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Here’s your revised and organized notes: ⸻ Main Causes of the Boom WWI • Took place 1914-1918. • America joined in 1917. • Sold products to Britain and allies throughout the war. • Loaned money to Britain and allies, which was later used to buy war supplies from the USA. • America took over production due to disruptions in Europe. • No post-war destruction in the USA. • More jobs for soldiers when they returned. Government Policies • Republican government helped businesses. • Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act: Placed a tariff on goods imported from abroad. • Encouraged Americans to purchase American goods. • Tax cuts for the rich so more jobs could be created. • More money to buy consumer goods. New Ways to Buy and Sell • Advertising: billboards, magazines, newspapers. • Catalogs: people living in rural America could buy consumer goods. • Hire purchase plan: Spread out costs over a long period of time. Consumer Society • Americans became obsessed with buying things. • Advertisements encouraged people to spend their paychecks on new items, boosting the economy. • Benefited wealthier people, as they had more access to electrical products. Mass Production • Goods were not made by a single person but by many people on a conveyor line. • Ford invented it in 1913 to make his Model T car, which got cheaper every year. • 1925 price of the car: $290 (instead of the earlier $850). • Meant employees had to be trained for only one job on the line. • Goods were produced quickly and in bulk, making them cheaper and increasing profits. • Business owners benefited as they could mass-produce products faster and in better working conditions. ⸻ How Were Their Lives Affected? Factory Workers (Cotton & Wool) • Did not benefit. • Less demand for their products due to man-made fibers such as rayon. • Fashion used less fabric. • Prices fell, factories closed, and people were laid off. • Economic effects: drop in employment. African Americans (Did Not Benefit) • Sharecroppers had to give a portion of their land as rent. • Farmers lost out as there was a much lower demand for food after Europe began to redevelop. • Many Black people without jobs were unable to get new ones due to institutional racism. • Economic and social disadvantages. Farmers (Did Not Benefit) • Europe recovered and didn’t require American crops, leading to high unemployment. • 600,000 people unemployed. • High-tech meant more food was produced, lowering production costs but also leading to oversupply. • Economic struggles as they couldn’t sell goods to Europe, which was self-sufficient. • Combine harvesters and tractors allowed for greater production but didn’t help struggling farmers. ⸻ This structure makes it easier to follow and connects the causes of the boom with its effects
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Save Flashcards Learn Test Blocks New Blast Match Worries about Kennedy during 1960 election Shortcut Press Space or click on the card to flip He was too young, inexperienced, and Catholic Track progress 4 / 58 Profile Picture Vera_Klochkova Top creator on Quizlet · Created 5 days ago 0:05 / 0:15 Students also studied Flashcard sets Study guides Practice tests Modern Era Review Teacher 167 terms Profile Picture PhillipsPHS Preview Civil Rights 69 terms Profile Picture apantis7 Preview Lecture Notes (History 5B-01 Final) 83 terms Profile Picture Samuel_Soohoo7 Preview Chapter #26 Quiz 10 terms Profile Picture pixelpirate87 Preview HIST 1302 Exam 3 40 terms Profile Picture jeremy1220045 Preview ap world unit 5 learning objectives & historical developments 11 terms Profile Picture Paul_Espinosa32 Preview history test 6 terms Profile Picture isabel_irwin9 Preview Neolithic Era: Turning Point in History 21 terms Profile Picture artisticallyselena Preview Unit 4 History Study Guide 24 terms Profile Picture crimsontraylor723 Preview ch. 28--29 45 terms Profile Picture leslierodriguez_24 Preview LOUISIANA HISTORY: Chapter 1, Lesson 4 34 terms Profile Picture frcramer Preview Mil History WEEK 1 7 terms Profile Picture SiahQuizzes Preview Ship Designations and Classes 41 terms Profile Picture sayers001 Preview Worldview and the History of Life 56 terms Profile Picture bbene792 Preview Key Events and Concepts of WWII and Human Rights 84 terms Profile Picture kaptsany27 Preview Chapter 16 Terms 20 terms Profile Picture A_ydunx Preview World War I Causes and Impact 38 terms Profile Picture quizlette76576101 Preview Euro 8.2 WW1 9 terms Profile Picture Daniela_Arana-Duenas Preview 9/11 Quiz 25 terms Profile Picture aprilsimmons8 Preview History WWII Test 19 terms Profile Picture vbaseball09 Preview Social Studies 5004 World History 49 terms Profile Picture anna_reimers7 Preview World History : Chapter 19 - 21 Vocab 39 terms Profile Picture aucletic Preview AP World History People 30 terms Profile Picture Allyson_Bell924208 Preview Final Exam for Global World History 56 terms Profile Picture Esme1058 Preview World History 7 terms Profile Picture plehmann2 Preview social studies 13 terms Profile Picture Amanda_Lin57 Preview AP U.S. History - Chapter 12 23 terms Profile Picture Mancan76 Preview Practice questions for this set Learn 1 / 7 Study with Learn Kennedy seemed cool & appealing, spoke to people - Nixon looked sickly, sweaty and uncomfortable Choose matching term 1 Engel v. vitale 2 Robert