Results for "metamorphosis"


flashcards Flashcard (23)
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1 day ago
flashcards Flashcard (12)
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2 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (14)
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16 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (17)
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16 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (21)
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17 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (24)
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20 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (10)
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23 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (56)
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24 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (17)
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25 days ago
Resistant: Trait to render Pesticides useless. Can be passed down generations. FIFO: "First in first out" for storing food - old to new. Eradication: Complete Elimination of a Pest Exclusion: Preventing entry for pest Chemical Name: Scientific name of active ingredient Common Name: EPA approved name Inorganic Pesticide: Lacks Carbon Organic Pesticide: Contains Carbon Persistent Pesticide: Remains Present (Residual) Trade Name: Brand name designated by Manufacturer Barrier Treatment: Treating exterior perimeter Space Treatment: Treatment for Air (Fog, etc) Micron: 1/25,000 of an Inch (Measures size of spray droplet) Abdomen: Rear body Section of Arthropod Arachnid: A Class of Arthopod that has the head and thorax joined to form a Cephalothorax. Arthropod: An animal with jointed legs and a Segmented, Jointed exoskeleton. Exoskeleton: The hard, flexible outer covering of an arthropod Insect: An arthropod with 3 body regions, 6 legs and winged adults Instar: The Insect as it appears between molts Larva: An Immature Stage in the life Cycle of an insect with Complete metamorphosis, Active Feeding Stage. Nymph: The developmental Stage of an insect with gradual metamorphosis. Hatch from eggs and gradually develop into adult Thorax: The second of 3 body sections of an Insect. Legs and Wings are attached to the thorax Population: Same species occupying the same area Okay, here's the formatted text for your second set of notes, using Option 1: Abdomen: Rear body section of arthropod Aggregation: Group or cluster of Cockroaches. Egg Case/Capsule: "ooth eca" Molt: To shed exoskeleton Pronotum: Shield like top plate on front of thorax, In Same Insects, it covers the head (Cockroaches) Alates: Insects with wings Brood: The larvae and pupae of Social Insects Node: Narrow segments that connect the abdomen and thorax, most ants have one or two nodes Pedicel: The Constricted area between the thorax and abdomen Social Insect: Colony that divides labor Swarm: winged male and female insects produced to mate and form new colonies Cephalothorax: Front part of body where head and thorax are joined to make one head body combination. Exuviae: The Sheds/"Skins" of Past insects Seed Ticks: The larval stage of a tick Vector: An animal that can transmit disease causing organisms from one host to another Complete Metamorphosis: Insect development involving four different body forms and life cycles Clubbed Antennae: Antennae with enlarged section at the terminal Keratin: External Feeding: Stored product pests that feed from the outside of the grain Internal Feeding Pest: larvae of stored product pest that feed entirely from within the grain Okay, here's the formatted text for your third set of notes, using Option 1: Vertebrates: Animals with a back bone Burrow: Underground passageway that forms the nest Commensal: Residing/occupying the same area as people Ectoparasites: Animals that get all their food while remaining on the outside surface of another animal Avicide: A Pesticide specifically used to control birds Cambium Layer: Layer between inner bark and sapwood. Active cell growth Fiber Saturation Point: Percent of moisture in wood when all free water has evaporated leaving only bound water Hardwood Trees: Trees that produce seeds enclosed in a fruit or nut and usually lose their leaves in the fall Softwood Trees: Trees that produce seeds NOT enclosed in a fruit or nut, usually needles or scale like leaves that hold year round Sapwood: The outer, light colored wood on a tree stem that contains living cells and conducts water up the tree Heartwood: Inner portion of a woody stem, non-living cells, usually darker than the sapwood Phloem Cells: Inner bark of a tree between the cambium and the bark. These cells conduct nutrients up and down the tree Castes: Groups where individuals all serve the same function Cellulose: Primary component of wood and wood by product Desiccation: Drying out Primary Reproductives: AKA Swarmers or alates Secondary Reproductives: Wingless or nearly wingless termites that do not leave the colony
flashcards Flashcard (8)
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29 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (312)
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29 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (52)
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29 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (22)
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37 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (16)
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44 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (9)
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flashcards Flashcard (22)
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84 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (32)
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84 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (22)
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86 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (128)
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92 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (30)
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94 days ago


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