Results for "complements"


flashcards Flashcard (34)
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9 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (52)
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20 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (12)
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21 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (14)
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27 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (6)
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32 days ago
Created by Turbolearn AI Ghusl: A Comprehensive Guide When is Ghusl Necessary? Ghusl, a ritual washing, is obligatory in specic circumstances. These situations are categorized as examples of ha dit h- e a kb a r : After janab (sexual intercourse) After hayd (menstrual bleeding) After nifaas (postpartum bleeding) These instances necessitate ghusl for ritual purity, unlike situations requiring only w u d u (ha dit h- e a s gha r ). The Importance of Correct Ghusl Ghusl is not merely splashing water; it involves a precise method to ensure complete ritual purication. Simply showering or bathing doesn't sufce. Similar to w u d u, specic actions are required. Spending extended periods in water without performing these actions does not fulll the requirement for ghusl, rendering any subsequent prayer invalid. The Obligatory Acts (Fara'idh) of Ghusl There are only three mandatory actions for a valid ghusl: 1. Rinsing the mouth (gargling): Similar to m u dma da in w u d u, ensure thorough rinsing. ( Estimated time: < 30 seconds) 2. Snifng water into the nose: Similar to is t i n s ha h in w u d u, ensuring nasal cleansing. ( Estimated time: < 30 seconds) 3. Ensuring water reaches every part of the body: Thoroughly wet every part of the body, including hair and spaces between ngers and toes. ( Estimated time: 5-10 minutes) Note: If any of these three actions are missed, the entire ghusl is considered incomplete. Page 1 Created by Turbolearn AI Time Estimation for Ghusl Let's consider a more generous time estimate for each step: Step Time Estimate Rinsing the mouth 1 minute Snifng water into nose 1 minute Washing the entire body 10 minutes Even with these generous estimations, the entire process is relatively short, highlighting the importance of correctly performing each mandatory action. Ghusl Study Guide Ghusl Timing & Importance The entire process of ghusl can be completed within 12 minutes. This is an exaggerated estimate; it might even be quicker. Understanding this timing is crucial because ghusl is mandatory after states of janabah, hayd, or mifas to purify oneself. Prompt purication is necessary to avoid missing obligatory prayers. Salah & Ghusl: A Timely Connection Let's say Salatul Dhuhr ends at 3 pm, and Salatul Asr begins immediately after. If a woman's hayd ends at that time, she needs to determine if there's sufcient time for ghusl and prayer. Al-Balad offers a free course on hayd if you'd like to learn more. Important Note: Intentionally missing salah is forbidden. The minimum time required is enough to perform wudhu, stand for prayer, and say "Allahu Akbar." If this is possible, the prayer becomes obligatory; failure to perform it due to laziness or ignorance results in qadha (the missed prayer must be made up). Twelve minutes is generally considered sufcient time for ghusl and subsequent prayer. The Fardh (Obligatory) Ghusl Page 2 Created by Turbolearn AI The furlough of qusl refers to the minimal actions necessary for purication. If you have 12 minutes before the next prayer, this is enough time to perform the furlough of qusl and offer your prayer. Optional Acts: Washing hair with shampoo and conditioner, exfoliating, etc., are all optional and can be done after the obligatory prayer. This bare minimum ensures purication for prayer. Additional acts are supplementary and beautify the purication process. Your homework is to research how much water the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used for ghusl. Sunnah of Ghusl The sunnah (recommended practices) of ghusl enhances the obligatory ghusl. Performing sunnah practices makes the obligatory actions more complete. Metaphor: Imagine moving into a new house. The bare minimum is walls, doors, and windows. But you might add paint, carpets, and curtains to beautify it and turn it into a home. The fardh is like the bare minimum house, and the sunnah acts are like the additional beautication. Following the sunnah enhances and complements the obligatory actions. menstruation and ghusl If a woman ends her hayd with limited time before prayer, she must perform ghusl and the obligatory prayer if there is enough time to perform both. Delaying the prayer results in qadha. For more information on the rulings of hayd, consider joining the Fiqh of Menstruation course. Ghusl: The Sunnah Way Beginning the Ghusl Begin with Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim. Why? Because any action without it lacks barakah (blessings). Make an intention (niyyah): "O Allah, I intend to perform ghusl to purify myself for Your worship." Multiple intentions are encouraged. Page 3 Created by Turbolearn AI The Sunnah is the way of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It's like adding beautiful decorations to a house (the basic requirements of Ghusl). Missing some decorations doesn't invalidate the house (Ghusl), but it reduces the reward. Preparing the Body Wash your hands up to the wrists. Clean hands are essential for purication. Perform istinja: remove any impurities from the body. The Purication Process Perform wudu: Even a simple wudu is sufcient. This pre-cleanses parts of the body. Pour water over your entire body three times, ensuring thorough coverage. Pour water over your head, then your right shoulder, then your left shoulder. Scrub your body. You may use any suitable products at this stage. Recap of the Sunnah Ghusl Steps Step Action 1 Bismillah 2 Intention 3 Wash hands to the wrists 4 Istinja and removing Najasa 5 Wudu 6 Pour water over the entire body three times 7 Pour water over head, right, then left shoulder 8 Scrub the body Ghusl: A Step-by-Step Guide Step-by-Step Ghusl The following steps outline the process of performing Ghusl, according to the Sunnah: Page 4 Created by Turbolearn AI 1. Bismillah: Begin by saying "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah). 