology ● Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics ● Dosage forms ● Pharmacotherapeutics ● Drug and disease management ● Clinical pharmacy Type of information sources 1. Magazine-collection of articles and images about diverse topics of popular interest and current events -usually written by journalists or scholars -uses: to find information or opinion 2. Academic Journal-collection of articles usually written by scholars in an academic/professional field. 3. Data base-contains citations of articles in magazines, journals… 4. Newspaper-collection of articles about current events usually published daily 5. Library catalog-organized and searchable collection of records 6. Books-cover virtually any topic, fact or fiction 7. Website-allows you to access ​​Ex: PubMed-NCBI, Medline Plus, Orange Book, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA), TOXNET, rxlist,,, Medscape, WebMD, GlobalRPH 8. Encyclopedia-contains short, factual entries Types of Literature: 1. Primary Source -original materials​​ ​​-authored by researchers, contains original research data, and is usually published in a peer-reviewed journal. ​​-ex: conference papers, pre-prints, and preliminary reports 2. Secondary Source -opinions, interpretations and evaluations that are derived from or refer to the primary source. ​​​​-ex: journal article, book about diaries, magazine article 3. Tertiary source -distillation and collection of primary and secondary sources such as textbook, data base, encyclopedia Evaluating Information Resources I. Initial Appraisal II. Content Analysis I. Initial Appraisal A. Author B. Date of Publication C. Edition or revision D. Publisher E. Title of the journal A. Author 1. Author’s credentials 2. Has your instructors/professors mentioned this author? 3. Is the author associated with a reputable institution or organization? B. Date of Publication 1. When was the source published? 2. Is the source current or out-of-date for your topic? C. Edition or Revision *many printings or editions may indicate that the work has become a standard source in the area D. Publisher -Note the publisher. If the source is published by a university press, it is likely to be scholarly. E. Title of the journal -Is this a scholarly or a popular journal? II. Content Analysis A. Intended audience -What type of audience is the author addressing? -Is the publication aimed at a specialized or a general audience? B. Objective reasoning -Is the information covered fact, opinion or propaganda? C. Coverage -Does the work update other sources, substantiate other materials you have read, or add new information? -Is the material primary or secondary in nature? D. Writing Style -Is the publication organized logically? E. Evaluative Reviews -Locate critical reviews of books in a reviewing source, such as book review, index, book review digest, or periodical abstracts Types of Medical Articles 1. Original scientific research 2. Reviews (Scientific, meta-analysis) 3. Short (rapid) communications 4. Case reports 5. Clinical photographs 6. Letters to the editor 7. “How I do it” STEP 1: -Asses if the article is relevant. STEP 2: -What type of study is it? ​*Descriptive studies (mean, median, mode) ​*Inferential studies (hypothesis) ​*Therapeutic studies (results of treatment) ​*Prognostic studies (outcome of the disease) ​*Diagnostic studies (investigate diagnostic test) ​*Economic an decision analysis STEP 3: -What is the intervention? (dependent, independent, confounding variables) STEP 4: -Who are the subjects? STEP 5: -Is the study internally valid? Aka Do I believe the study? ​​Levels of Evidence: ​​Level 1: Randomized controlled trial ​​​​​*cohort-group of subjects followed forward in time ​​​​​*Case controlled studies- select a group of subjects with a condition ​​​​​*Case series and reports- has a high probability for bias; focuses on the existing case Mo
flashcards Flashcard (10)
studied byStudied by 0 people
48 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (33)
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48 days ago


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