f. kennedy 3 Baker v. carr 4 Kennedy / Nixon Debate Don't know? Terms in this set (58) Your stats Still learning (58) You've started learning these terms. Keep it up! Select these 58 John F. Kennedy (JFK) 35th President - youngest man ever elected & first Catholic; won election by NARROW margin over Nixon; inspired HOPE in all Americans; assassinated in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22, 1963 Robert F. Kennedy Attorney General of the US; he was JFK's younger brother and trusted advisor Kennedy / Nixon Debate Kennedy seemed cool & appealing, spoke to people - Nixon looked sickly, sweaty and uncomfortable Worries about Kennedy during 1960 election He was too young, inexperienced, and Catholic Camelot Was the name of a popular Broadway musical about King Arthur who fought to make things right -- "Camelot" came to represent the energetic, idealistic image of the Kennedy White House Why were many of Kennedy's proposals defeated in Congress? He did NOT have a strong mandate to push them through Mandate Public endorsement of a candidate's proposals -Kennedy did NOT have this b/c he won by slim margin; LBJ did have this, he won by a landslide 3 Goals of Kennedy's New Frontier (1) Improve the economy / cut taxes (2) Fight poverty / provide aid to the poor (3) Speed up the space program **He gave Americans HOPE for a better future Strategies JFK used to improve relations between US and developing countries Peace Corp & Alliance for Progress Peace Corps Federal programs established to send AMERICAN VOLUNTEERS to help developing nations around the world to raise their standard of living - would help them resist communism Alliance for Progress Program set up by JFK for the US and cooperating nations to send money to LATIN AMERICA in an attempt to help them resist communism Berlin Crisis Soviet leader Khrushchev tried to bully Kennedy (wants US out of Berlin) - Kennedy responds by building up the US military - Khrushchev responds by building the Berlin Wall Why did USSR build the Berlin Wall? Built by the Soviets in order to prevent the EAST GERMANS from fleeing to West Berlin for freedom Bay of Pigs Invasion - who planned it? Eisenhower - he approved plans for the CIA to train Cuban exiles as guerillas to invade Cuba Bay of Pigs Invasion - what happened? 1,400 Cuban exiles invaded Cuba on April 17, 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion - goal? To overthrow Fidel Castro, the communist leader of Cuba Bay of Pigs Invasion - outcome? The mission failed miserably - Kennedy's administration humiliated - Cuba gov't turned to USSR for protection from the US Cuban Missile Crisis The confrontation between the US and the USSR that brought them to the brink of a nuclear war What event started the Cuban Missile Crisis? American spy plane discovered Russian missile sites being placed in Cuba 4 options Kennedy had in handling the Cuban Missile Crisis 1) Do nothing & avoid immediate war 2) Attack and destroy missile site 3) Diplomatic pressure to remove missiles 4) Naval blockade (quarantine) How was the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved? Kennedy set up a naval blockade - Soviets backed off - Soviets agreed to remove missiles from Cuba - US agreed not to invade Cuba Results of Cuban Missile Crisis US promised to remove their missiles from Turkey, US & Soviets signed Limited Test Ban Treaty, US & Soviets establish "hot-line" for future crises Nikita Krushchev Soviet leader (1953-1964) during Berlin crisis and the Cuban Missile Crisis. He and JFK signed the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1963, temporarily easing Cold War tensions Hotline Direct telephone line between US & Soviets that was set up after the Cuban missile crisis; direct line of communication between JFK & Khushchev Effect Cold War had on NASA US was losing the space war to the Soviets, US spent a lot of money on NASA and on science & math education in schools JFKs goal for NASA To land a man on the moon before 1970 Limited Test Ban Treaty An agreement between the US & Soviets, and 40 other countries, not to test nuclear weapons above ground; result of Cuban missile crisis November 22, 1963 President Kennedy was shot and killed Why did Kennedy's assassination deeply affect Americans? He represented hope for a better future Magic Bullet Theory Theory by Warren Commission that one bullet caused wounds in both Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally, who sat in the front seat of the presidential limousine Lee Harvey Oswald Ex-Marine & communist sympathizer who killed JFK in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963 - he was murdered two days later by Jack Ruby Jack Ruby Night club owner who assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald, he was suspected of having ties to Mafia What was the Warren Commission? A committee that investigated the assassination of President Kennedy Findings of Warren COMMISSION Determined that Oswald acted alone; 3 shots from the book depository Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) Vice-president to JFK; became the 36th president after Kennedy's assassination; reelected in 1964; domestic policy called the "Great Society" Great Society Johnson's domestic policy - series of legislative issues that included major poverty relief, education aid, healthcare, voting rights, conservation, urban renewal & economic development (his programs