2. Intention: Make the intention to perform Ghusl. 3. Washing Hands: Wash your hands up to the wrists. 4. Istinsha' and Najasa Removal: Perform istinsha' (cleaning after urination/defecation) and remove any najasa (impurity) from the body. 5. Wudu: Perform Wudu (ablution) as you normally would. 6. Pouring Water Over the Body: Pour water over your entire body, ensuring complete coverage. 7. Shoulders: Pour water over your right shoulder, then your left shoulder. 8. Scrubbing: Scrub your entire body thoroughly, paying attention to areas like behind the knees and underarms. 9. Washing Thoroughly: Wash every part of your body to remove any remaining najasa. Important Considerations If performing Ghusl in owing water, the process is simplied as the water carries away impurities. If the water is stagnant (e.g., a blocked drain), ensure to scrub and remove najasa, then wash your feet separately after leaving the stagnant water to ensure complete cleanliness. Summary of Steps Page 5 Created by Turbolearn AI Step Description 1. Bismillah Begin by saying "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah) 2. Intention Make the intention to perform Ghusl. 3. Hands Wash hands up to wrists. 4. Istinsha' Clean after urination/defecation and remove any najasa (impurity). 5. Wudu Perform Wudu (ablution). 6. Pouring Pour water over the entire body. 7. Shoulders Pour water over the right, then the left shoulder. 8. Scrubbing Scrub the entire body thoroughly. 9. Washing Wash every part of the body to ensure the removal of all najasa. Benets of Following the Sunnah Following the Sunnah in performing Ghusl ensures a thorough and complete cleansing. Developing a routine makes the process habitual and effortless. What is Najasa? Najasa refers to impurities that must be removed before prayer or other acts of worship. Examples include urine, feces, and blood. What is Wudu? Wudu is the ritual washing of certain parts of the body before prayer. It involves washing the face, hands, arms, and wiping over the head and feet. Page 6
flashcards Flashcard (5)
studied byStudied by 0 people
43 days ago
Revision pour examen de carrières Le Processus du développement de vie ou carrière: 1. Connaissance de soi • Centres d'intérêt, habiletés, compétences, aptitudes, valeurs, style personnel. 2. Connaissance de la carrière visée • Communauté/loisirs éducation Occupations/ métiers 3. Vision long-terme Détermination des objectifs • Prise de décision Un portfolio: • Un ensemble de documents pour montrer ta connaissance, avec tes habiletés et compétences. Les Valeurs (des adolescents): • Les exemples comme l'amitié, Être aimé ou aimé, Liberté, Succès, Vie aisée, Intimité, Vie familiale, Emotions vives, Reconnaissance, Popularité Les habiletés (skills): • Les choses que tu peux faire pour un certain emploi. Q.I, Les Intelligences Multiples, Howard Gardner: Q.I: Une note de vos assessments standard, et vos intelligences traditionnelles Évalué à travers des tests standardisés Pour évaluer diverses capacités cognitives, telles que la résolution de problèmes, le raisonnement, la mémoire, les compétences mathématiques et la compréhension verbale Howard Gardner: Un psychologue américain du développement renommé Surtout connu pour sa théorie des intelligences multiples A eu un impact profond sur les pratiques éducatives, encourageant les éducateurs à adapter les méthodes d'enseignement aux différentes intelligences des élèves 1. L'intelligence Corporelle: (athletics capabilities and intelligence) -Vous comprenez les forces et les faiblesses de votre corps -Vous êtes capable de contrôler la façon dont votre corps bouge- vous avez une bonne coordination Vous êtes habile à travailler avec vos mains 2. L'intelligence Visuelle-spatiale:(artistic capabilities) - Vous voyez des images dans votre imagination -Vous remarquez les couleurs, les formes et les contours - Vous savez fabriquer des maquettes pleines d'imagination à partir d'argile,d'argile, de peinture ou de bois pour illustrer vos idées 3. L'intelligence Intrapersonnelle: ( personnel intelligence, independence) Vous etes presque toujours conscient de vos propres sentiments et émotions Vous avez des objectifs bien définis pour votre avenir Vous êtes motivé, vous agissez de votre propre initiative. 4. L'intelligence Musicale: (musical intelligence) -Vous appréciez divers genres Vous appréciez divers genres de musique Vous chantez et jouez d'un de musique Vous composez des mélodies dans votre tête. 5. L'intelligence Logico-Mathématique (mathematical capabilities or interests) Vous tirez des conclusions à partir de ce que vous observez Vous aimez découvrir les cohérences, les tendances et les éléments systématiques de la vie Vous aimez travailler avec les chiffres et les données scientifiques 6. L'intelligence Verbo-Linguistique (How you communicate and understand languages) Vous connaissez et vous utilisez un grand nombre de mots Vous savez manier la langue correctement Vous comprenez combien il est important d'avoir un vocabulaire étendu pour communiquer. 