Structural-Functionalism perspective means stratification is necessary to induce people with special intelligence, knowledge and skills.
Self-actualization developed by education applied in real life situations to help one reach full potential and establish oneself as a whole
Primary education is a human right because it is essential in the early stages of human development
Informal, is the type of education the family imparts to the child The function of Special Education in the Philippine Educational system is to develop the maximum potential of the child with special needs)
The importance of education in society is to provides knowledge, including basic facts, job skills, cultural norms and values.
Established the free school system with English as the medium of instruction) is the important contribution the Americans gave to Philippine educational system
IPRA Law addresses Ethnic minorities
Adaptation a change by which an organism becomes better suited to its environment
Behavioral Adaptation that is composed of the inherited behavior chains and ability to Tearn
Forced Migration is a kind of migration exists when a person move against his will
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such as slaves or when the move is initiated because of external factors such as natural disaster or civil war
Social inequality is the difference in the distribution of social desirables.
Social relationships are better these days than during the colonization period because the present government implemented laws to regulate and protect people's rights
( The 4P's program of the government gave the cash grants to the poorest of the poor.
International inequality is the term used to call the inequalities between countries
Conditional Cash Transfer is the other term for the 4P's
Land Transfer)supports the Agrarian Reform Program in the Philippines
Land Reform Law is a program of the government that required the big land owner to transfer their excess land property
(Gender and Development justifies RA
9710 otherwise known as Magna Carta for Women
The function of the government in addressing social inequalities is to provides laws to minimize social inequalities