were a continuation of JFKs New Frontier plans) Criticism of the Great Society It spent too much money on the poor and it gave too much authority to Fed. gov't Equal Pay Act of 1963 Law that required both men and women to receive equal pay for equal work Civil Rights Act of 1964 A federal law that made discrimination illegal in voting, public places, schools and jobs VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) Federal program to send volunteers to help people in poor communities in the U.S.; includes Head Start pre-school program to help kids from low income families Medicare Federal program that provides health insurance for Americans 65 and older Medicaid Federal program that provides health insurance to poor Americans of any age who cannot afford it Immigration Act of 1965 Law that abolished immigration quotas and increased the number of immigrants allowed into the US What is the Warren Court? Supreme Court named after Chief of Justice Earl Warren during JFK's presidency - he overturned many old laws & rulings & established new legal procedures 5 matters supported by the Warren COURT Rights of the accused, voting rights, the poor, civil rights, religious freedom Apportionment Warren Court decision about the way seats in a legislative body are distributed among electoral districts Baker v. Carr Voting districts must be based on population - "one person, one vote" Engel v. Vitale Public schools can't require a school prayer because it defies separation of church and state Mapp v. Ohio Police required to have specific warrants in order to make arrests Miranda v. Arizona Criminal suspects must be informed of their right to consult with an attorney and of their right against self-incrimination Miranda Rule Ruling by the Warren Court that police must inform persons accused of a crime their legal rights Why LBJ won 1964 election by a landslide He ran against Barry Goldwater who threatened to use nuclear weapons (think of Daisy commercial) How did Johnson continue Kennedy's plan to eliminate poverty in the US He pushed to pass JFKs anti-poverty programs, such as the Economic Opportunity Act (including Head Start & VISTA) Relationship between Warren Court & Great Society Both dealt with the rights of the poor & disadvantaged Similarities between the New Frontier (JFK) & the Great Society (LBJ) Both focused on civil rights and helping the poor and elderly (believed federal gov't should help the less fortunate with their economic & social needs) Differences between the New Frontier (JFK) & the Great Society (LBJ) LBJ had a strong mandate in Congress and was able to get laws passed - JFK did not; LBJ focused on domestic policy, JFk more on foreign Panama Canal Zone Controlled by the US since early 1900's; in 1964, nationalist rioted & demanded US give up control - Panama President and LBJ negotiated treaties Invasion of Dominican Repbulic Attacks on Dominican Republic gov't by rebels. LBJ said it was fueled by Communists - sent 22,000 marines. Gov't & marines took control, attack over, provisional US gov't set up in 1965 Add or remove terms You can also click the terms or definitions to blur or reveal them Review with an activity About us About Quizlet How Quizlet works Careers Advertise with us Get the app For students Flashcards Test Learn Solutions Modern Learning Lab Quizlet Plus Study Guides Pomodoro timer For teachers Live Checkpoint Blog Be the Change Quizlet Plus for teachers Resources Help center Honor code Community guidelines Privacy Terms Ads and Cookie Settings Quizlet for Schools Parents Language English (USA) © 2025 Quizlet, Inc. COPPA Safe Harbor Certification seal Home Your library Notifications 2 MUSH Psychology 2023 Fall B Peri... 2023 Fall A Peri... Spanish 2H New folder Start here Flashcards Study Guides Practice Tests Expert Solutions Home
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Journal of Christopher Columbus, 1492 Journal of Christopher Columbus, 1492 First encounters between Europeans and Native Americans were dramatic events. In this account we see the assumptions and intentions of Christopher Columbus, as he immediately began assessing the potential of these people to serve European economic interests. He also predicted easy success for missionaries seeking to convert these people to Christianity. Thursday, October 11 …Presently many inhabitants of the island assembled. What follows is in the actual words of the Admiral in his book of the first navigation and discovery of the Indies. “I,” he says, ” that we might form great friendship, for I knew that they were a people who could be more easily freed and converted to our holy faith by love than by force, gave to some of them red caps, and glass beads to put round their necks, and many other things of little value, which gave them great pleasure, and made them so much our friends that it was a marvel to see. They afterwards came to the ship’s boats where we were, swimming and bringing us parrots, cotton threads in skeins, darts, and many other things; and we exchanged them for other things that we gave them, such as glass beads and small bells. In fine, they took all, and gave what they had with good will. It appeared to me to be a race of people very poor in everything. They go as naked as when their mothers bore them, and so do the women, although I did not see more than one young girl. All I saw were youths, none more than thirty