7. L'intelligence Interpersonnelle (social skills and adaptability) Vous aimez être avec les autres Vous êtes sensible à l'égard des sentiments des autres On vous respecte parce que vous vous entendez bien avec les autres 8. L'intelligence Naturaliste: ( Like being in nature enjoy the outdoors) (didn't talk about this at all in class) Les couleurs: "We are a blend of all four colours and although we have a preference for one colour or type, we use all four in various aspects of our lives" Gold: calm, collected, normal, practical, responsible, organized, etc. Green: analytical, precise, competitive, curious, investigative, thinking, learner, etc. Blue: caring, creative, feeling-based, emotional, people person, human interaction, etc. Orange: adventurous, spontaneous, risk-taker, competitive, exciting, learning by experience, etc. Gold → normal, basic; Green → mathematical, calculated; Blue → feeling, emotional; Orange → activity, experiences Les types d'apprenants: Visuel → tu apprends en observant et en regardant Auditif → tu apprends en écoutant Kinesthésique → tu apprends au toucher et en passant à l'action Les Hémishperes: L'hémisphère gauche du cerveau est associé avec la logique, au langage et à la pensée analytique. Il excelle quand il s'agit de nommer et de catégoriser des choses, dans tout ce qui est abstraction symbolique, la parole, la lecture, l'écriture et l'arithmétique. Le mode de pensée est linéaire, chaque chose est placée de façon séquentielle, selon un certain ordre. L'hémisphère droit fonctionne d'une manière synthétique et excelle dans tout ce qui est visuel spatial, les perceptions, et l'intuition. La pensée est non linéaire et non séquentielle et le traitement est très rapide. Les types de personnalités: Artistique → Creative, expressive, enjoys working with ideas, art, or design Entreprenant → Persuasive, energetic, enjoys leadership roles, business-oriented Realiste → Practical, hands-on, prefers working with tools, machines, or outdoors Social → Friendly, cooperative, enjoys helping others, strong interpersonal skills Investigateur → Analytical, curious, enjoys research and problem-solving Conventionnel → Organized, detail-oriented, prefers structured tasks, good with data and numbers Lecture du Perspective Ecouter ton coeur Trouvez vos passions Le Conférence Board Le Conference Board du Canada est le principal organisme indépendant de recherche appliquée du pays L'organisation à but non lucratif fournit des informations exploitables pour aider les dirigeants du Canada à prendre des décisions éclairées et fondées sur des données probantes. Les compétences réutilisables (transferable skills): A l’heure Travail en equipe Responsable Organiser Flexible Le Tableau Éducatif (High School Planner): • Les cours que vous choisissez en prenant en considération les exigences (myBlueprint) OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma) et les exigences: (Requirements): OSSLT 40 heures de services bénévolat 30 cours d'école secondaire 10 pour certificat français Со-ор: Un stage dans votre domaine préparé pendant votre année scolaire. 2 crédits par semestre ou 4 par an. Vos notes sont décidées par vos performances dans ce stage d'emploi. Les tendances dans le monde du travail: L'ancien monde du travail - Les salaires fixes avec le bénéfices et pensions Emploi pour tout le vie Hierarchie Grande compagnies 9-5 routines fixe Habileté spécifique Services essentiels était fournis par les autres L'éducation en premier Le nouveau monde du travail - 6 à 8 changements majeures Emploi temps courte terme (gig work) Petite entreprise avec une but spécifique Horaire flexible Télétravail (remote work) Les compétences réutilisables Chaque personne est responsable pour leur services essentiel La sécurité en travail + WHMIS: Plus de 16 000 jeunes de moins de 25 ans sont blessés au travail chaque année This can happen through: lifting, cutting, burns, slipping, falling, strains, etc. Appropriate orientation and health and safety training by the employer is REQUIRED when a young person starts a new job Tu as le droit de dire NON au travail quand l'environnement n'est pas sain Les parents peuvent avoir des conversations avec leurs enfants pour les garder sain et sauf au travail WHMIS: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System WHMIS in French: Système d'information sur les matières dangereuses utilisées au travail (SIMDUT) La communication: L'émetteur ou l'émetteur est la personnage qui envoie le message Le ou la destinataire et le personne qui reçoit le message Rétroaction: Feedback, les gestes, les expressions du visage et des réponses Jargon (complicated language) Les gens passent plus de temps à écouter qu'à toute autre forme de communication Écouter est la participation et quand vous processe de l'information Entendre est quand vous écoutez le bruit Avec concentration V.S. Sans concentration 75% de l'information continue dans un message peut se perdre La communication non-verbale: Expressions Visuelles, les gestes et la posture. Des vêtements, des mouvements de corps, du soins de l'apparence Les demandes d'emploi: - quitter 2 semaines en avance Vos droits au travail: Heures de travail et périodes de repas → 8 hours full time (after 5 hours, 30 minutes needed to eat) Heures supplémentaires → After 44 hours, it hours, it becomes overtime (which is 1.5 times your normal pay) Le salaire minimum → $17,20 (adulte) et $16,20 (étudiant) Le jour de paie → it has to be consistent Les vacances et la salaire: 4% of gross salary (*if you are working for less than 5 years, 2 weeks of unpaid, but if 5 years then it's 3 weeks) Les jours fériés (public holidays) → il y en a 9! Les congés → varies from job La notification → to give notice at a job L'âge d'embaucher → you can be hired at 16! L'entraînement→ you get paid even when you are being trained at a job Déductions → after all of your deductions, this is the money you can actually get to take home Équipes (shifts) → 8 heures de repos entre Bénéfices → depends on the job Vacances → depends on the job Démissionner → at least two weeks of notice (resignation) Renvoyer → to be fired Licenciement → to be laid off (could be permanent or you may be called back) Income → money you receive in exchange for labour, products, or services Gross income → total personal income before deductions Net income → personal income after deductions; also known as "take home pay"; what you "catch in your net" is what you take home Deductions - > money that is subtracted from your total income, usually by the employer (taxes, Canada Pension Plan, employment insurance premiums, union dues, benefits plan, life insurance premiums, disability premiums, savings programs, work pension plan, etc.) Canada Pension Plan → a compulsory, earnings-related insurance program that provides you and your family with partial replacement of earnings in the case of retirement, disability, or death Employment benefits → non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries; these