the physiological, behavioural, cognitive, and social changes that occur throughout human life, which are guided by both genetic predispositions (nature) and by environmental influences (nurture)
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development psychology
A field of psychology that studies human growth and changes across the lifespan, including physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality and emotional growth.
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developmental period
Refers to a time in a person’s life that is characterized by certain features.
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aspects refer to the physical changes such as increase in height and weight
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are the changes in the way an individual think and learn
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changes in relationship with other people, emotion and personality
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nature and nurture
The extent to which development is influenced by the individual’s biological inheritance (nature) and environment experiences (nurture)
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john locke
newborns are black slate or tabula rasa
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jean jacques rousseau
Children are capable of discovering how the world operates and how they should behave without instruction from adults.)
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arnord gesell
He suggested that children will go through the same stages of development, in the same sequence but each child will go through the stages at their own rate
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james b watson
Environment, not nature, molds and shapes development.
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jean piaget
: Nature and nurture work together and that their influences are inseparable and interactive
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epigenetic view
The development reflects an ongoing bidirectional interchange between heredity and environment.
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prenatal period
The period of development from conception to birth. Takes between 266 days to 280 days ( 38 to 40 weeks)
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germinal, embryotic and fetal
the three periods of prenatal development
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germinal period
the period where zygote is created through sperm fertilizing the egg. first 2 weeks after post conception. It ends when the zygote is being attached to the uterine wall.
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embryonic period
2 to 8 weeks after conception. it is the critical period. This is the time when organs appear and support systems are form such as the placenta and umbilical cord.
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2 to 3 months to birth. This occupies the end of 3 months up to the last month. Brain and remarkably developing and amazing changes and growth take place until it is ready to be born
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agents that cause birth defects or alter cognitive and behavioral outcomes. from greek word ''tera'' means monsters
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infancy and toddlerhood
there is a rapid growth and change. It occupies that first two years of life. Several changes include the increase in neural connection in the brain along with physical and language development.
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the sequence in which the earliest growth occurs at the top to bottom., an infant can use first their hands before their legs or has bigger heads and smaller bodies,
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the sequence in which the growth starts at the center of the body and moves towards extremities. growth starts at the center of the body toward the extremities. For example, an infant can move first his arms effectively before they can grasp using their fingers.
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early childhood
the preschool age. occupies the age 3 to 5 years often referred to as preschool age. In this period, children are learning school readiness skills such as following instructions and identifying letters. Play is their significant activity with peers which contributes to their cognitive and socioemotional development.
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middle and late childhood
When children reach 6 to 11 years old, slow and consistent physical growth takes place. This is the period when children goes to grade school prepared to learn fundamental skills such as reading , writing and arithmetic .Being in school, achievement becomes a central theme.
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a transitional period in the life span linking childhood and adulthood. The age range for this period is from 10 to 21 years. Dramatic changes occur physically such as increase in height and weight, changes in body shape, and the development of secondary sex characteristics. The question “ Who AM I” confronts the adolescent as he or she searches for identity
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early adulthood
20s to 30s. The transition period from Adolescence to Adulthood (18- 25) characterized by experimentation and exploration. At this age, individuals prepares for a career as they take college education. Later in this period, an individual advances in career, selects a life partner and start building a family.
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middle adulthood
40s to 50s The transition period from Adolescence to Adulthood (18- 25) characterized by experimentation and exploration. At this age, individuals prepares for a career as they take college education. Later in this period, an individual advances in career, selects a life partner and start building a family.
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late adulthood
60s to death has the longest span in any period of development as it can start from 60s onwards. This is a period of decline as the strength and health diminishes. A period of retirement and life review. The late adults, checked on how they spent their lives.