years of age. They are very well made, with very handsome bodies, and very good countenances. Their hair is short and coarse, almost like the hairs of a horse’s tail. They wear the hairs brought down to the eyebrows, except a few locks behind, which they wear long and never cut. They paint themselves black, and they are the color of the Canarians, neither black nor white. Some paint themselves white, others red, and others of what color they find. Some paint their faces, others the whole body, some only round the eyes, others only on the nose. They neither carry nor know anything of arms, for I showed them swords, and they took them by the blade and cut themselves through ignorance. They have no iron, their darts being wands without iron, some of them having a fish’s tooth at the end, and others being pointed in various ways. They are all of fair stature and size, with good laces, and well made. I saw some with marks of wounds on their bodies, and I made signs to ask what it was, and they gave me to understand that people from other adjacent islands came with the intention of seizing them, and that they defended themselves. I believed, and still believe, that they come here from the mainland to take them prisoners. They should be good servants and intelligent, for I observed that they quickly took in what was said to them, and I believe that they would easily be made Christians, as it appeared to me that they had no religion, our Lord being pleased, will take hence, at the time of my departure, six natives for your Highnesses that they may learn to speak. I saw no beast of any kind except parrots, on this island.” The above is in the words of the admiral…. ..As soon as dawn broke many of these people came to the beach, al! youths, as I have said, and all of good stature, a very handsome people. Their hair is not curly, but loose and coarse, like horse hair. In all the forehead is broad, more so than in any other people I have hitherto seen. Their eyes are very beautiful and not small, and themselves far from black, but the color of the Canarians. Nor should anything; else be expected, as this island is in a line east and west from the island of Hierro in the Canaries. Their legs are very straight, all in one line,’ and no belly, but very well formed. They came to the ship in small canoes, made out of the trunk of a tree like a long boat, and all of one piece, and wonderfully worked, considering the country. They are large, some of them holding 40 to 45 men, others smaller, and some only large enough to hold one man. They are propelled with a paddle like a baker’s shovel, and go at a marvelous rate. If the canoe capsizes they all promptly begin to swim, and to bale it out with calabashes that they take with them. They brought skeins of cotton thread, parrots, darts, and other small things, which it would be tedious to recount, and they give all in exchange for anything that may be given to them. I was attentive, and took trouble to ascertain if there was gold. I saw that some of them had a small piece fastened in a hole they have in the nose, and by signs I was able to make out that to the south, or going from the island to the south, there was a king who had great cups full, and who possessed a great quantity. I tried to get them to go there, but afterwards I saw that they had no inclination. I resolved to wait until to-morrow in the afternoon and then to depart, shaping a course to the S.W. Sunday, October 14 …These people are very simple as regards the of arms, as your Highnesses will .sec from the seven that I caused to be taken, to bring home and learn our language and return; unless your Highnesses should order them all to be brought to Castile, or to be kept as captives on the same island; for with fifty men they can all be subjugated and made to do what is required of them… Sunday, November 4 …At sunrise the Admiral again went away- in the boat, and landed to hunt the birds he had seen the day before. After a time, Martin Alonso Pinzon came to him with two pieces of cinnamon, and said that a Portuguese, who was one of his crew, had seen an Indian carrying two very large bundles of it; but he had not bartered for it, because of the penalty imposed by the Admiral on anyone who bartered. He further said that this Indian carried some brown things like nutmegs. The master of the Pinta said that he had found the cinnamon trees. The Admiral went to the place, and found that they were not cinnamon trees. The Admiral showed the Indians some specimens of cinnamon and pepper he had brought from Castillo, and they knew it, and said, by signs, that there was plenty in the vicinity, pointing to the S.E. He also showed them gold and pearls, on which certain old men said that there an infinite quantity in a place called Holito} and that the people wore it on their necks, ears, arms, and legs, as well as pearls. He further understood them to say that there were great ships and much merchandise, all to the S.K. He also understood that, far away, there were men with one eye, and others with dogs’ noses who were cannibals, and that when they captured an enemy they beheaded him and drank his blood… The Journal of Christopher Columbus (During His First Voyage), and Documents Relating to the Voyages of John Cabot and Gaspar Corte Real, Clements R. Markham, ed. and trans. (London: 1893), 37-68
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