usually include health, dental, or retirement plans arranged for by the employer Income tax → a percentage of your income is paid to the government to cover public services within our social infrastructure such as pensions, health care, roads, public education, etc. L'entrepreneuriat (caractéristiques): Ambitious Rejection makes you determined to succeed Don't mind working long hours Strong convictions and beliefs Organized Trust your own judgements Self-confident Self-starter Likes working with people but can also work alone Good people skills Not afraid to ask for money and help Enjoys challenges Responsible Risk taker Likes to do things in their own way Leader C.V. (Resume): A summary of your education, skills, and work history An advertisement of you The purpose is to get an interview Different fields of jobs require different resumes as each resume should emphasize different aspects of your work experience Employers spend around 15 seconds looking over a resume No more than 2 pages Neat, easy to read, and well-organized No use of personal pronouns No complete sentences Leave out anything negative La lettre de présentation (cover letter): Additional information about your skills, experience, and why you are a good fit for the position A personalized introduction to the employer and complements your resume by explaining your motivation for applying and highlighting relevant qualifications Purpose: an introduction to your application and allows you to express your interest in the position and the company; gives you the chance to emphasize specific skills and experiences that match the job description; can be used to explain career transitions or gaps in employment; allows you to demonstrate how your background, skills, and interests align with the company's needs and values Tailor your cover letter for each job application to reflect the job description and company culture Keep it to one page, clear, and focused on the most relevant information Use a formal tone and avoid overly casual language Les references: Relatives are NOT valid Ideal ones: present or previous employers; a previous teacher; a respected person in the community (a pastor, lawyer, etc.); a family friend Always include: their full name; their business position or professional title; their business address their business telephone number Always ask the person's permission to use their name as a reference Les Entrevues (interviews): "Vous n'aurez jamais une chance de faire une bonne première impression" - David Swanson "Body languages is 90% of the message communicated" C'est l'occasion de le convaincre que tue es le meilleur candidat pour le poste La préparation devrait commencer avec des recherches Tu devrais te renseigner au sujet de l'entreprise et du poste Tu devrais connaître tous les taches nécessaire pour cette emploi Tu devrais préparer à l'avance les réponses aux questions qui sont typiquement posées pendant les entrevues Le jour de l'entrevue arrivé à l'heure, apporter une portfolio ou un dossier avec une copie supplémentaire de ton C.V et de ta lettre de présentation, une page tapée avec tes références Porte des vêtements propres et repassés porte pas des parfums ou d'autre produit d'odeur Le présentation: (greet your interviewer, shake their hand with confidence, don't sit down until they ask you, or ask them, smile) L'échange: La plus longue période de l'entrevue, c'est quand vous êtes posé beaucoup des questions, resté calme et répond avec confiance Maintiens le contact des yeux quand vous êtes posé des questions. Pour tes réponses soit spécifique répond avec les réponses plus détaillé que "oui" ou "non" Si vous ne comprenez pas la questions demande pour une meilleure explication Une moment dans l'entrevue l'intervieweur te demandera si tu as des questions à poser, ne quitte jamais l'entrevue sans poser des questions. La conclusion: C'est la dernière chance d'impressionner l'employeur. Souris et remercie l'intervieweur de t'avoir accordé l'entrevue. Exprime tes intérêts pour cet emploi. (You can shake their hand again.) Quite l'entrevue de façon positive et confiante. Après l'entrevue noter certains détails importants, comme le nom et le titre de l'intervieweur, les questions posées, etc. Envoyé l'employeur une lettre pour l'impressionner réaffirme ton enthousiasme. Utilise le 30 inch standard ne soyez pas très proche de lui pour assurer que l'interviewer n'est nas uncomfortable Revision pour examen de carrières Le Processus du développement de vie ou carrière: 1. Connaissance de soi • Centres d'intérêt, habiletés, compétences, aptitudes, valeurs, style personnel. 2. Connaissance de la carrière visée • Communauté/loisirs éducation Occupations/ métiers 3. Vision long-terme Détermination des objectifs • Prise de décision Un portfolio: • Un ensemble de documents pour montrer ta connaissance, avec tes habiletés et compétences. Les Valeurs (des adolescents): • Les exemples comme l'amitié, Être aimé ou aimé, Liberté, Succès, Vie aisée, Intimité, Vie familiale, Emotions vives, Reconnaissance, Popularité Les habiletés (skills): • Les choses que tu peux faire pour un certain emploi. Q.I, Les Intelligences Multiples, Howard Gardner: Q.I: Une note de vos assessments standard, et vos intelligences traditionnelles Évalué à travers des tests standardisés Pour évaluer diverses capacités cognitives, telles que la résolution de problèmes, le raisonnement, la mémoire, les compétences mathématiques et la compréhension verbale Howard Gardner: Un psychologue américain du développement renommé Surtout connu pour sa théorie des intelligences multiples A eu un impact profond sur les pratiques éducatives, encourageant les éducateurs à adapter les méthodes d'enseignement aux différentes intelligences des élèves 1. L'intelligence Corporelle: (athletics capabilities and intelligence) -Vous comprenez les forces et les faiblesses de votre corps -Vous êtes capable de contrôler la façon dont votre corps bouge- vous avez une bonne coordination Vous êtes habile à travailler avec vos mains 2. L'intelligence Visuelle-spatiale:(artistic capabilities) - Vous voyez des images dans votre imagination -Vous remarquez les couleurs, les formes et les contours - Vous savez fabriquer des maquettes pleines d'imagination à partir d'argile,d'argile, de peinture ou de bois pour illustrer vos idées 3. L'intelligence Intrapersonnelle: ( personnel intelligence, independence) Vous etes presque toujours conscient de vos propres sentiments et émotions Vous avez des objectifs bien définis pour votre avenir Vous êtes motivé, vous agissez de votre propre initiative. 4. L'intelligence Musicale: (musical intelligence) -Vous appréciez divers genres Vous appréciez divers genres de musique Vous chantez et jouez d'un de musique Vous composez des mélodies dans votre tête. 5. L'intelligence Logico-Mathématique (mathematical capabilities or interests) Vous tirez des conclusions à partir de ce que vous observez Vous aimez découvrir les cohérences, les tendances et les éléments systématiques de la vie Vous aimez travailler avec les chiffres et les données scientifiques 6. L'intelligence Verbo-Linguistique (How you communicate and understand languages) Vous connaissez et vous utilisez un grand nombre de mots Vous savez manier la langue correctement Vous comprenez combien il est important d'avoir un vocabulaire étendu pour communiquer. 7. L'intelligence Interpersonnelle (social skills and adaptability) Vous aimez être avec les autres Vous êtes sensible à l'égard des sentiments des autres On vous respecte parce que vous vous entendez bien avec les autres 8. L'intelligence Naturaliste: ( Like being in nature enjoy the outdoors) (didn't talk about this at all in class) Les couleurs: "We are a blend of all four colours and although we have a preference for one colour or type, we use all four in various aspects of our lives" Gold: calm, collected, normal, practical, responsible, organized, etc. Green: analytical, precise, competitive, curious, investigative, thinking, learner, etc. Blue: caring, creative, feeling-based, emotional, people person, human interaction, etc. Orange: adventurous, spontaneous, risk-taker, competitive, exciting, learning by experience, etc. Gold → normal, basic; Green → mathematical, calculated; Blue → feeling, emotional; Orange → activity, experiences Les types d'apprenants: Visuel → tu apprends en observant et en regardant Auditif → tu apprends en écoutant Kinesthésique → tu apprends au toucher et en passant à l'action Les Hémishperes: L'hémisphère gauche du cerveau est associé avec la logique, au langage et à la pensée analytique. Il excelle quand il s'agit de nommer et de catégoriser des choses, dans tout ce qui est abstraction symbolique, la parole, la lecture, l'écriture et l'arithmétique. Le mode de pensée est linéaire, chaque chose est placée de façon séquentielle, selon un certain ordre. L'hémisphère droit fonctionne d'une manière synthétique et excelle dans tout ce qui est visuel spatial, les perceptions, et l'intuition. La pensée est non linéaire et non séquentielle et le traitement est très rapide. Les types de personnalités: Artistique → Creative, expressive, enjoys working with ideas, art, or design Entreprenant → Persuasive, energetic, enjoys leadership roles, business-oriented Realiste → Practical, hands-on, prefers working with tools, machines, or outdoors Social → Friendly, cooperative, enjoys helping others, strong interpersonal skills Investigateur → Analytical, curious, enjoys research and problem-solving Conventionnel → Organized, detail-oriented, prefers structured tasks, good with data and numbers Lecture du Perspective Ecouter ton coeur Trouvez vos passions Le Conférence Board Le Conference Board du Canada est le principal organisme indépendant de recherche appliquée du pays L'organisation à but non lucratif fournit des informations exploitables pour aider les dirigeants du Canada à prendre des décisions éclairées et fondées sur des données probantes. Les compétences réutilisables (transferable skills): A l’heure Travail en equipe Responsable Organiser Flexible Le Tableau Éducatif (High School Planner): • Les cours que vous choisissez en prenant en considération les exigences (myBlueprint) OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma) et les exigences: (Requirements): OSSLT 40 heures de services bénévolat 30 cours d'école secondaire 10 pour certificat français Со-ор: Un stage dans votre domaine préparé pendant votre année scolaire. 2 crédits par semestre ou 4 par an. Vos notes sont décidées par vos performances dans ce stage d'emploi. Les tendances dans le monde du travail: L'ancien monde du travail - Les salaires fixes avec le bénéfices et pensions Emploi pour tout le vie Hierarchie Grande compagnies 9-5 routines fixe Habileté spécifique Services essentiels était fournis par les autres L'éducation en premier Le nouveau monde du travail - 6 à 8 changements majeures Emploi temps courte terme (gig work) Petite entreprise avec une but spécifique Horaire flexible Télétravail (remote work) Les compétences réutilisables Chaque personne est responsable pour leur services essentiel La sécurité en travail + WHMIS: Plus de 16 000 jeunes de moins de 25 ans sont blessés au travail chaque année This can happen through: lifting, cutting, burns, slipping, falling, strains, etc. Appropriate orientation and health and safety training by the employer is REQUIRED when a young person starts a new job Tu as le droit de dire NON au travail quand l'environnement n'est pas sain Les parents peuvent avoir des conversations avec leurs enfants pour les garder sain et sauf au travail WHMIS: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System WHMIS in French: Système d'information sur les matières dangereuses utilisées au travail (SIMDUT) La communication: L'émetteur ou l'émetteur est la personnage qui envoie le message Le ou la destinataire et le personne qui reçoit le message Rétroaction: Feedback, les gestes, les expressions du visage et des réponses Jargon (complicated language) Les gens passent plus de temps à écouter qu'à toute autre forme de communication Écouter est la participation et quand vous processe de l'information Entendre est quand vous écoutez le bruit Avec concentration V.S. Sans concentration 75% de l'information continue dans un message peut se perdre La communication non-verbale: Expressions Visuelles, les gestes et la posture. Des vêtements, des mouvements de corps, du soins de l'apparence Les demandes d'emploi: - quitter 2 semaines en avance Vos droits au travail: Heures de travail et périodes de repas → 8 hours full time (after 5 hours, 30 minutes needed to eat) Heures supplémentaires → After 44 hours, it hours, it becomes overtime (which is 1.5 times your normal pay) Le salaire minimum → $17,20 (adulte) et $16,20 (étudiant) Le jour de paie → it has to be consistent Les vacances et la salaire: 4% of gross salary (*if you are working for less than 5 years, 2 weeks of unpaid, but if 5 years then it's 3 weeks) Les jours fériés (public holidays) → il y en a 9! Les congés → varies from job La notification → to give notice at a job L'âge d'embaucher → you can be hired at 16! L'entraînement→ you get paid even when you are being trained at a job Déductions → after all of your deductions, this is the money you can actually get to take home Équipes (shifts) → 8 heures de repos entre Bénéfices → depends on the job Vacances → depends on the job Démissionner → at least two weeks of notice (resignation) Renvoyer → to be fired Licenciement → to be laid off (could be permanent or you may be called back) Income → money you receive in exchange for labour, products, or services Gross income → total personal income before deductions Net income → personal income after deductions; also known as "take home pay"; what you "catch in your net" is what you take home Deductions - > money that is subtracted from your total income, usually by the employer (taxes, Canada Pension Plan, employment insurance premiums, union dues, benefits plan, life insurance premiums, disability premiums, savings programs, work pension plan, etc.) Canada Pension Plan → a compulsory, earnings-related insurance program that provides you and your family with partial replacement of earnings in the case of retirement, disability, or death Employment benefits → non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries; these usually include health, dental, or retirement plans arranged for by the employer Income tax → a percentage of your income is paid to the government to cover public services within our social infrastructure such as pensions, health care, roads, public education, etc. L'entrepreneuriat (caractéristiques): Ambitious Rejection makes you determined to succeed Don't mind working long hours Strong convictions and beliefs Organized Trust your own judgements Self-confident Self-starter Likes working with people but can also work alone Good people skills Not afraid to ask for money and help Enjoys challenges Responsible Risk taker Likes to do things in their own way Leader C.V. (Resume): A summary of your education, skills, and work history An advertisement of you The purpose is to get an interview Different fields of jobs require different resumes as each resume should emphasize different aspects of your work experience Employers spend around 15 seconds looking over a resume No more than 2 pages Neat, easy to read, and well-organized No use of personal pronouns No complete sentences Leave out anything negative La lettre de présentation (cover letter): Additional information about your skills, experience, and why you are a good fit for the position A personalized introduction to the employer and complements your resume by explaining your motivation for applying and highlighting relevant qualifications Purpose: an introduction to your application and allows you to express your interest in the position and the company; gives you the chance to emphasize specific skills and experiences that match the job description; can be used to explain career transitions or gaps in employment; allows you to demonstrate how your background, skills, and interests align with the company's needs and values Tailor your cover letter for each job application to reflect the job description and company culture Keep it to one page, clear, and focused on the most relevant information Use a formal tone and avoid overly casual language Les references: Relatives are NOT valid Ideal ones: present or previous employers; a previous teacher; a respected person in the community (a pastor, lawyer, etc.); a family friend Always include: their full name; their business position or professional title; their business address their business telephone number Always ask the person's permission to use their name as a reference Les Entrevues (interviews): "Vous n'aurez jamais une chance de faire une bonne première impression" - David Swanson "Body languages is 90% of the message communicated" C'est l'occasion de le convaincre que tue es le meilleur candidat pour le poste La préparation devrait commencer avec des recherches Tu devrais te renseigner au sujet de l'entreprise et du poste Tu devrais connaître tous les taches nécessaire pour cette emploi Tu devrais préparer à l'avance les réponses aux questions qui sont typiquement posées pendant les entrevues Le jour de l'entrevue arrivé à l'heure, apporter une portfolio ou un dossier avec une copie supplémentaire de ton C.V et de ta lettre de présentation, une page tapée avec tes références Porte des vêtements propres et repassés porte pas des parfums ou d'autre produit d'odeur Le présentation: (greet your interviewer, shake their hand with confidence, don't sit down until they ask you, or ask them, smile) L'échange: La plus longue période de l'entrevue, c'est quand vous êtes posé beaucoup des questions, resté calme et répond avec confiance Maintiens le contact des yeux quand vous êtes posé des questions. Pour tes réponses soit spécifique répond avec les réponses plus détaillé que "oui" ou "non" Si vous ne comprenez pas la questions demande pour une meilleure explication Une moment dans l'entrevue l'intervieweur te demandera si tu as des questions à poser, ne quitte jamais l'entrevue sans poser des questions. La conclusion: C'est la dernière chance d'impressionner l'employeur. Souris et remercie l'intervieweur de t'avoir accordé l'entrevue. Exprime tes intérêts pour cet emploi. (You can shake their hand again.) Quite l'entrevue de façon positive et confiante. Après l'entrevue noter certains détails importants, comme le nom et le titre de l'intervieweur, les questions posées, etc. Envoyé l'employeur une lettre pour l'impressionner réaffirme ton enthousiasme. Utilise le 30 inch standard ne soyez pas très proche de lui pour assurer que l'interviewer n'est nas uncomfortable
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Economics Study Guide: Supply, Demand, and Macroeconomic Principles Short-Answer Questions (2-3 sentences each): What is the fundamental concept of economics, and how does it relate to scarcity? Explain the law of demand. What is the relationship between price and quantity demanded? What are two factors besides price that can influence the demand for a product? Give a brief example of each. Describe the law of supply. How does it differ from the law of demand? What is market equilibrium, and why is it significant in economics? How do you calculate total revenue for a product? What is a normal good, and how does its demand respond to changes in income? Define substitutes and complements in the context of economics. Provide an example of each. Explain the difference between a shift in demand and a movement along the demand curve. What is GDP, and why is it considered a key indicator of a country's economic performance? Short-Answer Key: Economics is the study of how individuals, businesses, and societies make choices about how to allocate scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited wants and needs. It centers on the problem of scarcity, meaning there are limited resources available to meet our desires. The law of demand states that, all else being equal, as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity demanded decreases, and vice versa. This inverse relationship implies that consumers are generally willing to buy more at lower prices. Two factors influencing demand are income and consumer preferences. For example, if people's incomes increase, they might demand more luxury goods. Alternatively, a shift in consumer preference toward healthier lifestyles might increase demand for organic foods. The law of supply states that, all else being equal, as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity supplied increases, and vice versa. Unlike the inverse relationship in the law of demand, the law of supply shows a positive relationship, where producers are more willing to supply goods or services at higher prices. Market equilibrium is the point where the quantity demanded of a good or service equals the quantity supplied. At this point, the market is stable because there are no surpluses or shortages, and prices tend to remain constant. Total revenue is calculated by multiplying the price of a product by the quantity supplied (Total Revenue = Price x Quantity Supplied). It represents the total receipts a seller can obtain from selling goods or services. A normal good is a good whose demand increases as consumer income rises. This means that as people earn more, they tend to purchase more of these goods. Substitutes are goods that can be used in place of one another. For example, Coke and Pepsi are substitutes. Complements are goods that are consumed together. For example, cars and gasoline are complements. A movement along the demand curve occurs solely due to a change in the price of the good itself. In contrast, a shift in demand is caused by factors other than price, such as changes in income, consumer preferences, or the prices of related goods, leading to a completely new demand curve at every price level. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is the total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period. It serves as a comprehensive indicator to measure a country's economic health and standard of living. Essay Questions: Explain the concept of equilibrium in a competitive market. How do the forces of supply and demand interact to determine the equilibrium price and quantity? What happens to equilibrium price and quantity when there is a change in supply or demand? Discuss the factors that can cause a shift in the demand curve. Illustrate your answer with examples of events that could shift the demand curve for coffee to the right. Explain the difference between a change in quantity supplied and a change in supply. What factors can cause a change in supply? Illustrate your answer with examples of events that could shift the supply curve for wheat to the left. What is economic inequality, and what are some of its potential causes and consequences? How can governments address economic inequality through policies and interventions? Define GDP and explain its components. Discuss the limitations of GDP as a measure of societal well-being. What are some alternative indicators that can be used to assess a country's progress beyond economic growth? Glossary of Key Terms: Economics: The study of how people make decisions in the face of scarcity. Scarcity: The fundamental economic problem that arises because resources are limited while human wants and needs are unlimited. Demand: The amount of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price. Quantity Demanded: The specific amount of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a particular price. Law of Demand: The principle that, all else being equal, there is an inverse relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded. Supply: The amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to sell at a given price. Quantity Supplied: The specific amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to sell at a particular price. Law of Supply: The principle that, all else being equal, there is a positive relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied. Equilibrium: A state in which the forces of supply and demand are balanced, resulting in stable prices and no surpluses or shortages. Equilibrium Price: The price at which the quantity demanded of a good or service equals the quantity supplied. Equilibrium Quantity: The quantity of a good or service bought and sold at the equilibrium price. Total Revenue: The total amount of money received by a seller from the sale of a good or service, calculated as price times quantity sold. Normal Good: A good for which demand increases as income increases. Inferior Good: A good for which demand decreases as income increases. Substitutes: Goods that can be used in place of one another. Complements: Goods that are consumed together. Shift in Demand: A change in the quantity demanded at every price; represented by a shift of the entire demand curve. Movement Along the Demand Curve: A change in the quantity demanded of a good that is caused only by a change in that good’s by price. GDP (Gross Domestic Product): The total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period. Economic Inequality: The unequal distribution of income and wealth within a society. Market Dynamics: Economics is the study of how individuals and societies utilize scarce resources to satisfy their needs and wants. A fundamental concept in economics is the interaction between supply and demand within a market. Demand: Represents the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at various prices. Law of Demand: As price increases, quantity demanded decreases, and vice versa. ("Economics AI") Factors influencing demand include: Price Income Prices of related goods (substitutes and complements) Tastes and preferences Expectations Population changes Supply: Represents the quantity of a good or service that producers are willing and able to offer at various prices. Law of Supply: As price increases, quantity supplied increases, and vice versa. ("Economics AI") Factors influencing supply include: Natural conditions Input prices Technology Government policies Equilibrium: The point at which supply and demand intersect, determining the market price and quantity. At equilibrium, there is no surplus or shortage. ("Economics2e-Ch03.pdf") II. Factors Affecting Supply and Demand: Demand:A shift in the demand curve occurs when factors other than price change the quantity demanded at every price level. ("Economics2e-Ch03.pdf") For example, an increase in income for a normal good will shift the demand curve to the right, indicating a higher quantity demanded at each price point. ("Economics JOURNAL: WORD") Conversely, a decrease in income for an inferior good will increase demand. ("Economics2e-Ch03.pdf") Substitute goods see increased demand when the price of the original good rises. ("Economics JOURNAL: WORD") Complementary goods experience higher demand when the price of the related good falls. ("Economics JOURNAL: WORD") Supply:Similar to demand, a shift in the supply curve happens when non-price factors alter the quantity supplied at all price levels. ("Economics2e-Ch03.pdf") Adverse natural conditions can decrease supply (shift the curve left), as illustrated by the example: "if it snows I can't grow weed". ("Economics JOURNAL: WORD") Technological advancements can increase supply (shift the curve right) by making production more efficient. ("Economics2e-Ch03.pdf") III. Macroeconomic Perspectives and Measuring Economic Performance: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): GDP is the total value of all final goods and services produced within a country during a specific period. It serves as a measure of a nation's economic size and overall health. ("Economics2e-Ch19.pdf") Components of GDP: GDP can be measured by analyzing the demand side (consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports) or the production side (durable goods, nondurable goods, services, structures, and changes in inventories). ("Economics2e-Ch19.pdf") Nominal GDP: GDP measured in current prices, not adjusted for inflation. Real GDP: GDP adjusted for inflation, providing a more accurate picture of economic growth over time. To calculate Real GDP, the formula is: "Real GDP = Nominal GDP / Price Index / 100". ("Economics2e-Ch19.pdf") GDP per capita: GDP divided by population, used to compare economic output on a per-person basis across countries. ("Economics2e-Ch19.pdf") Economic Growth and Convergence: Sustained economic growth is crucial for raising living standards. Even small growth rates compounded over time lead to significant changes in well-being. ("Economics2e-Ch20 (1).pdf") Economic convergence suggests that economies with lower per capita incomes tend to grow at faster rates than richer economies, potentially leading to a narrowing of the gap in living standards. ("Economics2e-Ch20 (1).pdf") Monetary Policy: Central banks, such as the Federal Reserve in the United States, use monetary policy tools to influence the money supply and interest rates to achieve macroeconomic objectives. ("Economics2e-Ch28.pdf") Open market operations: Buying or selling government bonds to influence the money supply. Reserve requirements: Setting the percentage of deposits banks must hold as reserves. Discount rate: The interest rate charged by the central bank to commercial banks for loans. Fiscal Policy: Government use of spending and taxation to influence the economy. ("Economics2e-Ch30 (1).pdf") Budget deficit: Occurs when government expenditures exceed revenues in a fiscal year. National debt: The cumulative amount of money the government owes to its creditors. IV. International Trade and Comparative Advantage: Absolute advantage: When a country can produce more of a good with fewer resources than another country. ("Economics2e-Ch33.pdf") Comparative advantage: A country has a comparative advantage when it can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another country. This forms the basis for gains from trade. ("Economics2e-Ch33.pdf") Specialization and trade allow countries to consume beyond their production possibilities frontiers, resulting in mutual benefits. ("Economics2e-Ch33.pdf") This briefing doc provides an overview of core economic principles, market dynamics, and macroeconomic concepts. It highlights the interplay of supply and demand, factors influencing economic growth, the role of monetary and fiscal policies, and the benefits of international trade based on comparative advantage.
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